participating in debian lisp team

Christoph Egger christoph at
Thu Apr 7 21:04:23 UTC 2011


"Azamat S. Kalimoulline" <turtle at> writes:
> Hi! I maintain my own lisp repository, where I build 
> more or less fresh lisp packages. I want to see it in debian iself. Can I be 
> member of debian lisp team?

    We'd be glad to accept your help. For adding you to the
pkg-common-lisp team on alioth I'd need your login there.

    If you have some uploads you want me to sponsor feel free to remind
me of outstanding requests. I've unfortunately built a habit of not
handling email, that I don't respond to right away, in a timely matter.



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Debian Developer | Lisp Hacker | CaCert Assurer

A. Because it breaks the logical sequence of discussion
Q. Why is top posting bad?
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