[Pkg-cli-libs-commits] [SCM] db4o annotated tag, debian/, created. debian/

Jo Shields directhex at apebox.org
Thu Jan 28 21:42:45 UTC 2010

The annotated tag, debian/ has been created
        at  d8a88bb95f4ffb5cbf2723cc435fb222e7e9cc9a (tag)
   tagging  b8d9b5371315bd2cb7e878b25b7ccde62f812ec5 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/
 tagged by  Jo Shields
        on  Thu Jan 28 21:38:11 2010 +0000

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release

David Paleino (11):
      Merge branch 'upstream'
      Merge commit 'upstream/6.1.604+dfsg'
      debian/control: Vcs-* fields updated, package moved to Git
      moved from Section libs to cli-mono
      debian/rules: fixed monodoc calls to use mdoc (Closes: #534009)
      debian/patches/* converted to quilt
      replaced Build-Dependency on dpatch with quilt
      debian/rules: include quilt makefile instead of dpatch's
      debian/rules rewritten using overriden targets and dh7
      Added a note, working on it (FTBFS currently) -- have to go now :(
      Remove --with=cli, since it's added by cli.make

Iain Lane (26):
      debian/control, debian/rules,
      Get building before we do the new upstream
      Use compat 7 to make dh_install sexy

debian/compat: Use compat level 7 so that dh_install looks in debian/tmp without having to be explicitly told so
      Add changelog entry for
      Merge commit 'upstream/'
      -1 not -4
      debian/control: Update deps to point at -cil-dev packages
      Imported Upstream version
      Update changelog for new upstream release
      debian/patches/*: Refresh to apply cleanly
      Update patch to not mangle cecil stuff
      Copy cecil dll into the build dir
      Copy cecil into correct location & build correct targets & ignore chm
      Use relative paths in buildsys
      Remove mdoc postinst and postrm
      Add more libs to GAC
      Add patch to remove Optimize() call
      Binary package rename & pc fix
      Add new -cil-dev package contianing pcfiles
      Update copyright, bundlerd libs no longer there
      Rename wrapper script to new version of tool
      Lintian fix ups (look sharp)
      Close some bugz0rz
      Add README.source
      fix -dev replaces

Jo Shields (7):
      Policy 0.7 install location
      fix package name in debian/control
      fix unversioned pcfile's tinkering in rules
      install Mono.Cecil to app dir too, or it explodes
      unversion conflicts/replaces - versions are superfluous here as lib name has changed
      debian/copyright. not as bad as i expected
      finalize changelog

Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo (10):
      Add db4o dirs schema
      Initial feed for db4o paackages
      set mergeWithUpstream property in debian/
      Install assemblies in cli/db4o-X.Y/
      Bump cli-common-dev build dependency to >= 0.4.4
      db4o initial release (0.6.003~dfsg-1)
      Install *.exe files in a proper location and add a wrapper for Db4oAdmin.exe
      db4o (6.1.401-1)

Mirco Bauer (4):
      Much love to db4o!
      last minute changelog entry
      Upload to unstable
      [svn-buildpackage] Tagging db4o (6.1.604+dfsg-3)

Sebastian Dröge (2):
      * update maintainer field everywhere
      * debian/rules:



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