[Pkg-cli-libs-commits] [SCM] cecil annotated tag, debian/0.6+svn148654-1, created. debian/0.6+svn148654-1

Jo Shields directhex at apebox.org
Mon Jan 11 18:09:17 UTC 2010

The annotated tag, debian/0.6+svn148654-1 has been created
        at  97917e2948d643c26638edcf13a043714e0af03d (tag)
   tagging  c4e16980e9d44075866e28558cec514d87cc297c (commit)
  replaces  upstream/0.6+svn148654
 tagged by  Jo Shields
        on  Mon Jan 11 18:07:36 2010 +0000

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 0.6+svn148654-1

David Paleino (10):
      * debian/rules, debian/control:
      * debian/control:
      * debian/control:
      added ${misc:Depends} dependency
      + Standards-Version bumped to 3.8.0:
      * debian/patches/:
      Fix patch description, taken from changelog
      debian/watch added
      * debian/rules:
      added Vcs-* fields

Iain Lane (10):
      Merge branch 'upstream'
      Merge commit 'upstream/0.6'
      Remove .svn
      debian/control: Move to git and update Vcs-* metadata
      Merge commit 'upstream/0.6+svn148654'
      New upstream SVN snapshot, needed for db4o
      Make lib unstable
      mono-devel build-dep fix & debhelper versioning
      Re-add -dev package and update pcfile to point to correct assembly dir
      Add myself to Uploaders, remove MIA people. 

Also add some pedantic full-stops :)

Jo Shields (9):
      * debian/rules,
      Fix section
      * Section fixups (don't use libdevel)
      * debian/rules,
      Finalize changelog
      Re-add -dev package, and put lib in correct place
      Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://git.debian.org/git/pkg-cli-libs/packages/cecil
      finalize changelooooog

Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo (5):
      Add mergeWithUpstream property to debian/
      New upstream version
      Update 01_strong-name patch to fit with upsteam changes

Mirco Bauer (1):
      upload to unstable

Sebastian Dröge (16):
      * added cecil package
      * tagged cecil 0.3-1 and minor fixes in nemerle and nini
      * updated cecil to 0.4
      * made cecil policy conform
      * bump standards version for cecil
      * updated cecil to a svn snapshot
      * updated cecil to what was uploaded now
      * fixed cecil policy assembly
      * fixed changelog
      * update cecil to 0.4.3
      * updated my mail address in all places, don't worry, nothing uploaded for this trivial change
      * update maintainer field everywhere
      * debian/install,
      * fix rules
      * debian/patches/01_assembly-version.dpatch:
      * actually apply patch



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