[Pkg-cron-devel] Proposed update to cron for Wheezy - freeze exception request

Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña jfs at debian.org
Tue Jul 3 17:58:50 UTC 2012

Dear Release Managers,

I have prepared a new cron release (3.0pl1-124) which includes fixes for the
following bugs:

 - #679106 - critical - /etc/init.d/cron stop may kill unrelated processes
 - #679062 - important - remove obsolete /etc/cron.daily/standard on upgrade

It also includes some minor fixes (documentation and/or lintian fixes). All
the changes have been pushed to Debian cron's GIT repository [1].

Since this version fixes the above bugs I would like to ask the Release Team
to grant a freeze exception for this version.

I'm attaching the diff between both .diff.gz (generated using interdiff -z)
as well as a debdiff between the new package and the previous version for
your consideration.

Please let me know if I can upload this new package version to unstable.



[1] http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-cron/pkg-cron.git
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File lists identical (after any substitutions)

Control files: lines which differ (wdiff format)
 This cron package [-is configured by default to do some basic daily-] {+does not provide any+} system maintenance tasks. [-Other-] {+Basic+}
{+ periodic maintenance tasks are provided by other+} packages, such
 as [-checksecurity, can provide further-]
[- maintenance tasks.-] {+checksecurity.+}
Installed-Size: [-297-] {+298+}
Version: [-3.0pl1-123-] {+3.0pl1-124+}
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