Trivial Garbage package

Barry deFreese bdefreese at
Tue Nov 18 19:21:36 UTC 2008

Luca Capello wrote:
> Hi Barry!
> I am sorry for the long mail, but I can be very verbose sometime...
No problem. :)
> <snip>
> FWIW, I *always* prefer discussions to take place on mailing lists,
> since they are archived and can be referenced later.
> <snip>
> I will speak for myself here, but I think Peter's opinion is not so far
> From mine: I would be glad to have another CL library under the team
> umbrella.  However, I am not sure I will ever use trivial garbage [1],
> which means that if your friend use it and you provide some sort of
> support to him, you can become a team member and maintain it by
> yourself.  The team can take care of it, but this should be the last
> option.
> <snip.
> 1) debian/changelog
>    I do not like to retroactively modify previously released files,
>    which means that if you do not have an ITP number when your package
>    goes public, just ignore it.  I do not consider the corresponding
>    lintian warning [3] so important, since AFAIK the ITP is not
>    mandatory and sometime I do not see the point in it.
>    In this specific case, Matthias Benkard (cc:ed) opened the ITP [4]
>    (cc:ed as well): Matthias, do you want to maintain trivial-garbage?
Fixed.  Though I guess I'm somewhat "hijacking" it.
> 2) debian/control
>    * Build-Depends
>      SBCL is not needed, only debhelper and dh-lisp.
>    * Maintainer/Uploaders
>      Please always use the Debian CL team for the Maintainer: field (as
>      you did, thank you) and your name for the Uploaders: one: it does
>      not matter if you are not the real uploader, but you are the one
>      who did the packaging work and you deserve credits for that.
Added myself.
>    * Homepage
>      Is there any reason for using a specific revision for the Cliki
>      homepage?  I would use instead the "plain" link [5]: if you use a
>      specific revision, we will need to change it every time there is a
>      new Debian version.
Fixed, that was a mistake.
>    * Vcs-*
>      trivial-garbage is maintained upstream in darcs [6], before any
>      upload to main the Debian package should be converted to darcs and
>      put into the pkg-c-l darcs.d.o space [7].  Then you can check
>      cl-arnesi for the corresponding Vcs-* fields [8].
> <snip>

>        $ darcs get \
>  \
>           trivial-garbage
>        $ cd trivial-garbage
>        $ cp -r /path/to/trivial-garbage-0.17/debian .
>        $ darcs record -A "Barry deFreese <bdefreese at>" \
>           -m "Import Debian version 0.17-1"
>        $ darcs tag DEBIAN_trivial-garbage_0.17-1
>        $ [start fixing] 
> <snip>
>    * Description
>      While it is correct, I would expand it a bit more to include some
>      features, similar to cl-arnesi [11].
Hmm, I could probably use some help there.
> 3) debian/copyright
>    Please enclose every e-mail address between < and >, you missed that
>    for yours.  You have not specified which GPL version your work is
>    licensed under, AFAIK this is mandatory.  And you should include the
>    GPL "headers" as well, again check the cl-arnesi copyright as an
>    example [12].
Fixed for the Debian copyright.
> 4) debian/docs
>    I tend to avoid useless files when possible, which means that I
>    prefer adding to debian/rules:
>      dh_installdocs README
Why is this advantageous over just using debian/docs?
> 5) debian/install
>    The .asd file works as an "indicator" of what should be compiled, in
>    this case it expects trivial-garbage.lisp and tests.lisp on the same
>    folder as itself.  Since you have not modified the .asd file, while
>    the package installation is OK, when you compile the CL sources you
>    get an error.  The solution is simple: just install both .lisp files
>    into /u/s/c-l/source/cl-t-g/, together with the .asd one.  Doing so,
>    you can get rid of the debian/install file adding to debian/rules:
>      dh_install t* usr/share/common-lisp/source/cl-trivial-garbage/
Fixed the path but left it in debian/install.  Again, what's the 
advantage of not using an install file?
> 6) debian/rules
>    It is already OK, but I really prefer the two modifications above,
>    which works as expected.
> It should be enough for today :-D
> Thx, bye,
> Gismo / Luca
OK, so I used darcs get and added my debian dir but I cannot push it.  
Do I need some type of permissions?  My alioth user is still 
bddebian-guest. :-(

Thanks for all of your time!

Barry deFreese

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