[Pkg-cmake-commits] [cmake] 02/10: Updated version 3.9.0 from 'upstream/3.9.0'
Felix Geyer
fgeyer at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Jul 22 10:10:39 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
fgeyer pushed a commit to branch master
in repository cmake.
commit b8719a180799e9fd792a3e071049c2ad0fc0da7b
Merge: c5db380 18330ea
Author: Felix Geyer <fgeyer at debian.org>
Date: Thu Jul 20 19:36:12 2017 +0200
Updated version 3.9.0 from 'upstream/3.9.0'
with Debian dir 58a76f23b0e8bb8bae4fdd4ee03e46facf573cc7
.clang-tidy | 30 +
Auxiliary/cmake.m4 | 4 +-
Auxiliary/vim/cmake.vim.in | 48 +-
Auxiliary/vim/extract-upper-case.pl | 27 +-
Auxiliary/vim/indent/cmake.vim | 1 +
Auxiliary/vim/syntax/cmake.vim | 411 +-
CMakeLists.txt | 78 +-
CONTRIBUTING.rst | 24 +-
CompileFlags.cmake | 16 +-
Help/command/FIND_XXX.txt | 35 +-
Help/command/add_custom_command.rst | 2 +-
Help/command/add_executable.rst | 3 +
Help/command/add_library.rst | 15 +-
Help/command/ctest_memcheck.rst | 3 +
Help/command/ctest_submit.rst | 10 +-
Help/command/ctest_test.rst | 17 +
Help/command/find_file.rst | 3 +
Help/command/find_library.rst | 18 +
Help/command/find_package.rst | 30 +-
Help/command/find_path.rst | 3 +
Help/command/find_program.rst | 2 +
Help/command/if.rst | 3 +-
Help/command/include_external_msproject.rst | 4 +
Help/command/install.rst | 23 +-
Help/command/project.rst | 5 +
Help/command/separate_arguments.rst | 9 +-
Help/command/string.rst | 52 +-
Help/dev/README.rst | 49 +
Help/dev/maint.rst | 171 +
Help/dev/review.rst | 350 ++
Help/dev/source.rst | 60 +
Help/dev/testing.rst | 42 +
Help/generator/VS_TOOLSET_HOST_ARCH.txt | 8 +-
Help/generator/Visual Studio 15 2017.rst | 12 +
Help/generator/Visual Studio 7 .NET 2003.rst | 10 +-
Help/generator/Visual Studio 8 2005.rst | 9 +-
Help/generator/Xcode.rst | 2 +
Help/manual/OPTIONS_BUILD.txt | 24 +-
Help/manual/cmake-buildsystem.7.rst | 12 +-
Help/manual/cmake-commands.7.rst | 133 +-
Help/manual/cmake-compile-features.7.rst | 22 +-
Help/manual/cmake-developer.7.rst | 24 -
Help/manual/cmake-generator-expressions.7.rst | 15 +-
Help/manual/cmake-modules.7.rst | 3 +
Help/manual/cmake-policies.7.rst | 9 +
Help/manual/cmake-properties.7.rst | 14 +
Help/manual/cmake-qt.7.rst | 37 +-
Help/manual/cmake-toolchains.7.rst | 5 +
Help/manual/cmake-variables.7.rst | 68 +-
Help/manual/cmake.1.rst | 5 +-
Help/manual/ctest.1.rst | 17 +
Help/module/CPackArchive.rst | 1 +
Help/module/CheckIPOSupported.rst | 1 +
Help/module/GoogleTest.rst | 1 +
Help/policy/CMP0068.rst | 35 +
Help/policy/CMP0069.rst | 92 +
Help/prop_dir/VS_GLOBAL_SECTION_POST_section.rst | 6 +-
Help/prop_dir/VS_GLOBAL_SECTION_PRE_section.rst | 2 +-
Help/prop_gbl/AUTOGEN_SOURCE_GROUP.rst | 15 +
Help/prop_gbl/AUTOGEN_TARGETS_FOLDER.rst | 4 +-
Help/prop_gbl/AUTOMOC_SOURCE_GROUP.rst | 7 +
Help/prop_gbl/AUTORCC_SOURCE_GROUP.rst | 7 +
Help/prop_gbl/FIND_LIBRARY_USE_LIB32_PATHS.rst | 2 +
Help/prop_gbl/FIND_LIBRARY_USE_LIB64_PATHS.rst | 2 +
Help/prop_gbl/FIND_LIBRARY_USE_LIBX32_PATHS.rst | 12 +
Help/prop_gbl/GENERATOR_IS_MULTI_CONFIG.rst | 9 +
Help/prop_sf/HEADER_FILE_ONLY.rst | 15 +
Help/prop_sf/MACOSX_PACKAGE_LOCATION.rst | 7 +
Help/prop_test/DISABLED.rst | 15 +
Help/prop_tgt/AUTOGEN_BUILD_DIR.rst | 17 +
Help/prop_tgt/AUTOMOC.rst | 68 +-
Help/prop_tgt/AUTOMOC_DEPEND_FILTERS.rst | 45 +
Help/prop_tgt/AUTORCC.rst | 3 +
Help/prop_tgt/AUTOUIC.rst | 11 +-
Help/prop_tgt/AUTOUIC_OPTIONS.rst | 2 +-
Help/prop_tgt/AUTOUIC_SEARCH_PATHS.rst | 12 +
Help/prop_tgt/BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_NAME_DIR.rst | 13 +
Help/prop_tgt/BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH.rst | 18 +-
Help/prop_tgt/CUDA_PTX_COMPILATION.rst | 12 +
Help/prop_tgt/CUDA_RESOLVE_DEVICE_SYMBOLS.rst | 15 +
Help/prop_tgt/EXCLUDE_FROM_DEFAULT_BUILD.rst | 2 +-
Help/prop_tgt/IMPORTED_OBJECTS.rst | 11 +
Help/prop_tgt/IMPORTED_OBJECTS_CONFIG.rst | 7 +
Help/prop_tgt/MAP_IMPORTED_CONFIG_CONFIG.rst | 45 +
Help/prop_tgt/WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS.rst | 7 +
Help/release/3.9.rst | 328 +
Help/release/index.rst | 1 +
Help/variable/CMAKE_AUTOMOC_DEPEND_FILTERS.rst | 12 +
Help/variable/CMAKE_AUTOUIC_SEARCH_PATHS.rst | 11 +
.../variable/CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_NAME_DIR.rst | 7 +
Help/variable/CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR.rst | 2 +-
Help/variable/CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM.rst | 15 +-
Help/variable/CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET.rst | 45 +-
Help/variable/CMAKE_HOST_WIN32.rst | 4 +-
Help/variable/CMAKE_LANG_COMPILER_AR.rst | 7 +
Help/variable/CMAKE_LANG_COMPILER_RANLIB.rst | 7 +
Help/variable/CMAKE_LANG_COMPILER_VERSION.rst | 4 +
Help/variable/CMAKE_MATCH_COUNT.rst | 7 +-
Help/variable/CMAKE_MATCH_n.rst | 10 +
Help/variable/CMAKE_MFC_FLAG.rst | 2 +-
Help/variable/CMAKE_PROJECT_DESCRIPTION.rst | 7 +
Help/variable/CMAKE_SYSROOT.rst | 3 +
Help/variable/CMAKE_SYSROOT_COMPILE.rst | 9 +
Help/variable/CMAKE_SYSROOT_LINK.rst | 9 +
Help/variable/CMAKE_VS_DEVENV_COMMAND.rst | 2 +-
Help/variable/CMAKE_VS_PLATFORM_NAME.rst | 1 +
Help/variable/CMAKE_VS_PLATFORM_TOOLSET.rst | 2 +
Help/variable/CMAKE_VS_PLATFORM_TOOLSET_CUDA.rst | 12 +
Help/variable/CMAKE_XCODE_GENERATE_SCHEME.rst | 11 +
Help/variable/PROJECT_DESCRIPTION.rst | 6 +
Modules/AutogenInfo.cmake.in | 37 +-
Modules/BundleUtilities.cmake | 13 +-
Modules/CMakeASMCompiler.cmake.in | 2 +
Modules/CMakeASMInformation.cmake | 6 +-
Modules/CMakeBackwardCompatibilityC.cmake | 6 -
Modules/CMakeCCompiler.cmake.in | 3 +
Modules/CMakeCInformation.cmake | 6 +-
Modules/CMakeCSharpInformation.cmake | 22 +-
Modules/CMakeCUDAInformation.cmake | 17 +-
Modules/CMakeCXXCompiler.cmake.in | 3 +
Modules/CMakeCheckCompilerFlagCommonPatterns.cmake | 1 +
Modules/CMakeCommonLanguageInclude.cmake | 6 +-
Modules/CMakeCompilerABI.h | 4 +
Modules/CMakeCompilerIdDetection.cmake | 8 +-
Modules/CMakeDetermineASMCompiler.cmake | 16 +-
Modules/CMakeDetermineASM_NASMCompiler.cmake | 17 +-
Modules/CMakeDetermineCCompiler.cmake | 9 +
Modules/CMakeDetermineCSharpCompiler.cmake | 2 +-
Modules/CMakeDetermineCUDACompiler.cmake | 58 +-
Modules/CMakeDetermineCXXCompiler.cmake | 9 +
Modules/CMakeDetermineCompilerId.cmake | 85 +-
Modules/CMakeDetermineFortranCompiler.cmake | 7 +-
Modules/CMakeDetermineSystem.cmake | 18 +-
Modules/CMakeFindBinUtils.cmake | 4 +
Modules/CMakeFindDependencyMacro.cmake | 38 +-
Modules/CMakeFortranCompiler.cmake.in | 2 +
Modules/CMakeFortranCompilerId.F.in | 5 +
Modules/CMakeParseImplicitLinkInfo.cmake | 23 +-
Modules/CMakeVS7BackwardCompatibility.cmake | 16 -
Modules/CPack.cmake | 16 +-
Modules/CPackArchive.cmake | 39 +
Modules/CPackComponent.cmake | 69 +-
Modules/CPackIFW.cmake | 162 +-
Modules/CPackProductBuild.cmake | 8 +
Modules/CPackRPM.cmake | 74 +-
Modules/CPackWIX.cmake | 35 +-
Modules/CTest.cmake | 6 +-
Modules/CheckIPOSupported.cmake | 232 +
Modules/CheckIPOSupported/CMakeLists-C.txt.in | 8 +
Modules/CheckIPOSupported/CMakeLists-CXX.txt.in | 8 +
.../CheckIPOSupported/CMakeLists-Fortran.txt.in | 8 +
Modules/CheckIPOSupported/foo.c | 4 +
Modules/CheckIPOSupported/foo.cpp | 4 +
Modules/CheckIPOSupported/foo.f | 2 +
Modules/CheckIPOSupported/main.c | 6 +
Modules/CheckIPOSupported/main.cpp | 6 +
Modules/CheckIPOSupported/main.f | 3 +
Modules/CheckLanguage.cmake | 2 +
Modules/CheckSymbolExists.cmake | 73 +-
Modules/CheckTypeSize.cmake | 4 +-
Modules/Compiler/AppleClang-C.cmake | 27 +-
Modules/Compiler/AppleClang-CXX.cmake | 31 +-
Modules/Compiler/CMakeCommonCompilerMacros.cmake | 93 +
Modules/Compiler/Clang-C.cmake | 31 +-
Modules/Compiler/Clang-CXX.cmake | 30 +-
Modules/Compiler/Clang-FindBinUtils.cmake | 27 +
Modules/Compiler/Clang.cmake | 52 +
Modules/Compiler/Cray-C.cmake | 21 +
Modules/Compiler/Cray-CXX.cmake | 19 +
Modules/Compiler/Cray.cmake | 10 +
Modules/Compiler/GNU-C.cmake | 31 +-
Modules/Compiler/GNU-CXX.cmake | 33 +-
Modules/Compiler/GNU-FindBinUtils.cmake | 35 +
Modules/Compiler/GNU.cmake | 41 +
Modules/Compiler/IAR-C.cmake | 2 +-
Modules/Compiler/IAR-CXX.cmake | 2 +-
Modules/Compiler/Intel-C.cmake | 59 +-
Modules/Compiler/Intel-CXX.cmake | 79 +-
Modules/Compiler/Intel.cmake | 4 +
Modules/Compiler/MSVC-CXX.cmake | 32 +-
Modules/Compiler/NVIDIA-CUDA.cmake | 6 +
Modules/Compiler/PGI-C.cmake | 13 +
Modules/Compiler/PGI-CXX.cmake | 19 +
Modules/Compiler/PGI.cmake | 12 +-
Modules/Compiler/QCC.cmake | 8 +
Modules/Compiler/SunPro-C-FeatureTests.cmake | 14 +
Modules/Compiler/SunPro-C.cmake | 21 +
Modules/Compiler/SunPro-CXX-FeatureTests.cmake | 4 +
Modules/Compiler/SunPro-CXX.cmake | 38 +-
Modules/Compiler/SunPro-Fortran.cmake | 4 +-
Modules/Compiler/SunPro.cmake | 10 +
Modules/Compiler/XL-C.cmake | 39 +-
Modules/Compiler/XL-CXX.cmake | 44 +-
Modules/Compiler/XL.cmake | 2 +
Modules/CompilerId/VS-10.vcxproj.in | 12 +-
Modules/CompilerId/Xcode-1.pbxproj.in | 120 -
Modules/CompilerId/Xcode-2.pbxproj.in | 119 -
Modules/CompilerId/Xcode-3.pbxproj.in | 2 +-
Modules/ExternalData.cmake | 2 +-
Modules/ExternalProject.cmake | 27 +-
Modules/FeatureSummary.cmake | 61 +-
Modules/FindBoost.cmake | 111 +-
Modules/FindCUDA.cmake | 23 +-
Modules/FindCygwin.cmake | 4 +-
Modules/FindDevIL.cmake | 10 +-
Modules/FindDoxygen.cmake | 1137 +++-
Modules/FindGLEW.cmake | 2 +-
Modules/FindGLUT.cmake | 8 +-
Modules/FindGSL.cmake | 11 +-
Modules/FindGTK2.cmake | 2 +
Modules/FindGTest.cmake | 60 +-
Modules/FindHDF5.cmake | 93 +-
Modules/FindIce.cmake | 2 +-
Modules/FindImageMagick.cmake | 23 +-
Modules/FindJava.cmake | 3 +
Modules/FindKDE3.cmake | 2 +
Modules/FindMPI.cmake | 127 +-
Modules/FindMatlab.cmake | 1 +
Modules/FindOpenAL.cmake | 2 +-
Modules/FindOpenCL.cmake | 7 +-
Modules/FindOpenGL.cmake | 4 +-
Modules/FindOpenMP.cmake | 541 +-
Modules/FindOpenSSL.cmake | 9 +-
Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake | 4 +-
Modules/FindPkgConfig.cmake | 51 +-
Modules/FindProtobuf.cmake | 129 +-
Modules/FindPythonInterp.cmake | 7 +-
Modules/FindXCTest.cmake | 4 +
Modules/FindXMLRPC.cmake | 30 +-
Modules/FindwxWidgets.cmake | 22 +
Modules/FortranCInterface/CMakeLists.txt | 11 +-
Modules/FortranCInterface/Detect.cmake | 5 +-
Modules/FortranCInterface/MYMODULE.c | 3 +
Modules/FortranCInterface/MY_MODULE.c | 3 +
Modules/GNUInstallDirs.cmake | 44 +-
Modules/GenerateExportHeader.cmake | 8 +-
Modules/GetPrerequisites.cmake | 15 +-
Modules/GoogleTest.cmake | 226 +
Modules/InstallRequiredSystemLibraries.cmake | 6 +
Modules/Internal/FeatureTesting.cmake | 10 +
Modules/MacOSXBundleInfo.plist.in | 4 +
Modules/Platform/AIX-GNU.cmake | 2 +-
Modules/Platform/AIX-XL-C.cmake | 3 +
Modules/Platform/AIX-XL-CXX.cmake | 3 +
Modules/Platform/Android-Common.cmake | 15 +-
Modules/Platform/Android-Determine.cmake | 91 +-
Modules/Platform/Android-Initialize.cmake | 3 +
Modules/Platform/Android/abi-common.cmake | 4 +
Modules/Platform/Android/ndk-stl-c++_shared.cmake | 1 +
Modules/Platform/BlueGeneP-dynamic-XL-C.cmake | 3 +
Modules/Platform/BlueGeneP-dynamic-XL-CXX.cmake | 3 +
Modules/Platform/BlueGeneP-static-XL-C.cmake | 3 +
Modules/Platform/BlueGeneP-static-XL-CXX.cmake | 3 +
Modules/Platform/BlueGeneQ-dynamic-XL-C.cmake | 3 +
Modules/Platform/BlueGeneQ-dynamic-XL-CXX.cmake | 3 +
Modules/Platform/BlueGeneQ-static-XL-C.cmake | 3 +
Modules/Platform/BlueGeneQ-static-XL-CXX.cmake | 3 +
Modules/Platform/CYGWIN-GNU.cmake | 2 +-
Modules/Platform/CYGWIN.cmake | 10 +
Modules/Platform/Darwin-XL-C.cmake | 3 +
Modules/Platform/Darwin-XL-CXX.cmake | 3 +
Modules/Platform/HP-UX-GNU.cmake | 2 +-
Modules/Platform/Linux-GNU.cmake | 1 +
Modules/Platform/Linux-Intel.cmake | 6 +
Modules/Platform/Linux-PGI.cmake | 1 +
Modules/Platform/Linux-TinyCC-C.cmake | 1 +
Modules/Platform/SunOS.cmake | 5 +
Modules/Platform/UnixPaths.cmake | 32 +-
Modules/Platform/Windows-GNU.cmake | 17 +
Modules/Platform/Windows-MSVC.cmake | 4 +-
Modules/Platform/Windows-NVIDIA-CUDA.cmake | 12 +-
Modules/Platform/Windows-PGI-C.cmake | 2 +
Modules/Platform/Windows-PGI-Fortran.cmake | 2 +
Modules/Platform/Windows-PGI.cmake | 48 +
Modules/Platform/Windows-df.cmake | 2 +-
Modules/TestBigEndian.cmake | 26 +-
Modules/UseEcos.cmake | 4 +-
Modules/UseJava.cmake | 38 +-
Modules/UseSWIG.cmake | 3 +
Modules/WriteCompilerDetectionHeader.cmake | 23 +-
README.rst | 8 +-
Source/.gitattributes | 19 -
Source/CMakeLists.txt | 125 +-
Source/CMakeVersion.cmake | 2 +-
Source/CPack/IFW/cmCPackIFWCommon.cxx | 137 +
Source/CPack/IFW/cmCPackIFWCommon.h | 81 +
Source/CPack/IFW/cmCPackIFWGenerator.cxx | 340 +-
Source/CPack/IFW/cmCPackIFWGenerator.h | 34 +-
Source/CPack/IFW/cmCPackIFWInstaller.cxx | 388 +-
Source/CPack/IFW/cmCPackIFWInstaller.h | 19 +-
Source/CPack/IFW/cmCPackIFWPackage.cxx | 531 +-
Source/CPack/IFW/cmCPackIFWPackage.h | 27 +-
Source/CPack/IFW/cmCPackIFWRepository.cxx | 220 +-
Source/CPack/IFW/cmCPackIFWRepository.h | 18 +-
Source/CPack/OSXScriptLauncher.cxx | 9 +-
Source/CPack/WiX/cmCPackWIXGenerator.cxx | 56 +-
Source/CPack/WiX/cmCPackWIXGenerator.h | 6 +-
Source/CPack/WiX/cmWIXAccessControlList.cxx | 4 +-
Source/CPack/WiX/cmWIXAccessControlList.h | 4 +-
Source/CPack/WiX/cmWIXDirectoriesSourceWriter.h | 2 +-
Source/CPack/WiX/cmWIXFeaturesSourceWriter.cxx | 4 +-
Source/CPack/WiX/cmWIXFeaturesSourceWriter.h | 2 +-
Source/CPack/WiX/cmWIXFilesSourceWriter.cxx | 14 +-
Source/CPack/WiX/cmWIXFilesSourceWriter.h | 2 +-
Source/CPack/WiX/cmWIXPatch.cxx | 8 +-
Source/CPack/WiX/cmWIXPatchParser.cxx | 30 +-
Source/CPack/WiX/cmWIXPatchParser.h | 10 +-
Source/CPack/WiX/cmWIXRichTextFormatWriter.cxx | 2 +-
Source/CPack/WiX/cmWIXRichTextFormatWriter.h | 4 +-
Source/CPack/WiX/cmWIXShortcut.h | 2 +-
Source/CPack/WiX/cmWIXSourceWriter.cxx | 4 +-
Source/CPack/WiX/cmWIXSourceWriter.h | 4 +-
Source/CPack/cmCPack7zGenerator.h | 2 +-
Source/CPack/cmCPackArchiveGenerator.cxx | 67 +-
Source/CPack/cmCPackArchiveGenerator.h | 7 +-
Source/CPack/cmCPackBundleGenerator.h | 3 +-
Source/CPack/cmCPackComponentGroup.h | 6 +-
Source/CPack/cmCPackCygwinBinaryGenerator.cxx | 2 +-
Source/CPack/cmCPackCygwinSourceGenerator.cxx | 4 +-
Source/CPack/cmCPackDebGenerator.cxx | 4 +-
Source/CPack/cmCPackDebGenerator.h | 2 +-
Source/CPack/cmCPackDragNDropGenerator.cxx | 49 +-
Source/CPack/cmCPackDragNDropGenerator.h | 3 +-
Source/CPack/cmCPackGenerator.cxx | 28 +-
Source/CPack/cmCPackGenerator.h | 31 +-
Source/CPack/cmCPackGeneratorFactory.cxx | 2 +-
Source/CPack/cmCPackGeneratorFactory.h | 2 +-
Source/CPack/cmCPackLog.cxx | 2 +-
Source/CPack/cmCPackLog.h | 14 +-
Source/CPack/cmCPackNSISGenerator.cxx | 8 +-
Source/CPack/cmCPackNSISGenerator.h | 2 +-
Source/CPack/cmCPackOSXX11Generator.cxx | 2 +-
Source/CPack/cmCPackOSXX11Generator.h | 3 +-
Source/CPack/cmCPackPKGGenerator.h | 3 +-
Source/CPack/cmCPackPackageMakerGenerator.cxx | 4 +-
Source/CPack/cmCPackPackageMakerGenerator.h | 2 +-
Source/CPack/cmCPackProductBuildGenerator.cxx | 21 +-
Source/CPack/cmCPackProductBuildGenerator.h | 3 +-
Source/CPack/cmCPackRPMGenerator.h | 2 +-
Source/CPack/cmCPackSTGZGenerator.cxx | 7 +-
Source/CPack/cmCPackSTGZGenerator.h | 2 +-
Source/CPack/cmCPackTGZGenerator.h | 2 +-
Source/CPack/cmCPackTXZGenerator.h | 2 +-
Source/CPack/cmCPackTarBZip2Generator.h | 2 +-
Source/CPack/cmCPackTarCompressGenerator.h | 2 +-
Source/CPack/cmCPackZIPGenerator.h | 2 +-
Source/CPack/cpack.cxx | 12 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestBZR.cxx | 18 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestBZR.h | 10 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestBatchTestHandler.h | 6 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestBuildAndTestHandler.cxx | 18 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestBuildAndTestHandler.h | 4 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestBuildCommand.h | 2 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestBuildHandler.cxx | 10 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestBuildHandler.h | 6 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestCVS.cxx | 4 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestCVS.h | 2 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestConfigureCommand.h | 2 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestConfigureHandler.h | 2 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestCoverageCommand.h | 2 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestCoverageHandler.cxx | 49 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestCoverageHandler.h | 4 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestCurl.cxx | 27 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestCurl.h | 9 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestEmptyBinaryDirectoryCommand.h | 10 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestGIT.cxx | 20 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestGIT.h | 10 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestGenericHandler.cxx | 2 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestGenericHandler.h | 2 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestGlobalVC.cxx | 7 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestGlobalVC.h | 6 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestHG.cxx | 14 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestHG.h | 10 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestHandlerCommand.cxx | 9 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestHandlerCommand.h | 7 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestLaunch.cxx | 13 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestLaunch.h | 4 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestMemCheckCommand.cxx | 1 +
Source/CTest/cmCTestMemCheckCommand.h | 9 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestMemCheckHandler.cxx | 10 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestMemCheckHandler.h | 2 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestMultiProcessHandler.cxx | 31 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestMultiProcessHandler.h | 4 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestP4.cxx | 18 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestP4.h | 10 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestReadCustomFilesCommand.h | 7 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestRunScriptCommand.h | 7 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestRunTest.cxx | 75 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestRunTest.h | 2 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestSVN.cxx | 47 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestSVN.h | 17 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestScriptHandler.cxx | 51 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestScriptHandler.h | 4 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestSleepCommand.h | 7 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestStartCommand.h | 7 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestSubmitCommand.cxx | 16 +
Source/CTest/cmCTestSubmitCommand.h | 4 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestSubmitHandler.cxx | 39 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestSubmitHandler.h | 8 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestTestCommand.cxx | 18 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestTestCommand.h | 5 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestTestHandler.cxx | 333 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestTestHandler.h | 8 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestUpdateCommand.h | 2 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestUpdateHandler.cxx | 6 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestUpdateHandler.h | 2 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestUploadCommand.h | 2 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestUploadHandler.h | 2 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestVC.cxx | 14 +-
Source/CTest/cmCTestVC.h | 6 +-
Source/CTest/cmParseBlanketJSCoverage.cxx | 38 +-
Source/CTest/cmParseBlanketJSCoverage.h | 2 +-
Source/CTest/cmParseCacheCoverage.cxx | 4 +-
Source/CTest/cmParseCacheCoverage.h | 2 +-
Source/CTest/cmParseCoberturaCoverage.cxx | 4 +-
Source/CTest/cmParseCoberturaCoverage.h | 2 +-
Source/CTest/cmParseDelphiCoverage.cxx | 83 +-
Source/CTest/cmParseDelphiCoverage.h | 2 +-
Source/CTest/cmParseGTMCoverage.cxx | 8 +-
Source/CTest/cmParseGTMCoverage.h | 2 +-
Source/CTest/cmParseJacocoCoverage.cxx | 8 +-
Source/CTest/cmParseJacocoCoverage.h | 2 +-
Source/CTest/cmParseMumpsCoverage.cxx | 6 +-
Source/CTest/cmParseMumpsCoverage.h | 2 +-
Source/CTest/cmParsePHPCoverage.cxx | 4 +-
Source/CTest/cmParsePHPCoverage.h | 2 +-
Source/CTest/cmProcess.cxx | 6 +-
Source/CTest/cmProcess.h | 4 +-
Source/Checks/cm_cxx_attribute_fallthrough.cxx | 11 +
Source/Checks/cm_cxx_eq_delete.cxx | 14 +
Source/Checks/cm_cxx_fallthrough.cxx | 11 +
Source/Checks/cm_cxx_features.cmake | 37 +-
Source/Checks/cm_cxx_gnu_fallthrough.cxx | 11 +
Source/CursesDialog/ccmake.cxx | 6 +-
Source/CursesDialog/cmCursesBoolWidget.h | 8 +-
.../CursesDialog/cmCursesCacheEntryComposite.cxx | 1 -
Source/CursesDialog/cmCursesCacheEntryComposite.h | 7 +-
Source/CursesDialog/cmCursesDummyWidget.h | 8 +-
Source/CursesDialog/cmCursesFilePathWidget.h | 8 +-
Source/CursesDialog/cmCursesForm.cxx | 2 -
Source/CursesDialog/cmCursesForm.h | 9 +-
Source/CursesDialog/cmCursesLabelWidget.h | 8 +-
Source/CursesDialog/cmCursesLongMessageForm.cxx | 3 +-
Source/CursesDialog/cmCursesLongMessageForm.h | 7 +-
Source/CursesDialog/cmCursesMainForm.cxx | 9 +-
Source/CursesDialog/cmCursesMainForm.h | 7 +-
Source/CursesDialog/cmCursesOptionsWidget.h | 6 +-
Source/CursesDialog/cmCursesPathWidget.h | 7 +-
Source/CursesDialog/cmCursesStandardIncludes.h | 2 +-
Source/CursesDialog/cmCursesStringWidget.h | 7 +-
Source/CursesDialog/cmCursesWidget.cxx | 2 -
Source/CursesDialog/cmCursesWidget.h | 7 +-
Source/CursesDialog/form/form.h | 2 +-
Source/LexerParser/.clang-tidy | 6 +
Source/LexerParser/.gitattributes | 17 +
.../{ => LexerParser}/cmCommandArgumentLexer.cxx | 0
Source/{ => LexerParser}/cmCommandArgumentLexer.h | 0
.../{ => LexerParser}/cmCommandArgumentLexer.in.l | 0
Source/LexerParser/cmCommandArgumentParser.cxx | 1723 ++++++
Source/LexerParser/cmCommandArgumentParser.y | 191 +
Source/LexerParser/cmCommandArgumentParserTokens.h | 82 +
Source/{ => LexerParser}/cmDependsJavaLexer.cxx | 0
Source/{ => LexerParser}/cmDependsJavaLexer.h | 0
Source/{ => LexerParser}/cmDependsJavaLexer.in.l | 0
Source/LexerParser/cmDependsJavaParser.cxx | 6421 ++++++++++++++++++++
Source/LexerParser/cmDependsJavaParser.y | 3214 ++++++++++
Source/LexerParser/cmDependsJavaParserTokens.h | 264 +
Source/{ => LexerParser}/cmExprLexer.cxx | 0
Source/{ => LexerParser}/cmExprLexer.h | 0
Source/{ => LexerParser}/cmExprLexer.in.l | 0
Source/LexerParser/cmExprParser.cxx | 1698 ++++++
Source/LexerParser/cmExprParser.y | 164 +
Source/{ => LexerParser}/cmExprParserTokens.h | 0
Source/{ => LexerParser}/cmFortranLexer.cxx | 0
Source/{ => LexerParser}/cmFortranLexer.h | 0
Source/{ => LexerParser}/cmFortranLexer.in.l | 0
Source/LexerParser/cmFortranParser.cxx | 1988 ++++++
Source/LexerParser/cmFortranParser.y | 247 +
Source/LexerParser/cmFortranParserTokens.h | 149 +
Source/LexerParser/cmListFileLexer.c | 2688 ++++++++
Source/LexerParser/cmListFileLexer.in.l | 564 ++
Source/Modules/FindLibUV.cmake | 2 +-
Source/QtDialog/CMakeLists.txt | 21 +-
Source/QtDialog/CMakeSetup.cxx | 10 +-
Source/QtDialog/CMakeSetupDialog.cxx | 15 +-
Source/QtDialog/Compilers.h | 2 +-
Source/QtDialog/FirstConfigure.cxx | 2 +-
Source/QtDialog/QCMake.cxx | 6 +-
Source/QtDialog/QCMake.h | 2 +-
Source/QtDialog/QCMakeCacheView.cxx | 26 +-
Source/QtDialog/QCMakeWidgets.cxx | 8 +-
Source/QtDialog/QCMakeWidgets.h | 2 +-
Source/QtDialog/RegexExplorer.h | 2 +-
.../QtDialog/{CMake.desktop => cmake-gui.desktop} | 0
Source/bindexplib.cxx | 505 +-
Source/bindexplib.h | 4 +-
Source/cmAddCompileOptionsCommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmAddCustomCommandCommand.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmAddCustomCommandCommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmAddCustomTargetCommand.cxx | 6 +-
Source/cmAddCustomTargetCommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmAddDefinitionsCommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmAddDependenciesCommand.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmAddDependenciesCommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmAddExecutableCommand.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmAddExecutableCommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmAddLibraryCommand.cxx | 15 +-
Source/cmAddLibraryCommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmAddSubDirectoryCommand.cxx | 5 +-
Source/cmAddSubDirectoryCommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmAddTestCommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmAlgorithms.h | 13 +-
Source/cmArchiveWrite.cxx | 8 +-
Source/cmArchiveWrite.h | 2 +-
Source/cmAuxSourceDirectoryCommand.cxx | 8 +-
Source/cmAuxSourceDirectoryCommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmBase32.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmBase32.h | 2 +-
Source/cmBreakCommand.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmBreakCommand.h | 13 +-
Source/cmBuildCommand.cxx | 4 +-
Source/cmBuildCommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmBuildNameCommand.cxx | 8 +-
Source/cmBuildNameCommand.h | 5 +-
Source/cmCLocaleEnvironmentScope.h | 4 +-
Source/cmCMakeHostSystemInformationCommand.cxx | 4 +-
Source/cmCMakeHostSystemInformationCommand.h | 16 +-
Source/cmCMakeMinimumRequired.h | 13 +-
Source/cmCMakePolicyCommand.h | 13 +-
Source/cmCPackPropertiesGenerator.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmCPackPropertiesGenerator.h | 6 +-
Source/cmCTest.cxx | 69 +-
Source/cmCTest.h | 39 +-
Source/cmCacheManager.cxx | 11 +-
Source/cmCacheManager.h | 4 +-
Source/cmCallVisualStudioMacro.h | 2 +-
Source/cmCommand.cxx | 25 +-
Source/cmCommand.h | 28 +-
Source/cmCommandArgumentParser.cxx | 1811 ------
Source/cmCommandArgumentParser.y | 231 -
Source/cmCommandArgumentParserHelper.cxx | 3 -
Source/cmCommandArgumentParserHelper.h | 26 +-
Source/cmCommandArgumentParserTokens.h | 83 -
Source/cmCommandArgumentsHelper.h | 2 +-
Source/cmCommands.cxx | 344 +-
Source/cmCommands.h | 11 +-
Source/cmCommonTargetGenerator.cxx | 33 +-
Source/cmCommonTargetGenerator.h | 10 +-
Source/cmComputeComponentGraph.h | 2 +-
Source/cmComputeLinkDepends.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmComputeLinkDepends.h | 4 +-
Source/cmComputeLinkInformation.cxx | 32 +-
Source/cmComputeLinkInformation.h | 10 +-
Source/cmComputeTargetDepends.cxx | 18 +-
Source/cmComputeTargetDepends.h | 3 +-
Source/cmConditionEvaluator.cxx | 8 +-
Source/cmConditionEvaluator.h | 2 +-
Source/cmConfigure.cmake.h.in | 26 +-
Source/cmConfigureFileCommand.cxx | 4 +-
Source/cmConfigureFileCommand.h | 13 +-
Source/cmContinueCommand.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmContinueCommand.h | 13 +-
Source/cmCoreTryCompile.cxx | 15 +-
Source/cmCoreTryCompile.h | 2 +-
Source/cmCreateTestSourceList.h | 7 +-
Source/cmCryptoHash.cxx | 6 +-
Source/cmCryptoHash.h | 4 +-
Source/cmCurl.h | 4 +-
Source/cmCustomCommand.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmCustomCommand.h | 2 +-
Source/cmCustomCommandGenerator.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmCustomCommandGenerator.h | 2 +-
Source/cmCustomCommandLines.h | 2 +-
Source/cmDefinePropertyCommand.cxx | 18 +-
Source/cmDefinePropertyCommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmDefinitions.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmDefinitions.h | 8 +-
Source/cmDepends.cxx | 16 +-
Source/cmDepends.h | 8 +-
Source/cmDependsC.cxx | 6 +-
Source/cmDependsC.h | 10 +-
Source/cmDependsFortran.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmDependsFortran.h | 8 +-
Source/cmDependsJava.h | 8 +-
Source/cmDependsJavaParser.cxx | 6006 ------------------
Source/cmDependsJavaParser.y | 3212 ----------
Source/cmDependsJavaParserHelper.cxx | 4 +-
Source/cmDependsJavaParserHelper.h | 19 +-
Source/cmDependsJavaParserTokens.h | 254 -
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Source/cmDisallowedCommand.h | 51 +
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Source/cmDocumentation.h | 2 +-
Source/cmDocumentationEntry.h | 2 +-
Source/cmDocumentationFormatter.h | 2 +-
Source/cmDocumentationSection.h | 2 +-
Source/cmDynamicLoader.cxx | 10 +-
Source/cmDynamicLoader.h | 10 +-
Source/cmELF.cxx | 21 +-
Source/cmELF.h | 2 +-
Source/cmEnableLanguageCommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmEnableTestingCommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmExecProgramCommand.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmExecProgramCommand.h | 13 +-
Source/cmExecuteProcessCommand.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmExecuteProcessCommand.h | 13 +-
Source/cmExecutionStatus.h | 31 +-
Source/cmExpandedCommandArgument.h | 2 +-
Source/cmExportBuildAndroidMKGenerator.h | 2 +-
Source/cmExportBuildFileGenerator.cxx | 65 +-
Source/cmExportBuildFileGenerator.h | 2 +-
Source/cmExportCommand.cxx | 17 +-
Source/cmExportCommand.h | 9 +-
Source/cmExportFileGenerator.cxx | 34 +-
Source/cmExportFileGenerator.h | 2 +-
Source/cmExportInstallAndroidMKGenerator.h | 2 +-
Source/cmExportInstallFileGenerator.cxx | 26 +-
Source/cmExportInstallFileGenerator.h | 2 +-
Source/cmExportLibraryDependenciesCommand.cxx | 9 +-
Source/cmExportLibraryDependenciesCommand.h | 7 +-
Source/cmExportSet.h | 2 +-
Source/cmExportSetMap.h | 2 +-
Source/cmExportTryCompileFileGenerator.h | 2 +-
Source/cmExprParser.cxx | 1696 ------
Source/cmExprParser.y | 162 -
Source/cmExprParserHelper.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmExprParserHelper.h | 21 +-
Source/cmExternalMakefileProjectGenerator.h | 2 +-
Source/cmExtraCodeBlocksGenerator.cxx | 8 +-
Source/cmExtraCodeBlocksGenerator.h | 2 +-
Source/cmExtraCodeLiteGenerator.cxx | 109 +-
Source/cmExtraCodeLiteGenerator.h | 6 +-
Source/cmExtraEclipseCDT4Generator.cxx | 6 +-
Source/cmExtraEclipseCDT4Generator.h | 2 +-
Source/cmExtraKateGenerator.h | 2 +-
Source/cmExtraSublimeTextGenerator.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmExtraSublimeTextGenerator.h | 2 +-
Source/cmFLTKWrapUICommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmFileCommand.cxx | 182 +-
Source/cmFileCommand.h | 14 +-
Source/cmFileLock.h | 7 +-
Source/cmFileLockPool.h | 18 +-
Source/cmFileLockResult.h | 2 +-
Source/cmFileMonitor.cxx | 20 +-
Source/cmFileMonitor.h | 4 +
Source/cmFilePathChecksum.cxx | 4 +-
Source/cmFilePathChecksum.h | 6 +-
Source/cmFileTimeComparison.cxx | 4 +-
Source/cmFileTimeComparison.h | 2 +-
Source/cmFindBase.cxx | 26 +-
Source/cmFindBase.h | 3 +-
Source/cmFindCommon.cxx | 52 +-
Source/cmFindCommon.h | 12 +-
Source/cmFindFileCommand.h | 4 +-
Source/cmFindLibraryCommand.cxx | 39 +-
Source/cmFindLibraryCommand.h | 13 +-
Source/cmFindPackageCommand.cxx | 259 +-
Source/cmFindPackageCommand.h | 16 +-
Source/cmFindPathCommand.cxx | 6 +-
Source/cmFindPathCommand.h | 13 +-
Source/cmFindProgramCommand.cxx | 3 +-
Source/cmFindProgramCommand.h | 15 +-
Source/cmForEachCommand.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmForEachCommand.h | 13 +-
Source/cmFortranParser.cxx | 1984 ------
Source/cmFortranParser.h | 9 +-
Source/cmFortranParser.y | 243 -
Source/cmFortranParserImpl.cxx | 3 +-
Source/cmFortranParserTokens.h | 149 -
Source/cmFunctionCommand.cxx | 23 +-
Source/cmFunctionCommand.h | 13 +-
Source/cmGeneratedFileStream.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmGeneratedFileStream.h | 6 +-
Source/cmGeneratorExpression.cxx | 8 +-
Source/cmGeneratorExpression.h | 14 +-
Source/cmGeneratorExpressionDAGChecker.h | 2 +-
Source/cmGeneratorExpressionEvaluationFile.cxx | 10 +-
Source/cmGeneratorExpressionEvaluationFile.h | 9 +-
Source/cmGeneratorExpressionEvaluator.h | 5 +-
Source/cmGeneratorExpressionLexer.h | 2 +-
Source/cmGeneratorExpressionNode.cxx | 171 +-
Source/cmGeneratorExpressionNode.h | 2 +-
Source/cmGeneratorExpressionParser.h | 2 +-
Source/cmGeneratorTarget.cxx | 1203 ++--
Source/cmGeneratorTarget.h | 217 +-
Source/cmGetCMakePropertyCommand.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmGetCMakePropertyCommand.h | 13 +-
Source/cmGetDirectoryPropertyCommand.cxx | 3 +-
Source/cmGetDirectoryPropertyCommand.h | 13 +-
Source/cmGetFilenameComponentCommand.cxx | 6 +-
Source/cmGetFilenameComponentCommand.h | 13 +-
Source/cmGetPropertyCommand.cxx | 1 +
Source/cmGetPropertyCommand.h | 13 +-
Source/cmGetSourceFilePropertyCommand.cxx | 4 +-
Source/cmGetSourceFilePropertyCommand.h | 11 +-
Source/cmGetTargetPropertyCommand.cxx | 4 +-
Source/cmGetTargetPropertyCommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmGetTestPropertyCommand.cxx | 4 +-
Source/cmGetTestPropertyCommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmGhsMultiGpj.h | 2 +-
Source/cmGhsMultiTargetGenerator.cxx | 8 +-
Source/cmGlobalCommonGenerator.h | 2 +-
Source/cmGlobalGenerator.cxx | 95 +-
Source/cmGlobalGenerator.h | 28 +-
Source/cmGlobalGeneratorFactory.h | 2 +-
Source/cmGlobalGhsMultiGenerator.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmGlobalKdevelopGenerator.cxx | 6 +-
Source/cmGlobalKdevelopGenerator.h | 2 +-
Source/cmGlobalMSYSMakefileGenerator.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmGlobalNinjaGenerator.cxx | 71 +-
Source/cmGlobalNinjaGenerator.h | 17 +-
Source/cmGlobalUnixMakefileGenerator3.h | 4 +-
Source/cmGlobalVisualStudio10Generator.cxx | 392 +-
Source/cmGlobalVisualStudio10Generator.h | 33 +-
Source/cmGlobalVisualStudio11Generator.h | 2 +-
Source/cmGlobalVisualStudio12Generator.cxx | 16 +-
Source/cmGlobalVisualStudio12Generator.h | 6 +-
Source/cmGlobalVisualStudio14Generator.cxx | 53 +-
Source/cmGlobalVisualStudio14Generator.h | 2 +-
Source/cmGlobalVisualStudio15Generator.cxx | 4 +-
Source/cmGlobalVisualStudio15Generator.h | 2 +-
Source/cmGlobalVisualStudio71Generator.cxx | 83 +-
Source/cmGlobalVisualStudio71Generator.h | 33 +-
Source/cmGlobalVisualStudio7Generator.cxx | 54 +-
Source/cmGlobalVisualStudio7Generator.h | 6 +-
Source/cmGlobalVisualStudio8Generator.cxx | 24 +-
Source/cmGlobalVisualStudio8Generator.h | 7 +-
Source/cmGlobalVisualStudioGenerator.cxx | 102 +-
Source/cmGlobalVisualStudioGenerator.h | 4 +-
Source/cmGlobalWatcomWMakeGenerator.h | 2 +-
Source/cmGlobalXCodeGenerator.cxx | 883 +--
Source/cmGlobalXCodeGenerator.h | 22 +-
Source/cmGraphAdjacencyList.h | 19 +-
Source/cmGraphVizWriter.cxx | 4 +-
Source/cmGraphVizWriter.h | 4 +-
Source/cmHexFileConverter.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmIDEFlagTable.h | 3 +
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Source/cmIDEOptions.h | 16 +-
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Source/cmIfCommand.h | 15 +-
Source/cmIncludeCommand.h | 13 +-
Source/cmIncludeDirectoryCommand.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmIncludeDirectoryCommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmIncludeExternalMSProjectCommand.h | 11 +-
Source/cmIncludeRegularExpressionCommand.h | 11 +-
Source/cmInstallCommand.cxx | 86 +-
Source/cmInstallCommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmInstallCommandArguments.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmInstallCommandArguments.h | 2 +-
Source/cmInstallDirectoryGenerator.cxx | 6 +-
Source/cmInstallDirectoryGenerator.h | 10 +-
Source/cmInstallExportGenerator.cxx | 4 +-
Source/cmInstallExportGenerator.h | 8 +-
Source/cmInstallFilesCommand.cxx | 6 +-
Source/cmInstallFilesCommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmInstallFilesGenerator.cxx | 6 +-
Source/cmInstallFilesGenerator.h | 9 +-
Source/cmInstallGenerator.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmInstallGenerator.h | 6 +-
Source/cmInstallProgramsCommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmInstallScriptGenerator.h | 2 +-
Source/cmInstallTargetGenerator.cxx | 115 +-
Source/cmInstallTargetGenerator.h | 37 +-
Source/cmInstallTargetsCommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmInstalledFile.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmInstalledFile.h | 2 +
Source/cmLinkDirectoriesCommand.cxx | 1 +
Source/cmLinkDirectoriesCommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmLinkItem.h | 13 +-
Source/cmLinkLibrariesCommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmLinkLineComputer.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmLinkLineComputer.h | 6 +-
Source/cmLinkLineDeviceComputer.cxx | 34 +-
Source/cmLinkLineDeviceComputer.h | 17 +-
Source/cmLinkedTree.h | 2 +-
Source/cmListCommand.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmListCommand.h | 13 +-
Source/cmListFileCache.cxx | 22 +-
Source/cmListFileCache.h | 14 +-
Source/cmListFileLexer.c | 2684 --------
Source/cmListFileLexer.h | 1 +
Source/cmListFileLexer.in.l | 564 --
Source/cmLoadCacheCommand.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmLoadCacheCommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmLoadCommandCommand.cxx | 25 +-
Source/cmLoadCommandCommand.h | 4 +-
Source/cmLocalCommonGenerator.cxx | 12 +-
Source/cmLocalCommonGenerator.h | 3 +-
Source/cmLocalGenerator.cxx | 188 +-
Source/cmLocalGenerator.h | 21 +-
Source/cmLocalNinjaGenerator.cxx | 30 +-
Source/cmLocalNinjaGenerator.h | 6 +-
Source/cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3.cxx | 44 +-
Source/cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3.h | 2 +-
Source/cmLocalVisualStudio10Generator.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmLocalVisualStudio10Generator.h | 2 +-
Source/cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator.cxx | 206 +-
Source/cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator.h | 6 +-
Source/cmLocalVisualStudioGenerator.cxx | 24 +-
Source/cmLocalVisualStudioGenerator.h | 2 +-
Source/cmLocalXCodeGenerator.h | 3 +-
Source/cmLocale.h | 7 +-
Source/cmMSVC60LinkLineComputer.cxx | 6 +-
Source/cmMSVC60LinkLineComputer.h | 6 +-
Source/cmMachO.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmMachO.h | 2 +-
Source/cmMacroCommand.cxx | 26 +-
Source/cmMacroCommand.h | 13 +-
Source/cmMakeDirectoryCommand.h | 13 +-
Source/cmMakefile.cxx | 142 +-
Source/cmMakefile.h | 33 +-
Source/cmMakefileExecutableTargetGenerator.cxx | 25 +-
Source/cmMakefileExecutableTargetGenerator.h | 4 +-
Source/cmMakefileLibraryTargetGenerator.cxx | 80 +-
Source/cmMakefileLibraryTargetGenerator.h | 2 +-
Source/cmMakefileTargetGenerator.cxx | 103 +-
Source/cmMakefileTargetGenerator.h | 7 +-
Source/cmMakefileUtilityTargetGenerator.h | 2 +-
Source/cmMarkAsAdvancedCommand.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmMarkAsAdvancedCommand.h | 16 +-
Source/cmMathCommand.h | 13 +-
Source/cmMessageCommand.h | 13 +-
Source/cmMessenger.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmMessenger.h | 2 +-
Source/cmNewLineStyle.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmNewLineStyle.h | 2 +-
Source/cmNinjaLinkLineComputer.cxx | 3 +-
Source/cmNinjaLinkLineComputer.h | 6 +-
Source/cmNinjaNormalTargetGenerator.cxx | 170 +-
Source/cmNinjaNormalTargetGenerator.h | 2 +-
Source/cmNinjaTargetGenerator.cxx | 103 +-
Source/cmNinjaTargetGenerator.h | 5 +-
Source/cmNinjaTypes.h | 8 +-
Source/cmNinjaUtilityTargetGenerator.h | 2 +-
Source/cmOSXBundleGenerator.cxx | 35 +-
Source/cmOSXBundleGenerator.h | 2 +-
Source/cmOptionCommand.h | 13 +-
Source/cmOrderDirectories.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmOrderDirectories.h | 4 +-
Source/cmOutputConverter.cxx | 4 +-
Source/cmOutputConverter.h | 6 +-
Source/cmOutputRequiredFilesCommand.cxx | 13 +-
Source/cmOutputRequiredFilesCommand.h | 4 +-
Source/cmParseArgumentsCommand.h | 13 +-
Source/cmPathLabel.h | 2 +-
Source/cmPolicies.cxx | 18 +-
Source/cmPolicies.h | 15 +-
Source/cmProcessOutput.h | 2 +-
Source/cmProcessTools.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmProcessTools.h | 2 +-
Source/cmProjectCommand.cxx | 74 +-
Source/cmProjectCommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmProperty.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmProperty.h | 2 +-
Source/cmPropertyDefinition.h | 2 +-
Source/cmPropertyDefinitionMap.h | 2 +-
Source/cmPropertyMap.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmPropertyMap.h | 2 +-
Source/cmQTWrapCPPCommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmQTWrapUICommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmQtAutoGeneratorCommon.cxx | 216 +
Source/cmQtAutoGeneratorCommon.h | 39 +
Source/cmQtAutoGeneratorInitializer.cxx | 1295 ++--
Source/cmQtAutoGeneratorInitializer.h | 2 +-
Source/cmQtAutoGenerators.cxx | 2326 ++++---
Source/cmQtAutoGenerators.h | 255 +-
Source/cmRST.cxx | 22 +-
Source/cmRST.h | 4 +-
Source/cmRemoveCommand.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmRemoveCommand.h | 13 +-
Source/cmRemoveDefinitionsCommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmReturnCommand.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmReturnCommand.h | 13 +-
Source/cmRulePlaceholderExpander.cxx | 26 +-
Source/cmRulePlaceholderExpander.h | 5 +-
Source/cmScriptGenerator.cxx | 14 +-
Source/cmScriptGenerator.h | 18 +-
Source/cmSearchPath.h | 2 +-
Source/cmSeparateArgumentsCommand.cxx | 7 +
Source/cmSeparateArgumentsCommand.h | 13 +-
Source/cmServer.cxx | 21 +-
Source/cmServer.h | 7 +-
Source/cmServerConnection.cxx | 3 +-
Source/cmServerConnection.h | 12 +-
Source/cmServerProtocol.cxx | 58 +-
Source/cmServerProtocol.h | 16 +-
Source/cmSetCommand.h | 13 +-
Source/cmSetDirectoryPropertiesCommand.h | 16 +-
Source/cmSetPropertyCommand.cxx | 12 +-
Source/cmSetPropertyCommand.h | 13 +-
Source/cmSetSourceFilesPropertiesCommand.h | 11 +-
Source/cmSetTargetPropertiesCommand.cxx | 3 +-
Source/cmSetTargetPropertiesCommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmSetTestsPropertiesCommand.cxx | 3 +-
Source/cmSetTestsPropertiesCommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmSiteNameCommand.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmSiteNameCommand.h | 13 +-
Source/cmSourceFile.h | 2 +-
Source/cmSourceFileLocation.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmSourceFileLocation.h | 2 +-
Source/cmSourceGroup.h | 4 +-
Source/cmSourceGroupCommand.cxx | 79 +-
Source/cmSourceGroupCommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmStandardIncludes.h | 53 -
Source/cmStandardLexer.h | 4 +-
Source/cmState.cxx | 158 +-
Source/cmState.h | 44 +-
Source/cmStateDirectory.h | 2 +-
Source/cmStatePrivate.h | 7 +-
Source/cmStateSnapshot.cxx | 12 +-
Source/cmStateSnapshot.h | 4 +-
Source/cmStateTypes.h | 11 +-
Source/cmStringCommand.cxx | 24 +-
Source/cmStringCommand.h | 13 +-
Source/cmSubdirCommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmSubdirDependsCommand.cxx | 5 -
Source/cmSubdirDependsCommand.h | 4 +-
Source/cmSystemTools.cxx | 163 +-
Source/cmSystemTools.h | 26 +-
Source/cmTarget.cxx | 199 +-
Source/cmTarget.h | 10 +-
Source/cmTargetCompileDefinitionsCommand.h | 11 +-
Source/cmTargetCompileFeaturesCommand.h | 5 +-
Source/cmTargetCompileOptionsCommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmTargetDepend.h | 4 +-
Source/cmTargetExport.h | 3 +-
Source/cmTargetIncludeDirectoriesCommand.h | 11 +-
Source/cmTargetLinkLibrariesCommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmTargetPropCommandBase.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmTargetPropCommandBase.h | 2 +-
Source/cmTargetPropertyComputer.h | 2 +-
Source/cmTargetSourcesCommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmTest.h | 2 +-
Source/cmTestGenerator.cxx | 14 +-
Source/cmTestGenerator.h | 17 +-
Source/cmTimestamp.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmTimestamp.h | 2 +-
Source/cmTryCompileCommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmTryRunCommand.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmTryRunCommand.h | 8 +-
Source/cmUnexpectedCommand.h | 7 +-
Source/cmUnsetCommand.h | 13 +-
Source/cmUseMangledMesaCommand.cxx | 10 +-
Source/cmUseMangledMesaCommand.h | 6 +-
Source/cmUtilitySourceCommand.cxx | 12 +-
Source/cmUtilitySourceCommand.h | 4 +-
Source/cmUtils.hxx | 2 +-
Source/cmUuid.h | 2 +-
Source/cmVS10CudaFlagTable.h | 51 +
Source/cmVS10CudaHostFlagTable.h | 35 +
Source/cmVS10MASMFlagTable.h | 76 +-
Source/cmVS10NASMFlagTable.h | 50 +
Source/cmVS10RCFlagTable.h | 1 +
Source/cmVS11MASMFlagTable.h | 76 +-
Source/cmVS11RCFlagTable.h | 1 +
Source/cmVS12MASMFlagTable.h | 76 +-
Source/cmVS12RCFlagTable.h | 1 +
Source/cmVS140LinkFlagTable.h | 282 +
Source/cmVS141LinkFlagTable.h | 283 +
Source/cmVS14LinkFlagTable.h | 280 -
Source/cmVS14MASMFlagTable.h | 76 +-
Source/cmVS14RCFlagTable.h | 1 +
Source/cmVSSetupHelper.cxx | 28 +
Source/cmVariableRequiresCommand.cxx | 10 +-
Source/cmVariableRequiresCommand.h | 4 +-
Source/cmVariableWatch.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmVariableWatch.h | 2 +-
Source/cmVariableWatchCommand.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmVariableWatchCommand.h | 13 +-
Source/cmVersion.h | 2 +-
Source/cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator.cxx | 833 ++-
Source/cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator.h | 25 +-
Source/cmVisualStudio10ToolsetOptions.cxx | 9 +-
Source/cmVisualStudio10ToolsetOptions.h | 2 +-
Source/cmVisualStudioGeneratorOptions.cxx | 177 +-
Source/cmVisualStudioGeneratorOptions.h | 29 +-
Source/cmVisualStudioSlnData.h | 2 +-
Source/cmVisualStudioSlnParser.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmVisualStudioSlnParser.h | 2 +-
Source/cmVisualStudioWCEPlatformParser.h | 2 +-
Source/cmWhileCommand.cxx | 2 +-
Source/cmWhileCommand.h | 13 +-
Source/cmWorkingDirectory.cxx | 24 +
Source/cmWorkingDirectory.h | 25 +
Source/cmWriteFileCommand.cxx | 9 +-
Source/cmWriteFileCommand.h | 13 +-
Source/cmXCode21Object.h | 2 +-
Source/cmXCodeObject.cxx | 4 +-
Source/cmXCodeObject.h | 2 +-
Source/cmXCodeScheme.cxx | 227 +
Source/cmXCodeScheme.h | 50 +
Source/cmXMLParser.cxx | 4 +-
Source/cmXMLParser.h | 2 +-
Source/cmXMLSafe.h | 2 +-
Source/cmXMLWriter.cxx | 13 +-
Source/cmXMLWriter.h | 10 +-
Source/cm_auto_ptr.hxx | 12 +-
Source/cm_codecvt.cxx | 290 +-
Source/cm_codecvt.hxx | 30 +-
Source/cm_sys_stat.h | 14 +
Source/cm_unordered_map.hxx | 4 +-
Source/cm_unordered_set.hxx | 4 +-
Source/cm_utf8.c | 2 +-
Source/cmake.cxx | 85 +-
Source/cmake.h | 22 +-
Source/cmakemain.cxx | 45 +-
Source/cmakexbuild.cxx | 9 +-
Source/cmcldeps.cxx | 4 +-
Source/cmcmd.cxx | 74 +-
Source/cmcmd.h | 2 +-
Source/ctest.cxx | 24 +-
Source/kwsys/.gitattributes | 17 +-
Source/kwsys/Base64.c | 10 -
Source/kwsys/CMakeLists.txt | 21 +-
Source/kwsys/CONTRIBUTING.rst | 10 +-
Source/kwsys/CommandLineArguments.cxx | 88 +-
Source/kwsys/ConsoleBuf.hxx.in | 12 +-
Source/kwsys/Directory.cxx | 9 +-
Source/kwsys/DynamicLoader.cxx | 34 -
Source/kwsys/Encoding.hxx.in | 13 +-
Source/kwsys/EncodingCXX.cxx | 66 +-
Source/kwsys/FStream.hxx.in | 10 +-
Source/kwsys/Glob.cxx | 12 -
Source/kwsys/MD5.c | 10 -
Source/kwsys/Process.h.in | 73 +-
Source/kwsys/ProcessUNIX.c | 233 +-
Source/kwsys/ProcessWin32.c | 253 +-
Source/kwsys/SharedForward.h.in | 18 -
Source/kwsys/System.c | 4 -
Source/kwsys/SystemInformation.cxx | 423 +-
Source/kwsys/SystemInformation.hxx.in | 30 +-
Source/kwsys/SystemTools.cxx | 247 +-
Source/kwsys/SystemTools.hxx.in | 41 +-
Source/kwsys/Terminal.c | 10 -
Source/kwsys/kwsysPlatformTestsC.c | 3 -
Source/kwsys/testConsoleBuf.cxx | 23 +-
Source/kwsys/testConsoleBufChild.cxx | 1 -
Source/kwsys/testEncoding.cxx | 86 +-
Source/kwsys/testFStream.cxx | 3 -
Source/kwsys/testSystemInformation.cxx | 2 +-
Source/kwsys/testSystemTools.cxx | 107 +-
Templates/MSBuild/nasm.props.in | 17 +
Templates/MSBuild/nasm.targets | 41 +
Templates/MSBuild/nasm.xml | 110 +
Templates/TestDriver.cxx.in | 6 +-
Tests/BuildDepends/CMakeLists.txt | 2 +-
.../target_compile_features/CMakeLists.txt | 70 +-
.../target_compile_features/dummy.cpp | 5 -
.../CMakeCommands/target_link_libraries/empty.cpp | 4 +-
Tests/CMakeLib/CMakeLists.txt | 10 -
Tests/CMakeLib/PseudoMemcheck/CMakeLists.txt | 15 -
Tests/CMakeLib/PseudoMemcheck/NoLog/CMakeLists.txt | 8 -
Tests/CMakeLib/PseudoMemcheck/memtester.cxx.in | 2 +-
Tests/CMakeLib/run_compile_commands.cxx | 2 +-
Tests/CMakeLib/testEncoding.cxx | 8 +-
Tests/CMakeLib/testRST.cxx | 2 +-
Tests/CMakeLists.txt | 64 +-
Tests/CMakeOnly/AllFindModules/CMakeLists.txt | 11 +-
Tests/CMakeOnly/CMakeLists.txt | 17 +-
Tests/CMakeOnly/find_library/CMakeLists.txt | 31 +-
.../find_library/lib/A/libXYZ/libtest2.a} | 0
.../find_library/lib/A/libx32/libtest3.a} | 0
.../find_library/lib/XYZ/libtest1.a} | 0
.../find_library/lib/x32/libtest2.a} | 0
.../find_library/libXYZ/A/lib/libtest4.a} | 0
.../find_library/libXYZ/A/libXYZ/libtest5.a} | 0
.../find_library/libXYZ/A/libtest6.a} | 0
.../find_library/libXYZ/libtest7.a} | 0
.../find_library/libx32/A/lib/libtest2.a} | 0
.../find_library/libx32/A/libtest1.a} | 0
.../find_library/libx32/A/libx32/libtest1.a} | 0
.../find_library/libx32/libtest1.a} | 0
Tests/CMakeTestAllGenerators/RunCMake.cmake | 57 +-
Tests/CMakeTests/CMakeLists.txt | 6 +-
Tests/CMakeTests/CompilerIdVendorTest.cmake.in | 4 +-
Tests/CMakeTests/FileDownloadBadHashTest.cmake.in | 5 +-
Tests/CMakeTests/FileDownloadTest.cmake.in | 5 +-
Tests/CMakeTests/FileUploadTest.cmake.in | 5 +-
Tests/CMakeTests/GetPrerequisitesTest.cmake.in | 7 +-
Tests/CMakeTests/ImplicitLinkInfoTest.cmake.in | 105 +-
Tests/CMakeTests/SeparateArgumentsTest.cmake.in | 25 -
Tests/CMakeTests/ToolchainTest.cmake.in | 1 -
Tests/CPackComponents/CMakeLists.txt | 2 +-
Tests/CSharpLinkToCxx/CMakeLists.txt | 17 +
Tests/CSharpLinkToCxx/cli.cpp | 10 +
Tests/CSharpLinkToCxx/cli.hpp | 10 +
Tests/CSharpLinkToCxx/csharp.cs | 16 +
Tests/CheckFortran.cmake | 2 +
Tests/CompileFeatures/CMakeLists.txt | 33 +-
Tests/CompileFeatures/default_dialect.c | 3 +-
Tests/Cuda/Complex/CMakeLists.txt | 8 +
Tests/Cuda/Complex/dynamic.cu | 43 +-
Tests/Cuda/Complex/file3.cu | 36 +-
Tests/Cuda/Complex/main.cpp | 12 +-
Tests/Cuda/Complex/mixed.cu | 36 +-
Tests/Cuda/ObjectLibrary/CMakeLists.txt | 5 +
Tests/Cuda/ObjectLibrary/main.cpp | 8 +-
Tests/Cuda/ObjectLibrary/static.cu | 4 +-
Tests/CudaOnly/CMakeLists.txt | 2 +
Tests/CudaOnly/ExportPTX/CMakeLists.txt | 82 +
Tests/CudaOnly/ExportPTX/bin2c_wrapper.cmake | 19 +
Tests/CudaOnly/ExportPTX/kernelA.cu | 7 +
Tests/CudaOnly/ExportPTX/kernelB.cu | 8 +
Tests/CudaOnly/ExportPTX/main.cu | 28 +
Tests/CudaOnly/ResolveDeviceSymbols/CMakeLists.txt | 52 +
Tests/CudaOnly/ResolveDeviceSymbols/file1.cu | 10 +
Tests/CudaOnly/ResolveDeviceSymbols/file1.h | 7 +
Tests/CudaOnly/ResolveDeviceSymbols/file2.cu | 25 +
Tests/CudaOnly/ResolveDeviceSymbols/file2.h | 10 +
Tests/CudaOnly/ResolveDeviceSymbols/main.cu | 85 +
Tests/CudaOnly/ResolveDeviceSymbols/verify.cmake | 14 +
Tests/CudaOnly/SeparateCompilation/CMakeLists.txt | 42 +-
Tests/CudaOnly/SeparateCompilation/main.cu | 53 +
Tests/CudaOnly/WithDefs/CMakeLists.txt | 12 +-
Tests/CudaOnly/WithDefs/main.notcu | 4 +
Tests/CudaOnly/WithDefs/main_for_vs.cu | 1 +
Tests/CustomCommandByproducts/ninja-check.cmake | 2 +-
Tests/CustomCommandWorkingDirectory/CMakeLists.txt | 2 +
Tests/ExportImport/Export/CMakeLists.txt | 13 +-
Tests/ExportImport/Export/sub/testLib8C.c | 4 +
Tests/ExportImport/Export/testLib8A.c | 4 +
Tests/ExportImport/Export/testLib8B.c | 4 +
Tests/ExportImport/Export/testLibNoSONAME.c | 2 +-
Tests/ExportImport/Import/A/CMakeLists.txt | 10 +
Tests/ExportImport/Import/A/imp_testExe1.c | 24 +-
Tests/ExportImport/Import/A/imp_testLib8.c | 8 +
Tests/ExternalProject/CMakeLists.txt | 10 +
Tests/FindDoxygen/CMakeLists.txt | 20 +
.../DotComponentTestTest/CMakeLists.txt | 18 +
Tests/FindDoxygen/SimpleTest/CMakeLists.txt | 59 +
Tests/FindDoxygen/SimpleTest/main.cpp | 4 +
Tests/FindDoxygen/SimpleTest/spaces_in_name.cpp.in | 4 +
Tests/FindGTest/Test/CMakeLists.txt | 3 -
Tests/FindMPI/CMakeLists.txt | 21 +
Tests/FindMPI/Test/CMakeLists.txt | 41 +
Tests/FindMPI/Test/main.c | 7 +
Tests/FindMPI/Test/main.f90 | 7 +
Tests/FindModulesExecuteAll/CMakeLists.txt | 2 +-
Tests/FindOpenMP/CMakeLists.txt | 21 +
Tests/FindOpenMP/Test/CMakeLists.txt | 69 +
Tests/FindOpenMP/Test/main.c | 7 +
Tests/FindOpenMP/Test/main.f90.in | 5 +
Tests/FindOpenMP/Test/scalprod.c | 16 +
Tests/FindOpenMP/Test/scalprod.f90.in | 19 +
Tests/FindOpenMP/Test/scaltest.c | 20 +
Tests/FindOpenMP/Test/scaltest.f90.in | 21 +
Tests/FindProtobuf/CMakeLists.txt | 10 +
Tests/FindProtobuf/Test/CMakeLists.txt | 32 +
Tests/FindProtobuf/Test/main-protoc.cxx | 8 +
Tests/FindProtobuf/Test/main.cxx | 8 +
Tests/FindTIFF/Test/CMakeLists.txt | 3 -
Tests/FindXalanC/Test/CMakeLists.txt | 3 -
Tests/FindXercesC/Test/CMakeLists.txt | 3 -
Tests/GeneratorExpression/CMakeLists.txt | 16 +
Tests/GeneratorExpression/check_object_files.cmake | 26 +
Tests/GeneratorExpression/objlib1.c | 4 +
Tests/GeneratorExpression/objlib2.c | 4 +
Tests/GoogleTest/CMakeLists.txt | 10 +
Tests/GoogleTest/Test/CMakeLists.txt | 95 +
Tests/GoogleTest/Test/main1.cxx | 30 +
Tests/GoogleTest/Test/main2.cxx | 1 +
Tests/GoogleTest/Test/main2.h | 21 +
Tests/GoogleTest/Test/main3.cxx | 11 +
Tests/GoogleTest/Test/main4.cxx | 1 +
Tests/GoogleTest/Test/main4.h | 6 +
Tests/JavaExportImport/BuildExport/CMakeLists.txt | 5 +-
Tests/JavaExportImport/Import/CMakeLists.txt | 2 +-
.../JavaExportImport/InstallExport/CMakeLists.txt | 1 +
Tests/Module/CheckIPOSupported-C/CMakeLists.txt | 19 +
Tests/Module/CheckIPOSupported-C/foo.c | 4 +
Tests/Module/CheckIPOSupported-C/main.c | 9 +
Tests/Module/CheckIPOSupported-CXX/CMakeLists.txt | 19 +
Tests/Module/CheckIPOSupported-CXX/foo.cpp | 4 +
Tests/Module/CheckIPOSupported-CXX/main.cpp | 9 +
.../CheckIPOSupported-Fortran/CMakeLists.txt | 19 +
Tests/Module/CheckIPOSupported-Fortran/foo.f | 2 +
Tests/Module/CheckIPOSupported-Fortran/main.f | 3 +
.../WriteCompilerDetectionHeader/CMakeLists.txt | 13 +-
Tests/Module/WriteCompilerDetectionHeader/main.cpp | 3 +
.../WriteCompilerDetectionHeader/multi_files.cpp | 3 +
Tests/ModuleDefinition/CMakeLists.txt | 9 +-
Tests/ModuleDefinition/example_exe.c | 6 +-
Tests/ModuleDefinition/split_dll.c | 9 +
Tests/ModuleDefinition/split_dll_1.def | 2 +
Tests/ModuleDefinition/split_dll_2.def | 2 +
Tests/ObjectLibrary/CMakeLists.txt | 6 +-
Tests/Plugin/CMakeLists.txt | 6 +-
Tests/Preprocess/CMakeLists.txt | 10 +-
Tests/QtAutoUicInterface/CMakeLists.txt | 10 +-
Tests/QtAutogen/CMakeLists.txt | 248 +-
Tests/QtAutogen/automoc_rerun/CMakeLists.txt | 27 -
Tests/QtAutogen/automoc_rerun/test1.cpp | 5 -
Tests/QtAutogen/automoc_rerun/test1.h.in1 | 8 -
Tests/QtAutogen/automoc_rerun/test1.h.in2 | 7 -
Tests/QtAutogen/autorcc_depends/CMakeLists.txt | 27 -
Tests/QtAutogen/autorcc_depends/res1.qrc.in | 5 -
Tests/QtAutogen/mocDepends/CMakeLists.txt | 47 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocDepends/invalid.hpp.in | 1 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocDepends/object.hpp.in | 14 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocDepends/simpleLib.cpp.in | 9 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocDepends/simpleLib.hpp.in | 11 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocDepends/test1.cpp | 9 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocDepends/test2.cpp | 10 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocDepends/test2.hpp | 16 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocInclude/ObjA.cpp | 24 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocInclude/ObjA.hpp | 13 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocInclude/ObjB.cpp | 25 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocInclude/ObjB.hpp | 13 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocInclude/ObjC.cpp | 26 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocInclude/ObjC.hpp | 13 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocInclude/ObjD.cpp | 26 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocInclude/ObjD.hpp | 13 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocInclude/subA/SubObjA.cpp | 27 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocInclude/subA/SubObjA.hpp | 16 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocInclude/subB/SubObjB.cpp | 27 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocInclude/subB/SubObjB.hpp | 16 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocInclude/subC/SubObjC.cpp | 27 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocInclude/subC/SubObjC.hpp | 16 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocIncludeRelaxed/CMakeLists.txt | 18 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocIncludeRelaxed/main.cpp | 14 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocIncludeStrict/CMakeLists.txt | 18 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocIncludeStrict/main.cpp | 14 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocPlugin/CMakeLists.txt | 33 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocPlugin/StyleA.cpp | 6 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocPlugin/StyleA.hpp | 17 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocPlugin/StyleA.json | 1 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocPlugin/StyleA_Custom.json | 1 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocPlugin/StyleB.cpp | 6 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocPlugin/StyleB.hpp | 17 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocPlugin/StyleC.cpp | 6 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocPlugin/StyleC.hpp | 17 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocPlugin/StyleCommon.hpp | 7 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocPlugin/StyleD.cpp | 6 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocPlugin/StyleD.hpp | 17 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocPlugin/StyleE.cpp | 6 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocPlugin/StyleE.hpp | 17 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocPlugin/jsonIn/StyleB.json | 1 +
.../QtAutogen/mocPlugin/jsonIn/StyleB_Custom.json | 1 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocPlugin/jsonIn/StyleC.json | 1 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocPlugin/jsonIn/StyleD.json | 1 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocPlugin/main.cpp | 6 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocRerun/CMakeLists.txt | 35 +
.../{automoc_rerun => mocRerun}/input.txt | 0
Tests/QtAutogen/mocRerun/main.cpp.in | 18 +
.../QtAutogen/{automoc_rerun => mocRerun}/res1.qrc | 0
Tests/QtAutogen/mocRerun/test1a.h.in | 8 +
Tests/QtAutogen/mocRerun/test1b.h.in | 7 +
Tests/QtAutogen/rccDepends/CMakeLists.txt | 35 +
.../test_res1.cpp => rccDepends/main.cpp} | 0
.../input.txt.in => rccDepends/res/input1.txt.in} | 0
Tests/QtAutogen/rccDepends/res/input2.txt.in | 1 +
Tests/QtAutogen/rccDepends/res1a.qrc.in | 5 +
Tests/QtAutogen/rccDepends/res1b.qrc.in | 6 +
Tests/QtAutogen/rccDepends/res2a.qrc.in | 5 +
Tests/QtAutogen/rccDepends/res2b.qrc.in | 6 +
Tests/QtAutogen/sameName/CMakeLists.txt | 11 +
Tests/QtAutogen/uicInclude/CMakeLists.txt | 8 +
Tests/QtAutogen/uicInclude/PageC.ui | 24 +
Tests/QtAutogen/uicInclude/dirA/PageA.ui | 24 +
Tests/QtAutogen/uicInclude/dirB/sub/PageB.ui | 24 +
Tests/QtAutogen/uicInclude/main.cpp | 10 +
Tests/QtAutogen/uicInclude/main.hpp | 6 +
Tests/RunCMake/Android/android_sysinc.c | 7 +
Tests/RunCMake/Android/android_sysinc.cxx | 7 +
Tests/RunCMake/Android/common.cmake | 16 +
Tests/RunCMake/Android/sysinc/dlfcn.h | 1 +
Tests/RunCMake/AutoExportDll/AutoExport.cmake | 6 +
Tests/RunCMake/AutoExportDll/nop.asm | 12 +
Tests/RunCMake/AutoExportDll/say.cxx | 4 +
.../RunCMake/BuildDepends/MakeCustomIncludes.cmake | 13 +
Tests/RunCMake/BuildDepends/MakeCustomIncludes.cxx | 6 +
.../BuildDepends/MakeCustomIncludes.step1.cmake | 3 +
.../BuildDepends/MakeCustomIncludes.step2.cmake | 3 +
Tests/RunCMake/BuildDepends/RunCMakeTest.cmake | 10 +-
Tests/RunCMake/CMP0019/CMP0019-OLD-stderr.txt | 10 +
Tests/RunCMake/CMP0022/CMP0022-WARN-tll-stderr.txt | 4 +-
Tests/RunCMake/CMP0022/CMP0022-WARN-tll.cmake | 2 +
.../CMP0026/CMP0026-CONFIG-LOCATION-OLD-stderr.txt | 10 +
.../CMP0026/CMP0026-LOCATION-CONFIG-OLD-stderr.txt | 10 +
Tests/RunCMake/CMP0026/CMP0026-OLD-stderr.txt | 10 +
Tests/RunCMake/CMP0026/CMP0026-OLD.cmake | 12 +
Tests/RunCMake/CMP0026/RunCMakeTest.cmake | 1 +
.../CMP0026/clear-cached-information-stderr.txt | 10 +
.../RunCMake/CMP0028/CMP0028-OLD-iface-stderr.txt | 10 +
Tests/RunCMake/CMP0028/CMP0028-OLD-stderr.txt | 10 +
Tests/RunCMake/CMP0068/CMP0068-NEW-result.txt | 1 +
Tests/RunCMake/CMP0068/CMP0068-NEW.cmake | 6 +
Tests/RunCMake/CMP0068/CMP0068-OLD-result.txt | 1 +
Tests/RunCMake/CMP0068/CMP0068-OLD.cmake | 6 +
Tests/RunCMake/CMP0068/CMP0068-WARN-result.txt | 1 +
Tests/RunCMake/CMP0068/CMP0068-WARN-stderr.txt | 12 +
Tests/RunCMake/CMP0068/CMP0068-WARN.cmake | 12 +
Tests/RunCMake/CMP0068/CMakeLists.txt | 3 +
Tests/RunCMake/CMP0068/RunCMakeTest.cmake | 5 +
Tests/RunCMake/CMP0068/empty.cpp | 7 +
.../CMP0069-NEW-cmake-result.txt} | 0
.../RunCMake/CMP0069/CMP0069-NEW-cmake-stderr.txt | 4 +
Tests/RunCMake/CMP0069/CMP0069-NEW-cmake.cmake | 6 +
.../CMP0069-NEW-compiler-result.txt} | 0
.../CMP0069/CMP0069-NEW-compiler-stderr.txt | 4 +
Tests/RunCMake/CMP0069/CMP0069-NEW-compiler.cmake | 7 +
.../CMP0069-NEW-generator-result.txt} | 0
.../CMP0069/CMP0069-NEW-generator-stderr.txt | 4 +
Tests/RunCMake/CMP0069/CMP0069-NEW-generator.cmake | 7 +
Tests/RunCMake/CMP0069/CMP0069-OLD.cmake | 4 +
Tests/RunCMake/CMP0069/CMP0069-WARN-stderr.txt | 9 +
Tests/RunCMake/CMP0069/CMP0069-WARN.cmake | 4 +
Tests/RunCMake/CMP0069/CMakeLists.txt | 3 +
Tests/RunCMake/CMP0069/RunCMakeTest.cmake | 10 +
Tests/RunCMake/CMP0069/main.cpp | 3 +
Tests/RunCMake/CMakeLists.txt | 44 +-
.../CPack/ArchiveCommon/common_helpers.cmake | 2 +-
Tests/RunCMake/CPack/RunCMakeTest.cmake | 4 +-
Tests/RunCMake/CPack/STGZ/Helpers.cmake | 2 +-
Tests/RunCMake/CPack/VerifyResult.cmake | 6 +-
.../CPack/tests/CUSTOM_NAMES/ExpectedFiles.cmake | 3 +
Tests/RunCMake/CPack/tests/CUSTOM_NAMES/test.cmake | 3 +
.../CPack/tests/DEBUGINFO/ExpectedFiles.cmake | 8 +-
Tests/RunCMake/CPack/tests/DEBUGINFO/test.cmake | 10 +
.../tests/EXTRA_SLASH_IN_PATH/ExpectedFiles.cmake | 16 +
.../tests/EXTRA_SLASH_IN_PATH/VerifyResult.cmake | 7 +
.../CPack/tests/EXTRA_SLASH_IN_PATH/test.cmake | 37 +
.../CPack/tests/SYMLINKS/ExpectedFiles.cmake | 13 +
.../CPack/tests/SYMLINKS/TGZ-Prerequirements.cmake | 5 +
.../CPack/tests/SYMLINKS/VerifyResult.cmake | 26 +
Tests/RunCMake/CPack/tests/SYMLINKS/test.cmake | 14 +
Tests/RunCMake/CheckIPOSupported/CMakeLists.txt | 7 +
.../RunCMake/CheckIPOSupported/RunCMakeTest.cmake | 13 +
.../cmp0069-is-old-result.txt} | 0
.../CheckIPOSupported/cmp0069-is-old-stderr.txt | 5 +
.../CheckIPOSupported/cmp0069-is-old.cmake | 6 +
.../default-lang-none-result.txt} | 0
.../CheckIPOSupported/default-lang-none-stderr.txt | 7 +
.../CheckIPOSupported/default-lang-none.cmake | 1 +
.../not-supported-by-cmake-result.txt} | 0
.../not-supported-by-cmake-stderr.txt | 6 +
.../CheckIPOSupported/not-supported-by-cmake.cmake | 3 +
.../not-supported-by-compiler-result.txt} | 0
.../not-supported-by-compiler-stderr.txt | 6 +
.../not-supported-by-compiler.cmake | 4 +
.../not-supported-by-generator-result.txt} | 0
.../not-supported-by-generator-stderr.txt | 6 +
.../not-supported-by-generator.cmake | 6 +
.../CheckIPOSupported/save-to-result.cmake | 22 +
.../unparsed-arguments-result.txt} | 0
.../unparsed-arguments-stderr.txt | 5 +
.../CheckIPOSupported/unparsed-arguments.cmake | 1 +
.../user-lang-unknown-result.txt} | 0
.../CheckIPOSupported/user-lang-unknown-stderr.txt | 6 +
.../CheckIPOSupported/user-lang-unknown.cmake | 1 +
.../CommandLine/DeprecateVS71-WARN-ON-stderr.txt | 5 -
...-WARN-OFF.cmake => DeprecateVS8-WARN-OFF.cmake} | 0
.../CommandLine/DeprecateVS8-WARN-ON-stderr.txt | 5 +
...1-WARN-OFF.cmake => DeprecateVS8-WARN-ON.cmake} | 0
Tests/RunCMake/CommandLine/RunCMakeTest.cmake | 23 +-
.../reject_fifo-result.txt} | 0
Tests/RunCMake/CommandLine/reject_fifo-stderr.txt | 2 +
.../LinkImplementationFeatureCycle.cmake | 5 +-
Tests/RunCMake/CompileFeatures/RunCMakeTest.cmake | 5 +-
.../DisallowedCommands/CMP0029-OLD-stderr.txt | 10 +
.../DisallowedCommands/CMP0030-OLD-stderr.txt | 13 +-
.../FeatureSummaryCustomDescription-stdout.txt | 91 +
.../FeatureSummaryCustomDescription.cmake | 158 +
.../FeatureSummaryDefaultDescription-stdout.txt | 46 +
.../FeatureSummaryDefaultDescription.cmake | 82 +
Tests/RunCMake/FeatureSummary/RunCMakeTest.cmake | 2 +
.../File_Generate/OutputConflict-stderr.txt | 5 +-
.../OutputNameMatchesObjects-stderr.txt | 7 +-
.../File_Generate/OutputNameMatchesObjects.cmake | 1 +
Tests/RunCMake/File_Generate/RunCMakeTest.cmake | 2 +-
.../FindPkgConfig_CMAKE_APPBUNDLE_PATH.cmake | 5 +-
.../FindPkgConfig_CMAKE_FRAMEWORK_PATH.cmake | 5 +-
.../FindPkgConfig_PKGCONFIG_PATH.cmake | 5 +-
...indPkgConfig_PKGCONFIG_PATH_NO_CMAKE_PATH.cmake | 5 +-
Tests/RunCMake/FindPkgConfig/dummy-pkg-config.bat | 11 +-
Tests/RunCMake/FindPkgConfig/dummy-pkg-config.sh | 32 +-
.../pc-bar/libx32/pkgconfig/.placeholder} | 0
.../pc-foo/libx32/pkgconfig/.placeholder} | 0
Tests/RunCMake/Framework/FrameworkLayout.cmake | 13 +-
.../Framework/FrameworkTypeSHARED-build-stdout.txt | 4 +-
.../Framework/FrameworkTypeSTATIC-build-stdout.txt | 3 +-
.../Framework/OSXFrameworkLayout-build-check.cmake | 17 +-
Tests/RunCMake/Framework/RunCMakeTest.cmake | 11 +-
.../deepresource.txt} | 0
.../flatresource.txt} | 0
.../Framework/iOSFrameworkLayout-build-check.cmake | 17 +-
.../some.txt} | 0
Tests/RunCMake/GNUInstallDirs/Common.cmake | 4 +-
Tests/RunCMake/GNUInstallDirs/Opt-BSD-stderr.txt | 30 +
Tests/RunCMake/GNUInstallDirs/Opt-stderr.txt | 2 +
Tests/RunCMake/GNUInstallDirs/Root-BSD-stderr.txt | 30 +
Tests/RunCMake/GNUInstallDirs/Root-stderr.txt | 2 +
Tests/RunCMake/GNUInstallDirs/RunCMakeTest.cmake | 19 +-
Tests/RunCMake/GNUInstallDirs/Usr-BSD-stderr.txt | 30 +
Tests/RunCMake/GNUInstallDirs/Usr-stderr.txt | 2 +
.../GNUInstallDirs/UsrLocal-BSD-stderr.txt | 30 +
Tests/RunCMake/GNUInstallDirs/UsrLocal-stderr.txt | 2 +
Tests/RunCMake/GenerateExportHeader/GEH.cmake | 2 +-
...tedTarget-TARGET_BUNDLE_CONTENT_DIR-result.txt} | 0
...rtedTarget-TARGET_BUNDLE_CONTENT_DIR-stderr.txt | 8 +
.../ImportedTarget-TARGET_BUNDLE_CONTENT_DIR.cmake | 2 +
.../ImportedTarget-TARGET_BUNDLE_DIR-result.txt} | 0
.../ImportedTarget-TARGET_BUNDLE_DIR-stderr.txt | 8 +
.../ImportedTarget-TARGET_BUNDLE_DIR.cmake | 2 +
...lidTarget-TARGET_BUNDLE_CONTENT_DIR-result.txt} | 0
...alidTarget-TARGET_BUNDLE_CONTENT_DIR-stderr.txt | 8 +
.../NonValidTarget-TARGET_BUNDLE_CONTENT_DIR.cmake | 9 +
.../NonValidTarget-TARGET_BUNDLE_DIR-result.txt} | 0
.../NonValidTarget-TARGET_BUNDLE_DIR-stderr.txt | 8 +
.../NonValidTarget-TARGET_BUNDLE_DIR.cmake | 9 +
.../GeneratorExpression/RunCMakeTest.cmake | 4 +
.../BadToolsetFormat-result.txt} | 0
.../GeneratorToolset/BadToolsetFormat-stderr.txt | 10 +
.../GeneratorToolset/BadToolsetFormat.cmake | 1 +
.../GeneratorToolset/BadToolsetHostArch-stderr.txt | 4 +-
.../BadToolsetHostArchTwice-result.txt} | 0
.../BadToolsetHostArchTwice-stderr.txt | 10 +
.../GeneratorToolset/BadToolsetHostArchTwice.cmake | 1 +
.../BadToolsetHostArchXcode-result.txt} | 0
...derr.txt => BadToolsetHostArchXcode-stderr.txt} | 0
.../GeneratorToolset/BadToolsetHostArchXcode.cmake | 1 +
Tests/RunCMake/GeneratorToolset/RunCMakeTest.cmake | 19 +-
.../TestToolsetCudaBoth-stdout.txt | 2 +
.../GeneratorToolset/TestToolsetCudaBoth.cmake | 2 +
.../TestToolsetCudaOnly-stdout.txt | 2 +
.../GeneratorToolset/TestToolsetCudaOnly.cmake | 2 +
Tests/RunCMake/Ninja/AssumedSources.cmake | 20 +
Tests/RunCMake/Ninja/CommandConcat.cmake | 14 +
Tests/RunCMake/Ninja/LooseObjectDepends.cmake | 26 +
Tests/RunCMake/Ninja/RunCMakeTest.cmake | 45 +-
Tests/RunCMake/Ninja/dep.c | 4 +
Tests/RunCMake/Ninja/top.c | 7 +
Tests/RunCMake/ObjectLibrary/Dependencies.cmake | 7 +
Tests/RunCMake/ObjectLibrary/Export-stderr.txt | 4 -
...rt-result.txt => ExportNotSupported-result.txt} | 0
.../ObjectLibrary/ExportNotSupported-stderr.txt | 5 +
.../ObjectLibrary/ExportNotSupported.cmake | 2 +
Tests/RunCMake/ObjectLibrary/Import-stderr.txt | 4 -
Tests/RunCMake/ObjectLibrary/Import.cmake | 11 +
...rt-result.txt => ImportNotSupported-result.txt} | 0
.../ObjectLibrary/ImportNotSupported-stderr.txt | 5 +
.../{Import.cmake => ImportNotSupported.cmake} | 0
Tests/RunCMake/ObjectLibrary/Install-stderr.txt | 4 -
...t-result.txt => InstallNotSupported-result.txt} | 0
.../ObjectLibrary/InstallNotSupported-stderr.txt | 5 +
.../ObjectLibrary/InstallNotSupported.cmake | 2 +
.../{Export-result.txt => OwnSources-result.txt} | 0
Tests/RunCMake/ObjectLibrary/OwnSources-stderr.txt | 5 +
Tests/RunCMake/ObjectLibrary/OwnSources.cmake | 2 +
Tests/RunCMake/ObjectLibrary/RunCMakeTest.cmake | 38 +-
Tests/RunCMake/ObjectLibrary/b.c | 4 +
Tests/RunCMake/ObjectLibrary/depends_lib.c | 7 +
Tests/RunCMake/ObjectLibrary/depends_main.c | 7 +
Tests/RunCMake/ObjectLibrary/depends_obj0.c | 4 +
Tests/RunCMake/ObjectLibrary/depends_obj1.c | 4 +
Tests/RunCMake/RunCMake.cmake | 6 +-
Tests/RunCMake/TargetObjects/BadContext-stderr.txt | 27 -
.../NoTarget-result.txt} | 0
Tests/RunCMake/TargetObjects/NoTarget-stderr.txt | 24 +
.../{BadContext.cmake => NoTarget.cmake} | 0
.../NotObjlibTarget-result.txt} | 0
.../TargetObjects/NotObjlibTarget-stderr.txt | 8 +
Tests/RunCMake/TargetObjects/NotObjlibTarget.cmake | 3 +
Tests/RunCMake/TargetObjects/RunCMakeTest.cmake | 3 +-
Tests/RunCMake/TargetObjects/empty.cpp | 4 +
.../RunCMake/TargetPolicies/PolicyList-stderr.txt | 2 +
.../TargetSources/CMP0026-LOCATION-stderr.txt | 10 +
Tests/RunCMake/TargetSources/RunCMakeTest.cmake | 2 +-
Tests/RunCMake/VSSolution/MorePost-check.cmake | 2 +-
Tests/RunCMake/VSSolution/MorePre-check.cmake | 2 +-
Tests/RunCMake/VSSolution/OnePost-check.cmake | 2 +-
Tests/RunCMake/VSSolution/OnePre-check.cmake | 2 +-
Tests/RunCMake/VSSolution/Override1-check.cmake | 2 +-
Tests/RunCMake/VSSolution/Override2-check.cmake | 2 +-
Tests/RunCMake/VSSolution/Override3-check.cmake | 3 +
Tests/RunCMake/VSSolution/Override3.cmake | 4 +
Tests/RunCMake/VSSolution/PrePost-check.cmake | 2 +-
Tests/RunCMake/VSSolution/RunCMakeTest.cmake | 3 +-
Tests/RunCMake/VSSolution/solution_parsing.cmake | 3 +
Tests/RunCMake/XcodeProject/RunCMakeTest.cmake | 16 +
Tests/RunCMake/XcodeProject/XcodeBundles.cmake | 24 +
.../XcodeProject/XcodeSchemaGeneration.cmake | 5 +
.../RunCMake/ctest_disabled_test/CMakeLists.txt.in | 6 +
.../ctest_disabled_test/CTestConfig.cmake.in | 1 +
.../ctest_disabled_test/DisableAllTests-result.txt | 1 +
.../ctest_disabled_test/DisableAllTests-stderr.txt | 1 +
.../ctest_disabled_test/DisableAllTests-stdout.txt | 2 +
.../DisableCleanupTest-stdout.txt | 11 +
.../DisableFailingTest-stdout.txt | 9 +
.../DisableNotRunTest-result.txt | 1 +
.../DisableNotRunTest-stderr.txt | 1 +
.../DisableNotRunTest-stdout.txt | 17 +
.../DisableRequiredTest-stdout.txt | 13 +
.../DisableSetupTest-stdout.txt | 13 +
.../ctest_disabled_test/DisabledTest-result.txt | 1 +
.../ctest_disabled_test/DisabledTest-stderr.txt | 1 +
.../ctest_disabled_test/DisabledTest-stdout.txt | 17 +
.../ctest_disabled_test/RunCMakeTest.cmake | 89 +
Tests/RunCMake/ctest_disabled_test/test.cmake.in | 16 +
Tests/RunCMake/ctest_fixtures/CMakeLists.txt.in | 2 +-
Tests/RunCMake/ctest_fixtures/RunCMakeTest.cmake | 50 +
.../ctest_fixtures/exclude_any_bar-stdout.txt | 15 +
.../ctest_fixtures/exclude_any_foo-stdout.txt | 13 +
.../ctest_fixtures/exclude_any_foobar-stdout.txt | 9 +
.../ctest_fixtures/exclude_cleanup_bar-stdout.txt | 15 +
.../ctest_fixtures/exclude_cleanup_foo-stdout.txt | 15 +
.../ctest_fixtures/exclude_setup_bar-stdout.txt | 17 +
.../ctest_fixtures/exclude_setup_foo-stdout.txt | 15 +
Tests/RunCMake/ctest_fixtures/test.cmake.in | 2 +-
.../RunCMake/ctest_skipped_test/CMakeLists.txt.in | 12 +
.../ctest_skipped_test/CTestConfig.cmake.in | 1 +
.../RunCMake/ctest_skipped_test/RunCMakeTest.cmake | 51 +
.../ctest_skipped_test/SkipCleanupTest-stdout.txt | 11 +
.../ctest_skipped_test/SkipRequiredTest-stdout.txt | 13 +
.../ctest_skipped_test/SkipSetupTest-stdout.txt | 13 +
.../ctest_skipped_test/SkipTest-stdout.txt | 11 +
Tests/RunCMake/ctest_skipped_test/skip.bat | 1 +
Tests/RunCMake/ctest_skipped_test/skip.sh | 3 +
Tests/RunCMake/ctest_skipped_test/test.cmake.in | 16 +
.../ctest_submit/CDashSubmitHeaders-result.txt | 1 +
.../ctest_submit/CDashSubmitHeaders-stderr.txt | 3 +
.../ctest_submit/CDashSubmitHeaders-stdout.txt | 1 +
.../ctest_submit/CDashUploadHeaders-result.txt | 1 +
.../ctest_submit/CDashUploadHeaders-stderr.txt | 1 +
.../ctest_submit/CDashUploadHeaders-stdout.txt | 1 +
Tests/RunCMake/ctest_submit/RunCMakeTest.cmake | 2 +
Tests/RunCMake/file/DOWNLOAD-hash-mismatch.cmake | 5 +-
Tests/RunCMake/file/DOWNLOAD-unused-argument.cmake | 5 +-
.../INSTALL-FILES_FROM_DIR-bad-result.txt} | 0
.../file/INSTALL-FILES_FROM_DIR-bad-stderr.txt | 15 +
.../RunCMake/file/INSTALL-FILES_FROM_DIR-bad.cmake | 5 +
.../file/INSTALL-FILES_FROM_DIR-stdout.txt | 8 +
Tests/RunCMake/file/INSTALL-FILES_FROM_DIR.cmake | 7 +
Tests/RunCMake/file/INSTALL-SYMLINK-stdout.txt | 3 +
Tests/RunCMake/file/INSTALL-SYMLINK.cmake | 13 +
.../Export-result.txt => file/READ_ELF-result.txt} | 0
Tests/RunCMake/file/READ_ELF-stderr.txt | 2 +
Tests/RunCMake/file/READ_ELF.cmake | 2 +
Tests/RunCMake/file/RunCMakeTest.cmake | 4 +
Tests/RunCMake/file/UPLOAD-unused-argument.cmake | 5 +-
.../from/a.txt} | 0
.../from/a/b.txt} | 0
.../from/a/b/c.txt} | 0
Tests/RunCMake/find_dependency/CMakeLists.txt | 1 -
.../find_dependency/EXACT-no-version-stderr.txt | 6 -
.../find_dependency/EXACT-no-version.cmake | 4 -
Tests/RunCMake/find_dependency/RunCMakeTest.cmake | 13 +-
.../bad-version-exact-result.txt} | 0
.../find_dependency/bad-version-exact-stderr.txt | 11 +
.../find_dependency/bad-version-exact.cmake | 5 +
.../bad-version-fuzzy-result.txt} | 0
.../find_dependency/bad-version-fuzzy-stderr.txt | 11 +
.../find_dependency/bad-version-fuzzy.cmake | 5 +
Tests/RunCMake/find_dependency/basic.cmake | 5 +
.../find_dependency/empty-arg-3-stderr.txt | 5 -
Tests/RunCMake/find_dependency/empty-arg-3.cmake | 4 -
.../find_dependency/empty-version-stderr.txt | 5 -
Tests/RunCMake/find_dependency/empty-version.cmake | 4 -
.../RunCMake/find_dependency/extra-args-stderr.txt | 5 -
Tests/RunCMake/find_dependency/extra-args.cmake | 4 -
.../find_dependency/invalid-arg-3-stderr.txt | 5 -
Tests/RunCMake/find_dependency/invalid-arg-3.cmake | 4 -
.../invalid-arg-result.txt} | 0
.../find_dependency/invalid-arg-stderr.txt | 5 +
Tests/RunCMake/find_dependency/invalid-arg.cmake | 5 +
Tests/RunCMake/find_dependency/realistic.cmake | 3 +
.../{ => share/cmake}/Pack1/Pack1Config.cmake | 0
.../cmake}/Pack1/Pack1ConfigVersion.cmake | 0
.../share/cmake/Pack2/Pack2Config.cmake | 6 +
.../cmake/Pack2/Pack2ConfigVersion.cmake} | 0
.../RunCMake/find_package/MissingConfig-stderr.txt | 15 -
.../RunCMake/find_package/MissingConfig-stdout.txt | 1 +
.../find_package/MissingConfigNormal-stdout.txt | 1 +
.../find_package/MissingConfigOneName-stderr.txt | 10 -
.../find_package/MissingConfigOneName-stdout.txt | 1 +
.../find_package/MissingConfigVersion-stderr.txt | 13 -
.../find_package/MissingConfigVersion-stdout.txt | 1 +
Tests/RunCMake/find_package/PackageRoot-stderr.txt | 383 ++
Tests/RunCMake/find_package/PackageRoot.cmake | 147 +
.../find_package/PackageRoot/FindBar.cmake | 8 +
.../find_package/PackageRoot/FindFoo.cmake | 9 +
.../PackageRoot/bar/cmake_root/bin/bar.exe} | 0
.../PackageRoot/bar/cmake_root/include/bar.h} | 0
.../PackageRoot/bar/cmake_root/include/zot/zot.h} | 0
.../PackageRoot/bar/env_root/bin/bar.exe} | 0
.../PackageRoot/bar/env_root/include/bar.h} | 0
.../PackageRoot/bar/env_root/include/zot/zot.h} | 0
.../PackageRoot/foo/cmake_root/bin/bar.exe} | 0
.../PackageRoot/foo/cmake_root/bin/foo.exe} | 0
.../PackageRoot/foo/cmake_root/include/bar.h} | 0
.../PackageRoot/foo/cmake_root/include/foo.h} | 0
.../PackageRoot/foo/cmake_root/include/zot/zot.h} | 0
.../PackageRoot/foo/env_root/bin/bar.exe} | 0
.../PackageRoot/foo/env_root/bin/foo.exe} | 0
.../PackageRoot/foo/env_root/include/bar.h} | 0
.../PackageRoot/foo/env_root/include/foo.h} | 0
.../PackageRoot/foo/env_root/include/zot/zot.h} | 0
Tests/RunCMake/find_package/RunCMakeTest.cmake | 3 +
.../VersionedA-1/VersionedAConfig.cmake} | 0
.../VersionedA-1/VersionedAConfigVersion.cmake | 4 +
.../VersionedA-2/VersionedAConfig.cmake} | 0
.../VersionedA-2/VersionedAConfigVersion.cmake | 4 +
.../RunCMake/find_package/WrongVersion-stderr.txt | 11 +
Tests/RunCMake/find_package/WrongVersion.cmake | 2 +
.../find_package/WrongVersionConfig-stderr.txt | 11 +
.../RunCMake/find_package/WrongVersionConfig.cmake | 2 +
.../RunCMake/get_property/IsMultiConfig-stdout.txt | 1 +
Tests/RunCMake/get_property/IsMultiConfig.cmake | 2 +
.../get_property/NotMultiConfig-stdout.txt | 1 +
Tests/RunCMake/get_property/NotMultiConfig.cmake | 1 +
Tests/RunCMake/get_property/RunCMakeTest.cmake | 6 +
Tests/RunCMake/if/RunCMakeTest.cmake | 4 +
.../duplicate-deep-else-result.txt} | 0
Tests/RunCMake/if/duplicate-deep-else-stderr.txt | 4 +
Tests/RunCMake/if/duplicate-deep-else.cmake | 7 +
.../duplicate-else-after-elseif-result.txt} | 0
.../if/duplicate-else-after-elseif-stderr.txt | 4 +
.../RunCMake/if/duplicate-else-after-elseif.cmake | 5 +
.../duplicate-else-result.txt} | 0
Tests/RunCMake/if/duplicate-else-stderr.txt | 4 +
Tests/RunCMake/if/duplicate-else.cmake | 4 +
.../misplaced-elseif-result.txt} | 0
Tests/RunCMake/if/misplaced-elseif-stderr.txt | 4 +
Tests/RunCMake/if/misplaced-elseif.cmake | 4 +
.../CustomConfig-check.cmake | 1 +
.../include_external_msproject/CustomConfig.cmake | 3 +
.../CustomGuid-check.cmake | 2 +-
.../CustomGuidTypePlatform-check.cmake | 2 +-
.../CustomTypePlatform-check.cmake | 2 +-
.../include_external_msproject/RunCMakeTest.cmake | 1 +
.../include_external_msproject/check_utils.cmake | 27 +-
Tests/RunCMake/install/EXPORT-OldIFace.cmake | 1 +
.../install/FILES-TARGET_OBJECTS-all-check.cmake | 1 +
Tests/RunCMake/install/FILES-TARGET_OBJECTS.cmake | 3 +
Tests/RunCMake/install/RunCMakeTest.cmake | 20 +-
Tests/RunCMake/install/obj1.c | 4 +
Tests/RunCMake/install/obj2.c | 4 +
.../RunCMake/project/ProjectDescription-stdout.txt | 1 +
Tests/RunCMake/project/ProjectDescription.cmake | 6 +
.../ProjectDescription2-result.txt} | 0
.../project/ProjectDescription2-stderr.txt | 1 +
Tests/RunCMake/project/ProjectDescription2.cmake | 2 +
Tests/RunCMake/project/RunCMakeTest.cmake | 2 +
Tests/RunCMake/separate_arguments/CMakeLists.txt | 3 +
.../RunCMake/separate_arguments/EmptyCommand.cmake | 6 +
.../separate_arguments/NativeCommand.cmake | 19 +
.../RunCMake/separate_arguments/PlainCommand.cmake | 8 +
.../RunCMake/separate_arguments/RunCMakeTest.cmake | 7 +
.../RunCMake/separate_arguments/UnixCommand.cmake | 8 +
.../separate_arguments/WindowsCommand.cmake | 8 +
.../target_compile_features/CMakeLists.txt | 2 +-
.../target_compile_features/RunCMakeTest.cmake | 1 +
.../alias_target-stderr.txt | 2 +-
.../target_compile_features/alias_target.cmake | 1 +
.../cxx_not_enabled-result.txt} | 0
.../cxx_not_enabled-stderr.txt | 4 +
.../target_compile_features/cxx_not_enabled.cmake | 2 +
.../imported_target-stderr.txt | 2 +-
.../target_compile_features/imported_target.cmake | 1 +
.../invalid_args-stderr.txt | 2 +-
.../target_compile_features/invalid_args.cmake | 1 +
.../invalid_args_on_interface-stderr.txt | 2 +-
.../invalid_args_on_interface.cmake | 1 +
.../no_matching_c_feature-stderr.txt | 2 +-
.../no_matching_c_feature.cmake | 1 +
.../no_matching_cxx_feature-stderr.txt | 2 +-
.../no_matching_cxx_feature.cmake | 1 +
.../target_compile_features/no_target-stderr.txt | 2 +-
.../target_compile_features/no_target.cmake | 1 +
.../not_a_c_feature-stderr.txt | 2 +-
.../target_compile_features/not_a_c_feature.cmake | 1 +
.../not_a_cxx_feature-stderr.txt | 2 +-
.../not_a_cxx_feature.cmake | 1 +
.../not_enough_args-stderr.txt | 2 +-
.../target_compile_features/not_enough_args.cmake | 1 +
.../utility_target-stderr.txt | 2 +-
Tests/Server/cmakelib.py | 5 +-
Tests/Server/server-test.py | 1 +
Tests/SimpleInstall/CMakeLists.txt | 1 +
Tests/SourceGroups/CMakeLists.txt | 9 +-
Tests/SourceGroups/main.c | 9 +-
Tests/SourceGroups/tree_foo.c | 4 -
Tests/SourceGroups/tree_prefix_bar.c | 4 +
Tests/SourceGroups/tree_prefix_foo.c | 4 +
Tests/VSNASM/CMakeLists.txt | 10 +
Tests/VSNASM/foo.asm | 7 +
Tests/VSNASM/include/foo-proc.asm | 7 +
Tests/VSNASM/main.c | 5 +
Tests/VSResource/CMakeLists.txt | 9 +-
Tests/Wrapping/fakefluid.cxx | 4 +-
Tests/XCTest/CMakeLists.txt | 16 +
Tests/XCTest/StaticLibExample/StaticLibExample.c | 6 +
Tests/XCTest/StaticLibExample/StaticLibExample.h | 1 +
Tests/XCTest/StaticLibExampleTests/Info.plist | 24 +
.../StaticLibExampleTests/StaticLibExampleTests.m | 16 +
Utilities/.clang-tidy | 6 +
Utilities/CMakeLists.txt | 3 +
Utilities/GitSetup/config | 9 +-
Utilities/IWYU/mapping.imp | 161 +
Utilities/KWIML/test/CMakeLists.txt | 2 +
Utilities/Release/consolidate-relnotes.bash | 27 +
Utilities/Release/hythloth_release.cmake | 10 -
Utilities/Release/linux64_release.cmake | 1 +
Utilities/Release/osx_release.cmake | 2 +-
Utilities/Release/release_cmake.cmake | 9 +-
Utilities/Release/release_cmake.sh.in | 6 +-
Utilities/Release/upload_release.cmake | 2 +-
Utilities/Scripts/update-curl.bash | 3 +-
Utilities/Scripts/update-expat.bash | 5 +-
Utilities/Scripts/update-kwsys.bash | 2 +
Utilities/Scripts/update-libarchive.bash | 2 +-
Utilities/Scripts/update-third-party.bash | 8 +
Utilities/SetupForDevelopment.sh | 5 +-
Utilities/Sphinx/CMakeLists.txt | 26 +-
Utilities/Sphinx/conf.py.in | 24 +-
Utilities/Sphinx/templates/layout.html | 12 +
Utilities/cmcurl/CMake/CurlTests.c | 16 +
Utilities/cmcurl/CMake/FindGSS.cmake | 2 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/CMake/FindMbedTLS.cmake | 13 +
Utilities/cmcurl/CMake/OtherTests.cmake | 25 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/CMake/Utilities.cmake | 13 +
Utilities/cmcurl/CMakeLists.txt | 302 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/COPYING | 2 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/include/curl/curl.h | 123 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/include/curl/curlrules.h | 25 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/include/curl/curlver.h | 18 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/include/curl/easy.h | 4 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/include/curl/stdcheaders.h | 6 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/include/curl/system.h | 484 ++
Utilities/cmcurl/include/curl/typecheck-gcc.h | 188 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/Makefile.inc | 4 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/asyn-ares.c | 47 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/asyn-thread.c | 38 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/conncache.c | 67 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/conncache.h | 4 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/connect.c | 109 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/connect.h | 19 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/content_encoding.c | 28 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/cookie.c | 60 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/curl_addrinfo.c | 62 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/curl_addrinfo.h | 2 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/curl_config.h.cmake | 12 +
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/curl_des.c | 2 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/curl_endian.c | 120 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/curl_endian.h | 32 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/curl_fnmatch.c | 8 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/curl_gethostname.c | 8 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/curl_gssapi.c | 2 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/curl_hmac.h | 26 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/curl_md4.h | 8 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/curl_memory.h | 4 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/curl_ntlm_core.c | 24 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/curl_ntlm_core.h | 27 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/curl_ntlm_wb.c | 15 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/curl_rtmp.c | 1 +
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/curl_sasl.c | 29 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/curl_sec.h | 16 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/curl_setup.h | 31 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/curl_setup_once.h | 2 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/curl_threads.c | 5 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/curl_threads.h | 5 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/dict.c | 2 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/dotdot.c | 3 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/easy.c | 74 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/escape.c | 13 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/file.c | 32 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/fileinfo.c | 14 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/fileinfo.h | 12 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/formdata.c | 201 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/formdata.h | 2 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/ftp.c | 331 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/ftp.h | 2 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/ftplistparser.c | 67 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/getinfo.c | 29 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/gopher.c | 6 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/hash.c | 88 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/hash.h | 20 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/hmac.c | 10 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/hostcheck.c | 11 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/hostip.c | 18 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/hostip.h | 10 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/hostip4.c | 2 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/http.c | 287 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/http.h | 4 +
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/http2.c | 324 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/http2.h | 8 +
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/http_chunks.c | 14 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/http_digest.c | 20 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/http_negotiate.c | 16 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/http_ntlm.c | 6 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/http_proxy.c | 609 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/http_proxy.h | 11 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/if2ip.c | 4 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/imap.c | 15 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/inet_ntop.c | 6 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/inet_pton.c | 8 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/krb5.c | 16 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/ldap.c | 147 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/libcurl.rc | 4 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/llist.c | 57 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/llist.h | 19 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/md4.c | 15 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/md5.c | 9 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/memdebug.c | 28 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/mprintf.c | 33 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/multi.c | 413 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/multihandle.h | 21 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/multiif.h | 7 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/non-ascii.c | 4 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/nonblock.c | 3 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/nwlib.c | 10 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/nwos.c | 8 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/pingpong.c | 35 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/pingpong.h | 8 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/pipeline.c | 123 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/pipeline.h | 6 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/pop3.c | 17 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/progress.c | 58 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/rand.c | 179 +
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/rand.h | 47 +
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/rtsp.c | 94 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/security.c | 17 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/select.c | 10 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/select.h | 8 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/sendf.c | 195 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/sendf.h | 2 +
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/setup-os400.h | 52 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/setup-vms.h | 139 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/share.h | 8 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/smb.c | 49 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/smtp.c | 17 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/socks.c | 55 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/socks.h | 5 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/socks_gssapi.c | 24 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/socks_sspi.c | 11 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/speedcheck.c | 61 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/splay.c | 110 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/splay.h | 3 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/ssh.c | 377 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/strcase.c | 12 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/strcase.h | 1 +
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/strdup.c | 23 +
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/strdup.h | 1 +
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/strerror.c | 32 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/strtoofft.c | 4 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/system_win32.c | 4 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/telnet.c | 154 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/tftp.c | 22 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/timeval.c | 13 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/timeval.h | 6 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/transfer.c | 187 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/url.c | 1586 +++--
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/url.h | 13 +
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/urldata.h | 251 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/vauth/cleartext.c | 24 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/vauth/digest.c | 36 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/vauth/digest_sspi.c | 290 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/vauth/krb5_gssapi.c | 4 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/vauth/krb5_sspi.c | 4 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/vauth/ntlm.c | 44 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/vauth/ntlm.h | 2 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/vauth/spnego_sspi.c | 5 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/version.c | 3 +
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/vtls/axtls.c | 105 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/vtls/axtls.h | 8 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/vtls/cyassl.c | 212 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/vtls/cyassl.h | 10 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/vtls/darwinssl.c | 722 ++-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/vtls/darwinssl.h | 30 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/vtls/gskit.c | 400 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/vtls/gskit.h | 7 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/vtls/gtls.c | 465 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/vtls/gtls.h | 15 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/vtls/mbedtls.c | 263 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/vtls/mbedtls.h | 12 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/vtls/nss.c | 522 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/vtls/nssg.h | 11 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/vtls/openssl.c | 706 ++-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/vtls/openssl.h | 9 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/vtls/polarssl.c | 173 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/vtls/polarssl.h | 3 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/vtls/schannel.c | 226 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/vtls/schannel.h | 4 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/vtls/vtls.c | 313 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/vtls/vtls.h | 48 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/warnless.c | 5 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/wildcard.c | 18 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/wildcard.h | 9 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/x509asn1.c | 195 +-
Utilities/cmcurl/lib/x509asn1.h | 26 +-
Utilities/cmexpat/COPYING | 5 +-
Utilities/cmexpat/README | 4 +-
Utilities/cmexpat/lib/expat.h | 30 +-
Utilities/cmexpat/lib/expat_external.h | 5 +-
Utilities/cmexpat/lib/siphash.h | 354 ++
Utilities/cmexpat/lib/winconfig.h | 19 +-
Utilities/cmexpat/lib/xmlparse.c | 611 +-
Utilities/cmexpat/lib/xmlrole.c | 10 +-
Utilities/cmexpat/lib/xmltok.c | 34 +-
Utilities/cmexpat/lib/xmltok_impl.c | 4 +
Utilities/cmjsoncpp/CMakeLists.txt | 1 +
Utilities/cmlibarchive/CMakeLists.txt | 145 +-
.../build/cmake/CheckStructMember.cmake | 43 -
Utilities/cmlibarchive/build/cmake/FindLZMA.cmake | 48 -
Utilities/cmlibarchive/build/cmake/config.h.in | 21 +
Utilities/cmlibarchive/build/version | 2 +-
Utilities/cmlibarchive/libarchive/CMakeLists.txt | 18 +
Utilities/cmlibarchive/libarchive/archive.h | 20 +-
Utilities/cmlibarchive/libarchive/archive_acl.c | 1639 +++--
.../cmlibarchive/libarchive/archive_acl_private.h | 22 +-
.../cmlibarchive/libarchive/archive_cryptor.c | 3 +-
.../libarchive/archive_digest_private.h | 1 +
Utilities/cmlibarchive/libarchive/archive_entry.c | 234 +-
Utilities/cmlibarchive/libarchive/archive_entry.h | 91 +-
.../cmlibarchive/libarchive/archive_entry_acl.3 | 335 +-
.../cmlibarchive/libarchive/archive_entry_locale.h | 10 +-
.../libarchive/archive_entry_strmode.c | 2 +-
Utilities/cmlibarchive/libarchive/archive_hmac.c | 4 +
Utilities/cmlibarchive/libarchive/archive_match.c | 14 +-
.../libarchive/archive_openssl_evp_private.h | 5 +-
.../libarchive/archive_openssl_hmac_private.h | 6 +-
.../cmlibarchive/libarchive/archive_options.c | 11 +-
.../cmlibarchive/libarchive/archive_platform.h | 28 +-
.../libarchive/archive_ppmd7_private.h | 2 +-
Utilities/cmlibarchive/libarchive/archive_random.c | 2 +-
Utilities/cmlibarchive/libarchive/archive_rb.c | 2 +-
Utilities/cmlibarchive/libarchive/archive_read.c | 16 +-
.../libarchive/archive_read_add_passphrase.c | 22 +-
.../libarchive/archive_read_append_filter.c | 2 -
.../cmlibarchive/libarchive/archive_read_disk.3 | 6 +-
.../libarchive/archive_read_disk_entry_from_file.c | 1090 +++-
.../libarchive/archive_read_disk_posix.c | 135 +-
.../libarchive/archive_read_disk_private.h | 12 +-
.../archive_read_disk_set_standard_lookup.c | 2 +
.../libarchive/archive_read_disk_windows.c | 59 +-
.../libarchive/archive_read_extract2.c | 3 +-
.../libarchive/archive_read_open_filename.c | 20 +-
.../libarchive/archive_read_open_memory.c | 3 +-
.../cmlibarchive/libarchive/archive_read_private.h | 3 +-
.../libarchive/archive_read_support_filter_lz4.c | 13 +-
.../libarchive/archive_read_support_filter_lzop.c | 2 +-
.../archive_read_support_filter_program.c | 2 +
.../libarchive/archive_read_support_filter_uu.c | 44 +-
.../libarchive/archive_read_support_filter_xz.c | 194 +-
.../libarchive/archive_read_support_format_7zip.c | 39 +-
.../libarchive/archive_read_support_format_ar.c | 22 +-
.../libarchive/archive_read_support_format_cab.c | 15 +-
.../libarchive/archive_read_support_format_cpio.c | 17 +-
.../archive_read_support_format_iso9660.c | 40 +-
.../libarchive/archive_read_support_format_lha.c | 13 +-
.../libarchive/archive_read_support_format_mtree.c | 71 +-
.../libarchive/archive_read_support_format_rar.c | 5 +-
.../libarchive/archive_read_support_format_tar.c | 281 +-
.../libarchive/archive_read_support_format_warc.c | 241 +-
.../libarchive/archive_read_support_format_xar.c | 87 +-
.../libarchive/archive_read_support_format_zip.c | 122 +-
Utilities/cmlibarchive/libarchive/archive_string.c | 117 +-
Utilities/cmlibarchive/libarchive/archive_string.h | 8 +-
.../libarchive/archive_string_composition.h | 2 +-
Utilities/cmlibarchive/libarchive/archive_util.c | 2 +-
.../cmlibarchive/libarchive/archive_windows.c | 4 +-
.../cmlibarchive/libarchive/archive_windows.h | 4 +
Utilities/cmlibarchive/libarchive/archive_write.c | 8 +-
.../libarchive/archive_write_add_filter_lz4.c | 4 +-
.../libarchive/archive_write_add_filter_program.c | 1 +
.../libarchive/archive_write_add_filter_xz.c | 2 +-
.../libarchive/archive_write_disk_acl.c | 545 +-
.../libarchive/archive_write_disk_posix.c | 588 +-
.../archive_write_disk_set_standard_lookup.c | 6 +-
.../libarchive/archive_write_disk_windows.c | 7 +-
.../cmlibarchive/libarchive/archive_write_open.3 | 11 +
.../libarchive/archive_write_open_memory.c | 3 +-
.../libarchive/archive_write_set_format_7zip.c | 4 +-
.../libarchive/archive_write_set_format_ar.c | 3 +-
.../libarchive/archive_write_set_format_cpio.c | 2 +-
.../archive_write_set_format_cpio_newc.c | 5 +-
.../libarchive/archive_write_set_format_gnutar.c | 14 +-
.../libarchive/archive_write_set_format_iso9660.c | 60 +-
.../libarchive/archive_write_set_format_mtree.c | 4 +-
.../libarchive/archive_write_set_format_pax.c | 183 +-
.../libarchive/archive_write_set_format_shar.c | 3 +-
.../libarchive/archive_write_set_format_ustar.c | 11 +-
.../libarchive/archive_write_set_format_v7tar.c | 9 +-
.../libarchive/archive_write_set_format_warc.c | 2 +-
.../libarchive/archive_write_set_format_xar.c | 21 +-
.../libarchive/archive_write_set_format_zip.c | 12 +-
Utilities/cmlibarchive/libarchive/config_freebsd.h | 2 +
.../cmlibarchive/libarchive/libarchive-formats.5 | 4 +-
Utilities/cmlibarchive/libarchive/tar.5 | 11 +-
Utilities/cmlibarchive/libarchive/xxhash.c | 6 +-
Utilities/cmliblzma/CMakeLists.txt | 4 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/CMakeLists.txt | 45 +
Utilities/cmlibuv/include/pthread-barrier.h | 2 +
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Utilities/cmlibuv/include/uv-posix.h | 31 +
Utilities/cmlibuv/include/uv-unix.h | 21 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/include/uv-version.h | 4 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/include/uv-win.h | 1 +
Utilities/cmlibuv/include/uv.h | 12 +
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/threadpool.c | 35 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/unix/aix.c | 93 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/unix/async.c | 121 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/unix/atomic-ops.h | 27 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/unix/bsd-ifaddrs.c | 139 +
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/unix/core.c | 102 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/unix/cygwin.c | 54 +
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/unix/darwin.c | 104 -
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/unix/freebsd.c | 114 -
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/unix/fs.c | 69 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/unix/fsevents.c | 3 -
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/unix/internal.h | 34 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/unix/kqueue.c | 36 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/unix/linux-core.c | 102 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/unix/linux-inotify.c | 67 +
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/unix/loop.c | 38 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/unix/netbsd.c | 108 -
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/unix/no-fsevents.c | 42 +
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/unix/no-proctitle.c | 42 +
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/unix/openbsd.c | 114 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/unix/os390-syscalls.c | 334 +
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/unix/os390-syscalls.h | 69 +
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/unix/os390.c | 807 +++
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/unix/pipe.c | 15 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/unix/poll.c | 4 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/unix/posix-hrtime.c | 35 +
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/unix/posix-poll.c | 324 +
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/unix/process.c | 4 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/unix/procfs-exepath.c | 45 +
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/unix/proctitle.c | 6 +
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/unix/pthread-barrier.c | 3 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/unix/signal.c | 108 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/unix/stream.c | 47 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/unix/sunos.c | 72 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/unix/sysinfo-loadavg.c | 36 +
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/unix/sysinfo-memory.c | 42 +
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/unix/thread.c | 32 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/unix/udp.c | 33 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/uv-common.c | 12 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/uv-common.h | 35 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/win/async.c | 3 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/win/atomicops-inl.h | 3 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/win/core.c | 25 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/win/detect-wakeup.c | 6 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/win/error.c | 1 +
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/win/fs-event.c | 36 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/win/fs.c | 14 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/win/getaddrinfo.c | 7 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/win/getnameinfo.c | 3 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/win/internal.h | 23 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/win/pipe.c | 17 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/win/poll.c | 10 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/win/process-stdio.c | 1 +
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/win/process.c | 5 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/win/req-inl.h | 9 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/win/signal.c | 161 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/win/stream-inl.h | 3 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/win/stream.c | 3 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/win/tcp.c | 13 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/win/tty.c | 96 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/win/udp.c | 6 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/win/util.c | 195 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/win/winapi.c | 2 +-
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/win/winapi.h | 4 +
Utilities/cmlibuv/src/win/winsock.c | 2 +-
bootstrap | 193 +-
2075 files changed, 64110 insertions(+), 40819 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-cmake/cmake.git
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