Bug#601957: .

Serafeim Zanikolas sez at debian.org
Sun Nov 21 21:25:43 UTC 2010

reopen 601957

still fails for "install <old-version", followup nmu upload pending (see
attached patch)
-------------- next part --------------
diff -Nurp common-lisp-controller-7.4+nmu1//debian/changelog common-lisp-controller-7.4/debian/changelog
--- common-lisp-controller-7.4+nmu1//debian/changelog	2010-11-10 20:07:45.000000000 +0100
+++ common-lisp-controller-7.4/debian/changelog	2010-11-21 22:10:56.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+common-lisp-controller (7.4+nmu2) unstable; urgency=high
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * Same as 7.4+nmu1, but also when preinst is invoked with `install'
+    <old-version> (hopefully this really closes: #601957).
+ -- Serafeim Zanikolas <sez at debian.org>  Sun, 21 Nov 2010 21:50:39 +0100
 common-lisp-controller (7.4+nmu1) unstable; urgency=high
   * Non-maintainer upload.
diff -Nurp common-lisp-controller-7.4+nmu1//debian/common-lisp-controller.preinst common-lisp-controller-7.4/debian/common-lisp-controller.preinst
--- common-lisp-controller-7.4+nmu1//debian/common-lisp-controller.preinst	2010-11-10 20:08:10.000000000 +0100
+++ common-lisp-controller-7.4/debian/common-lisp-controller.preinst	2010-11-21 22:09:27.000000000 +0100
@@ -17,15 +17,19 @@ set -e
 case "$1" in
+        # lisp-config.lisp is shipped as a conffile from 7.0 onwards, so when
+        # upgrading from earlier versions we have to remove the old
+        # auto-generated file, to avoid config file conflict (#601957)
+        if test "x$2" != "x" && dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt 7.0; then
+            rm -f /etc/lisp-config.lisp
+        fi
 	# just check if the user already exists:
 	getent passwd cl-builder > /dev/null || \
 	    adduser --system --home /usr/share/common-lisp/ --shell /bin/false --no-create-home \
                 --disabled-password --disabled-login --group cl-builder 
-        # lisp-config.lisp is shipped as a conffile from 7.0 onwards, so when
-        # upgrading from earlier versions we have to remove the old
-        # auto-generated file, to avoid config file conflict (#601957)
+        # same as the install case above
         if dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt 7.0; then
             rm -f /etc/lisp-config.lisp

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