[Pkg-cli-libs-commits] [cecil-flowanalysis] annotated tag debian/0.1%7Evcs20110809.r1.b34edf6-2 created (now dc63959)
Jo Shields
directhex at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Nov 10 10:20:48 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
directhex pushed a change to annotated tag debian/0.1%7Evcs20110809.r1.b34edf6-2
in repository cecil-flowanalysis.
at dc63959 (tag)
tagging 5eb5a3f51961f9b2acc69e373d7f9fed5b220861 (commit)
replaces debian/0.1%7Evcs20110809.r1.b34edf6-1
tagged by Jo Shields
on Wed Jan 18 21:32:39 2012 +0000
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
[svn-buildpackage] Tagging cecil-flowanalysis 0.1~vcs20110809.r1.b34edf6-2
Iain Lane (1):
* New upstream snapshot
This annotated tag includes the following new commits:
new 871bc74 cecil-flowanalysis + Initial import and prelimina work
new 67887ad More work on cecil-flowanalysis. Package almost ready. Only a description is needed
new 429e6ac cecil-flowanalysis: + use mono.snk key + change version to use svn revision instead of date
new 57f2510 Cecil.Flowanalysis: Actually delete non wanted stuff
new c58ec65 Cecil.Flowaanlisys: + new version with a .pc file
new a8205e9 Cecil.Flowanalysis: + Previos .pc file had an incorrect path
new 10dccdf Whoaaaah! Here again! Actually fix the damn .pc file
new 23ba813 * update maintainer field everywhere
new 3d60980 Fix dependency on nunit.
new 6a1b352 Bump standards version, avoid binary-arch.
new 4ed0c9a debian/patches/00_use_csc.dpatch: Add. Patch hardcoded mcs call in Makefile to use csc for the Mono 2 transition.
new 185edb6 Erm, UNRELEASED not jaunty :(
new 069b570 debian/control: Update build-deps for Mono 2.0
new e4ff96d Vcs-* for all remaining "live" packages
new e39dc9f * debian/control: + Removed mono-devel build-dep as nant takes care of that. + Versioned nant build-dep to >= 0.85.dfsg1-6, to ensure we get a transitioned version.
new ea870da Upload to unstable
new e309428 Use my debian.org address in Uploaders:.
new 65b0d37 * Updated SVN snapshot release * debian/patches/01_fix_nunit_reference.dpatch: + Refreshed * debian/control: + Bump to standards version 3.8.1
new ca40c1b ABI IS BROKEN, DON'T UPLOAD ME * Updated SVN snapshot release * debian/patches/01_fix_nunit_reference.dpatch: + Refreshed * debian/control: + Bump to standards version 3.8.3 + Write a better package description * debian/rules: + Write a get-orig-source rule * debian/libmono-cecil-flowanalysis0.1-cil.installcligac, debian/libmono-cecil-flowanalysis0.1-cil.install, debian/cecil-flowanalysis.pc: + CLI Policy 0.7 install location [...]
new c96c8b4 * Upstream suck and broke ABI compatibility from the last "" version we snapshotted, so we're adding an "a" into the package name
new 38934bd tweak changelog
new 422d36a Finalize changelog
new c16d5bf Finalize it even more! Add myself to Uploaders, to avoid NMU moans from the archive
new 1e5e50b Never mind. Close some bugs instead
new ae3a89a * debian/control: + Update nunit build-dep to use -cil-dev package (Closes: #564380) + Update nant build-dep to be bpo friendly. * debian/rules: Make get-orig-source policy conformant. * debian/patches/02_cecil_location.dpatch, debian/rules: Add new patch to copy cecil using pkg-config to discover location of the dll. Also tell nant about the new location in rules. * debian/README.source: Add, taken from dpatch package. * debian/libmono-cecil-flowanalysis0. [...]
new a96049e finalize badgersnake
new ded9611 version build-dep
new c796b25 finalize changelog
new 5eb5a3f * New upstream snapshot * Depend on CLR 4.0 version of nant and new cli-common-dev * Make library unstable; should not be in the GAC. Consumers must now copy the library to make use of it * Switch to 3.0 (quilt) to include mono.snk directly * Standards-Version → 3.9.2, no changes required * Provide build-arch and build-indep targets, as recommended
The 29 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-cli-libs/packages/cecil-flowanalysis.git
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