RFS: stumpwm (updated package)

Luca Capello luca at pca.it
Wed Aug 11 21:13:52 UTC 2010

Hi Desmond!

On Sat, 2010-08-07 at 14:00 +0800, Desmond O. Chang wrote: 
> On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 14:54, Luca Capello <luca at pca.it> wrote:
> > On Tue, 2010-07-27 at 04:38 +0800, Desmond O. Chang wrote:
> >> I am looking for a sponsor for the new version 1:20100709.gitf6262b0-1
> >> of my package "stumpwm".
> >
> > If I would be too much conservative, I would say that you are hijacking
> > StumpWM (yes, it is a bit outdated, but there are not big problems with
> > that).  However, that would not be me, and having attended this year
> > DebConf10 "Bits from the DPL"
> > <http://penta.debconf.org/dc10_schedule/events/569.en.html> (and also
> > being listed as myself and team in
> > <http://wiki.debian.org/LowThresholdNmu>), you are more than welcome to
> > get StumpWM (and I was only delaying my orphaning...).
> Thank you for forgiving me.  I upload it because I'm tired of hacking
> the bugs in my rcfile.  I hope it will be good for you.

Sure, I would have liked to orphan it a *long* time ago (I switched back
to Ratpoison after +/- 5 years with StumpWM), but as usual I got busied
with Real Life issues.

Please note that at some point last year Ramkumar Ramachandra (Cc:ed)
also showed interest in the StumpWM Debian package, you may want to
coordinate with him any future upload.

> > Some "problems":
> >
> > 1) your OpenPGP key is not available on hkp://subkeys.pgp.net, please
> > upload it with `gpg --send-key --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net 17C7B4BA`.
> > Hint: subkeys.pgp.net is a round-robin server
> > <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Round_robin_DNS>.
> Done!

Thank you.

> > 2) I am not so familiar with source-format-3.0, but AFAIK you must not
> > depend on quilt anymore, if you do not specifically use quilt in
> > debian/rules.  Which means that every quilt usage except
> > applying/removing patches in debian/rules is useless, but *again* I am
> > not familiar with source-format-3.0...
> I haven't touched debian/rules, so it still depends on quilt.

Mmm, I fail to get why in such case you still want to build-depend on
quilt.  If we use quilt for simple-patch management, then
source-format-3.0(quilt) already manages that, without any extra
build-dependency except "dpkg (>=".  Please note that having
less build-dependency is a good thing, because, for example, the buildds
(and others, e.g. pbuilder) need less packages to be installed.

At the same time, if you switch to source-format-3.0(quilt), you also
need to remove debian/README.source and document each patch as for
DEP-3, please check <http://wiki.debian.org/Projects/DebSrc3.0>.

BTW, these are not complaints, I actually want to understand why you
half-switched to source-format-3.0(quilt) ;-)

> > If you do not react in the next 3 days, I will upload the version above.
> I've provided the manpage alternative and confirmed Standards-Version
> is 3.9.1.  Please ignore my uploading and rebuild it.

Sure, while doing it directly from the Git repository I indirectly found
a problem with debcheckout <http://bugs.debian.org/592660> :-(

Moreover, since I use git-buildpackage, I added to the repository a
minimal debian/gbp.conf, so git-buildpackage work by default without any
change (it can be also useful for automatic builds):


Doing that, I set the distribution to "UNRELEASED" to avoid any faulty
upload to Debian (dput will wine if you try to upload a package with
that distribution) and also unfinalized the debian/changelog entry.
This last point is still controversial, given that there are different
workflows <http://bugs.debian.org/517973>.  However, my point in this
being that I would prefer you to finalize the package.

> > Finally, I would strongly suggest you to start the process to become (at
> > least) Debian Maintainer <http://wiki.debian.org/DebianMaintainer>,
> > which means that once you have obtained this status, you will be able to
> > upload by yourself the packages you maintain (after previous "approval"
> > in debian/control).  This speeds things a bit ;-)
> Now I must read the guide first :)

Given the quality of your work on StumpWM (I have not checked the other
packages you maintain, sorry) and your responsiveness, reading the
Debian packaging documentation (Policy, Developer Reference & Co.)
should not be too difficult, right?  Feel free to ask for any question
you have, a better list would be debian-mentors@, but if your questions
are Common Lisp-specific, this list is fine as well.

Thank you for stepping in taking care of Common Lisp in Debian.

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca
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