RFS: stumpwm (updated package)

Luca Capello luca at pca.it
Fri Aug 20 12:36:45 UTC 2010

Hi Desmond!

On Fri, 2010-08-20 at 02:57 +0800, Desmond O. Chang wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 05:19, Luca Capello <luca at pca.it> wrote:
> > On Sat, 2010-08-14 at 01:18 +0800, Desmond O. Chang wrote:
> >> On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 05:13, Luca Capello <luca at pca.it> wrote:
> >> > BTW, these are not complaints, I actually want to understand why you
> >> > half-switched to source-format-3.0(quilt) ;-)
> >>
> >> Since I simply use 'pdebuild' without any options of pdebuild itself
> >> and dpkg (they are too long and complex), I have to change the source
> >> format to 3.0(quilt) so that dpkg-source will not put .git/* into the
> >> original tarball.
> >
> > Strange, AFAIK dpkg-source (called by dpkg-buildpackage, called by
> > pdebuild) should already exclude .git/ when called with the -i option,
> > maybe were you not aware of that?
> >
> > Anyway, you should actually use git-buildpackage or, better, the new
> > git-pbuilder script by Russ Allbery
> > <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/journal/2010-08/002.html>.  A minimal
> > ~/.gbp.conf to use git-buildpackage with pbuilder is:
> > =====
> > builder = pdebuild
> > =====
> >
> > FTR, I do not use it git-pbuilder myself, since I have custom scripts
> > and have not had the time to investigate it, yet.  However, it is
> > always a good thing to use "upstream" tools, given that they are
> > usually up-to-date WTR the Debian requirements (Policy, etc.).
> Actually, 1.0 has been not recommended.  We have to use many options
> or conffiles to maintain 1.0 packages.  If it is upgraded to 3.0, we
> can use a single 'pdebuild' without any options.  In all the packaging
> methods that I've known so far, it's the simplest.

Well, I can assure you that changing a well-known workflow is much more
difficult than understanding source-format-3.0 ;-)

And BTW, 1.0 is still a valid package format, I know of the different
tries at pushing 3.0 as the *default* one, which I do not agree to, but
this is another story.

> > Please check if everything is OK (package building and lintian
> > cleanness) and then finalize it :-)
> Done!

Uploaded to the Debian archive.  As I already wrote, no need to upload
your package to mentors and ask there for sponsorship: do so if I have
not replied for one week or so, not when I am responsive ;-)

And as I also wrote, we should push as much as we can git-buildpackage
as the official tool for at least StumpWM, which means that there is no
need to provide a full Debian package.

BTW1, the Debian Git repository misses the debian tag for the last (and
just uploaded) version.

BTW2, please have a look at pristine-tar, we should import in the Debian
Git repository all the previous .orig.tar.gz in a pristine-tar branch,
so there will no need anymore for any .orig.tar.gz!

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca
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