UNS: Do we need an unofficial debian repository?

Desmond O. Chang dochang at gmail.com
Tue Jul 13 10:13:03 UTC 2010

On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 11:36 PM, Christoph Egger <christoph at debian.org> wrote:
> "Desmond O. Chang" <dochang at gmail.com> writes:
>> The team is inactive now.  People's bugreports and patches don't get
>> any response.  Many packages have been removed, many are out of date.
>> I think the slow and complicated uploading process is why the team
>> lacks contributors.
>> Shall we need an unofficial repo like emacs.orebokech.com to renew the
>> removed and outdated packages?
>    I'm not necessarily convinced this would help anything. If there
> were active people, getting DM status (enough for uploading packages)
> shouldn't be that hard.
>    As you might have noticed, I've recently joined the team and if
> there were some sponsoring requests I guess I could handle a few of them
> per week quite easily right now (supposed I feel able to handle them
> wouldn't upload e.g. clc probably).

Thank you for your comment.  I think I missed some points.

Like what you wrote [1], There is no guide, direction and roadmap on
the list.  So I don't know how to start working.  For example:

- Do I have rights to push my commits into the repo owned by others?

- Would the team like to maintain the removed packages again?

- Is there any special tool for packaging?

- And any specification?

[1] http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-common-lisp-devel/2010-June/002123.html

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