[Pkg-cli-libs-commits] [SCM] mono-zeroconf annotated tag, debian/0.9.0-2, created. debian/0.9.0-2

Jo Shields directhex at apebox.org
Sat Dec 26 23:12:13 UTC 2009

The annotated tag, debian/0.9.0-2 has been created
        at  ad669d1f0c5d1a01134df8fe2934f830545fed8f (tag)
   tagging  7fc27263feede3dc55b43ec296cdcd765c301eb9 (commit)
  replaces  debian/0.9.0-1
 tagged by  Jo Shields
        on  Sat Dec 26 23:11:00 2009 +0000

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 0.9.0-2

Jo Shields (9):
      * debian/control,
      * debian/control:
      * debian/libmono-zeroconf1.0-cil.links,
      * debian/monodoc-mono-zeroconf-manual.postinst:
      * debian/libmono-zeroconf1.0-cil.install,
      * debian/libmono-zeroconf1.0-cil.install,
      * debian/control:
      Finalize changelog



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