[Pkg-cli-libs-commits] [SCM] gdata-sharp branch, master, updated. debian/

Chow Loong Jin hyperair at ubuntu.com
Tue Feb 8 17:17:22 UTC 2011

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit b68b4b54efc34281541adc4d61d2340cafa0d961
Author: Chow Loong Jin <hyperair at ubuntu.com>
Date:   Tue Feb 8 03:09:11 2011 +0800

    Drop 02_cli-2.0-port.patch (no longer needed)

diff --git a/debian/patches/02_cli-2.0-port.patch b/debian/patches/02_cli-2.0-port.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a4b43e8..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/02_cli-2.0-port.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
-Index: gdata-sharp/src/core/gzipstream.cs
---- gdata-sharp.orig/src/core/gzipstream.cs	2009-03-19 05:04:46.000000000 +0800
-+++ gdata-sharp/src/core/gzipstream.cs	2009-03-19 05:12:28.000000000 +0800
-@@ -4,308 +4,4 @@
- namespace Google.GData.Client
- {
--    /// <summary>Type of compression to use for the GZipStream. Currently only Decompress is supported.</summary>
--    public enum CompressionMode
--	{
--        /// <summary>Compresses the underlying stream.</summary>
--        Compress,
--        /// <summary>Decompresses the underlying stream.</summary>
--        Decompress,
--	}
--    /// <summary>Provides methods and properties used to compress and decompress streams.</summary>
--    public class GZipStream : Stream
--    {
--        #region Native const, structs, and defs
--        private const string ZLibVersion = "1.2.3";
--        private enum ZLibReturnCode
--        {
--            Ok = 0,
--            StreamEnd = 1,
--            NeedDictionary = 2,
--            Errno = -1,
--            StreamError = -2,
--            DataError = -3,
--            MemoryError = -4,
--            BufferError = -5,
--            VersionError = -6
--        }
--        private enum ZLibFlush
--        {
--            NoFlush = 0,
--            PartialFlush = 1,
--            SyncFlush = 2,
--            FullFlush = 3,
--            Finish = 4
--        }
--        private enum ZLibCompressionLevel
--        {
--            NoCompression = 0,
--            BestSpeed = 1,
--            BestCompression = 2,
--            DefaultCompression = 3
--        }
--        private enum ZLibCompressionStrategy
--        {
--            Filtered = 1,
--            HuffmanOnly = 2,
--            DefaultStrategy = 0
--        }
--        private enum ZLibCompressionMethod
--        {
--            Delated = 8
--        }
--        private enum ZLibDataType
--        {
--            Binary = 0,
--            Ascii = 1,
--            Unknown = 2,
--        }
--        private enum ZLibOpenType
--        {
--            ZLib = 15,
--            GZip = 15 + 16,
--            Both = 15 + 32,
--        }
--        [StructLayoutAttribute(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
--        private struct z_stream
--        {
--            public IntPtr next_in;  /* next input byte */
--            public uint avail_in;  /* number of bytes available at next_in */
--            public uint total_in;  /* total nb of input bytes read so far */
--            public IntPtr next_out; /* next output byte should be put there */
--            public uint avail_out; /* remaining free space at next_out */
--            public uint total_out; /* total nb of bytes output so far */
--            public IntPtr msg;      /* last error message, NULL if no error */
--            public IntPtr state; /* not visible by applications */
--            public IntPtr zalloc;  /* used to allocate the internal state */
--            public IntPtr zfree;   /* used to free the internal state */
--            public IntPtr opaque;  /* private data object passed to zalloc and zfree */
--            public ZLibDataType data_type;  /* best guess about the data type: ascii or binary */
--            public uint adler;      /* adler32 value of the uncompressed data */
--            public uint reserved;   /* reserved for future use */
--        };
--        #endregion
--        #region P/Invoke
--#if WindowsCE || PocketPC
--        [DllImport("zlib.arm.dll", EntryPoint = "inflateInit2_", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
--        [DllImport("zlib.x86.dll", EntryPoint = "inflateInit2_", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
--        private static extern ZLibReturnCode    inflateInit2(ref z_stream strm, ZLibOpenType windowBits, string version, int stream_size);
--#if WindowsCE || PocketPC
--        [DllImport("zlib.arm.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
--        [DllImport("zlib.x86.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
--        private static extern ZLibReturnCode     inflate(ref z_stream strm, ZLibFlush flush);
--#if WindowsCE || PocketPC
--        [DllImport("zlib.arm.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
--        [DllImport("zlib.x86.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
--        private static extern ZLibReturnCode    inflateEnd(ref z_stream strm);
--        #endregion
--        private const int           BufferSize = 16384;
--        private Stream              compressedStream;
--        private CompressionMode     mode;
--        private z_stream            zstream = new z_stream();
--        private byte[]              inputBuffer = new byte[BufferSize];
--        private GCHandle            inputBufferHandle;
--        /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the GZipStream class using the specified stream and CompressionMode value.</summary>
--        /// <param name="stream">The stream to compress or decompress.</param>
--        /// <param name="mode">One of the CompressionMode values that indicates the action to take.</param>
--        public GZipStream(Stream stream, CompressionMode mode)
--        {
--            if (mode != CompressionMode.Decompress)
--                throw new NotImplementedException("Compression is not implemented.");
--            this.compressedStream = stream;
--            this.mode = mode;
--            this.zstream.zalloc = IntPtr.Zero;
--            this.zstream.zfree = IntPtr.Zero;
--            this.zstream.opaque = IntPtr.Zero;
--            ZLibReturnCode ret = inflateInit2(ref this.zstream, ZLibOpenType.Both, ZLibVersion, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(z_stream)));
--            if (ret != ZLibReturnCode.Ok)
--                throw new ArgumentException("Unable to init ZLib. Return code: " + ret.ToString());
--            this.inputBufferHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(inputBuffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);
--        }
--        /// <summary>GZipStream destructor. Cleans all allocated resources.</summary>
--        ~GZipStream()
--        {
--			Dispose(false);
--		}
--		//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
--		/// <summary>Handle Dispose since Stream implements IDisposable</summary> 
--		/// <param name="disposing">indicates if dispose called it or finalize</param>
--		//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
--		protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
--		{
--			base.Dispose(disposing);
--			if (inputBufferHandle.IsAllocated)
--			{
--				inputBufferHandle.Free();
--				inflateEnd(ref this.zstream);
--			}
--		}
--        /// <summary>Reads a number of decompressed bytes into the specified byte array.</summary>
--        /// <param name="buffer">The array used to store decompressed bytes.</param>
--        /// <param name="offset">The location in the array to begin reading.</param>
--        /// <param name="count">The number of bytes decompressed.</param>
--        /// <returns>The number of bytes that were decompressed into the byte array. If the end of the stream has been reached, zero or the number of bytes read is returned.</returns>
--        public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
--        {
--            if (this.mode == CompressionMode.Compress)
--                throw new NotSupportedException("Can't read on a compress stream!");
--            bool exitLoop = false;
--            byte[] tmpOutputBuffer = new byte[count];
--            GCHandle tmpOutpuBufferHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(tmpOutputBuffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);
--            this.zstream.next_out = tmpOutpuBufferHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject();
--            this.zstream.avail_out = (uint)tmpOutputBuffer.Length;
--            try
--            {
--                while (this.zstream.avail_out > 0 && exitLoop == false)
--                {
--                    if (this.zstream.avail_in == 0)
--                    {
--                        int readLength = this.compressedStream.Read(inputBuffer, 0, inputBuffer.Length);
--                        this.zstream.avail_in = (uint)readLength;
--                        this.zstream.next_in = this.inputBufferHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject();
--                    }
--                    ZLibReturnCode  result = inflate(ref zstream, ZLibFlush.NoFlush);
--                    switch (result)
--                    {
--                        case ZLibReturnCode.StreamEnd:
--                            exitLoop = true;
--                            Array.Copy(tmpOutputBuffer, 0, buffer, offset, count - (int)this.zstream.avail_out);
--                            break;
--                        case ZLibReturnCode.Ok:
--                            Array.Copy(tmpOutputBuffer, 0, buffer, offset, count - (int)this.zstream.avail_out);
--                            break;
--                        case ZLibReturnCode.MemoryError:
--                            throw new OutOfMemoryException("ZLib return code: " + result.ToString());
--                        default:
--                            throw new Exception("ZLib return code: " + result.ToString());
--                    }
--                }
--                return (count - (int)this.zstream.avail_out);
--            }
--            finally
--            {
--                tmpOutpuBufferHandle.Free();
--            }
--        }
--        /// <summary>Closes the current stream and releases any resources (such as sockets and file handles) associated with the current stream.</summary>
--        public override void Close()
--        {
--            this.compressedStream.Close();
--            base.Close();
--        }
--        /// <summary>Gets a value indicating whether the stream supports reading while decompressing a file.</summary>
--        public override bool CanRead
--        {
--            get { return (this.mode == CompressionMode.Decompress ? true : false); }
--        }
--        /// <summary>Gets a value indicating whether the stream supports writing.</summary>
--        public override bool CanWrite
--        {
--            get { return (this.mode == CompressionMode.Compress ? true : false); }
--        }
--        /// <summary>Gets a value indicating whether the stream supports seeking.</summary>
--        public override bool CanSeek
--        {
--            get { return (false); }
--        }
--        /// <summary>Gets a reference to the underlying stream.</summary>
--        public Stream BaseStream
--        {
--            get { return (this.compressedStream); }
--        }
--        #region Not yet supported
--        /// <summary>Flushes the contents of the internal buffer of the current GZipStream object to the underlying stream.</summary>
--        public override void Flush()
--        {
--            throw new NotSupportedException("The method or operation is not implemented.");
--        }
--        /// <summary>This property is not supported and always throws a NotSupportedException.</summary>
--        /// <param name="offset">The location in the stream.</param>
--        /// <param name="origin">One of the SeekOrigin values.</param>
--        /// <returns>A long value.</returns>
--        public override long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin origin)
--        {
--            throw new NotSupportedException();
--        }
--        /// <summary>This property is not supported and always throws a NotSupportedException.</summary>
--        /// <param name="value">The length of the stream.</param>
--        public override void SetLength(long value)
--        {
--            throw new NotSupportedException();
--        }
--        /// <summary>This property is not supported and always throws a NotSupportedException.</summary>
--        /// <param name="buffer">The array used to store compressed bytes.</param>
--        /// <param name="offset">The location in the array to begin reading.</param>
--        /// <param name="count">The number of bytes compressed.</param>
--        public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
--        {
--            throw new NotSupportedException("Not yet supported!");
--        }
--        /// <summary>This property is not supported and always throws a NotSupportedException.</summary>
--        public override long Length
--        {
--            get { throw new NotSupportedException(); }
--        }
--        /// <summary>This property is not supported and always throws a NotSupportedException.</summary>
--        public override long Position
--        {
--            get { throw new NotSupportedException(); }
--            set { throw new NotSupportedException(); }
--        }
--        #endregion
--    }
- }
-Index: gdata-sharp/src/core/request.cs
---- gdata-sharp.orig/src/core/request.cs	2009-03-19 05:04:46.000000000 +0800
-+++ gdata-sharp/src/core/request.cs	2009-03-19 05:12:28.000000000 +0800
-@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Globalization;
- using System.ComponentModel;
-+using System.IO.Compression;
- #endregion
-Index: gdata-sharp/src/unittests/gziplivetest.cs
---- gdata-sharp.orig/src/unittests/gziplivetest.cs	2009-03-19 05:04:46.000000000 +0800
-+++ gdata-sharp/src/unittests/gziplivetest.cs	2009-03-19 05:13:05.000000000 +0800
-@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
- using Google.GData.Extensions;
- using Google.GData.Calendar;
- using Google.GData.AccessControl;
-+using System.IO.Compression;
- namespace Google.GData.Client.LiveTests
- {
-@@ -54,7 +55,7 @@
-             Stream responseStream = request.GetResponseStream();
-             Assert.IsTrue(responseStream != null, "Response stream should not be null.");
--            Assert.IsTrue(responseStream is Google.GData.Client.GZipStream, "Response stream is not Google.GData.Client.GZipStream.");
-+            Assert.IsTrue(responseStream is GZipStream, "Response stream is not System.IO.Compression.GZipStream.");
-             AtomFeed feed = new AtomFeed(new Uri(calendarUri), this.calendarService);
-             feed.Parse(request.GetResponseStream(), AlternativeFormat.Atom);
-Index: gdata-sharp/src/unittests/gzipstreamtest.cs
---- gdata-sharp.orig/src/unittests/gzipstreamtest.cs	2009-03-19 05:13:25.000000000 +0800
-+++ gdata-sharp/src/unittests/gzipstreamtest.cs	2009-03-19 05:14:23.000000000 +0800
-@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
- using System.Xml;
- using System.IO;
--using Google.GData.Client;
-+using System.IO.Compression;
- using NUnit.Framework;
-@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
-     [TestFixture]
-     public class GZipStreamTest : BaseTestClass
- 	{
--        private const string    Data = "Google.GData.Client.GZipStream";
-+        private const string    Data = "System.IO.Compression..GZipStream";
-         private const string    Base64GZipData = "H4sIAEDbsEYAA3PPz0/PSdVzd0ksSdRzzslMzSvRc4/KLAguKUpNzAUAg1++Bx4AAAA=";
-         private byte[]          compressedData;
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index d86f44e..bbce9ae 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@


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