[Pkg-cli-libs-commits] [SCM] boo annotated tag, debian/, created. debian/

Mirco Bauer meebey at debian.org
Wed Jul 27 17:08:25 UTC 2011

The annotated tag, debian/ has been created
        at  2910c2cca17695982c584a45696133ddb20da64f (tag)
   tagging  423fcf71a41b0c01572b14757df3409b712fd678 (commit)
  replaces  debian/
 tagged by  Iain Lane
        on  Thu Feb 28 21:59:12 2008 +0000

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
[svn-buildpackage] Tagging boo (

Mirco Bauer (3):
      - minor stuff update
      - no ~pre1

Sam Clegg (1):
      new upstream release of boo: 0.8.1



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