[Pkg-corba-devel] Remaining issues before uploading omniORB 4.1

Thomas Girard thomas.g.girard at free.fr
Sun Nov 11 21:09:45 UTC 2007


On Sat, Nov 10, 2007 at 07:13:12PM +0000, Floris Bruynooghe wrote:
> > >  * see if the just released 4.1.1 is ABI compatible with 4.1. If it's
> > >    not, we'd better focus on the latest release.
> >
> > It is. The API/ABI changes I've seen only affect omniORB4/internal/
> > headers, and I was about to remove them from libomniorb4-dev...
> >
> > >  * see if omnievents compiles fine with omniORB 4.1. (See with Martin.)
> >
> > ... when I noticed omnievents uses an internal header: orbOptions.h. For
> > now let's leave this file in the -dev package: omnievents builds fine
> > with it.
> But python-omniorb2 doesn't.  It seems to use a
> -I/usr/include/omniORB4/internal switch to gcc to so it didn't show up
> in a grep, only when I tried to compile it I noticed.


> I'm tempted to include all the internal headers again and yet claim it
> is still API compatible since they are not part of the outside API
> anyway.
> Any objections?

Hmmm... Right, the internal headers have to be included. But I think
we'll need to check again the internal headers differences between 4.1.0
and 4.1.1, because the following scenario should either work or be
forbidden by an appropriate mechanism (e.g. Conflicts):

 * install omniorb 4.1.0 packages and python-omniorb2 3.0 packages.
 * update omniorb packages 4.1.0 to 4.1.1, but keep python-omniorb2 3.0.
   The python packages should still work, because libraries in omniorb
   4.1.1 claim binary compatibility with 4.1.0. But since python omniorb
   uses private headers...

I'll have another look at this next week.


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