[Pkg-cups-devel] Bug#427559: cupsd "run as user" changes in 1.2.11-2 breaks existing installations (no printing)

Kurt Pfeifle kurt.pfeifle at infotec.com
Mon Jun 4 21:19:31 UTC 2007

Package: cupsys
Version: 1.2.11-2

(I'm sorry to not be able to use "reportbug"; I'm reporting on behalf of
a customer who called me today because important functions on his test
printserver [running on Sid] broke after upgrading to CUPS 1.2.11-2; I'm
not running Sid, but I was able to ssh into his system for a few minutes
and poke around a bit...)


It looks like the 1.2.11-2 package changed a few very substantial things
over the previous package (1.2.7-4?):

 * you have changed cupsd to run as user cupsys, while upstream CUPS
   developers have dropped this again (and they gave very good reasons
   for that) when they released 1.2.0.

 * in previous upstream versions when cupsd ran as an unprivileged user,
   it was possible to use "RunAsUser No" in cupsd.conf -- you have re-
   applied that old patch without keeping the user option to not follow
   your default.

 * you have removed the possibility to run individual backends as root
   (by simply giving them 0700 permissions and root ownership).

This breaks all customized backends which need root permissions in order
to do their job. In our case it was...

  (a) a custom pdf-creating backend (*NOT* the "cups-pdf" package) that
      was geared to work with SAP output, and write its results into
      specific directories owned by different system users

  (b) another custom pdf-creating backend (*NOT* the "cups-pdf" package)
      which was geared to work for MS Windows domain users via Samba and
      write its output to user-owned directories

  (c) a backend using Pykota (http://www.pykota.com/software/pykota) as
      a printjob accounting software

  (d) a backend using Tea4CUPs (http://www.pykota.com/software/tea4cups)
      to "fan out" (multiply) certain jobs to multiple production printers

  (e) a backend that reads a hidden file in each user's home directory
      containing a PIN and a USERCODE to insert these into the PostScript
      file to enable user specific "locked printing" on certain printers

  (f) and 3 more custom backends which I can't talk about here.

This change caught the customer completely off guard; it looks like the
upgrade did not warn him about such heavy-handed changes when the post-
install script ran.

He can not use that system any more for now, until he pays money to some-
one to fix everything (if that is at all possible; otherwise to migrate
it to a non-Debian distro).

Moreover, while you introduced these changes (amounting to a de-facto
fork from upstream IMHO), you did not sufficiently document these. In
fact, the CUPS documentation you ship is still suggesting to the user
that his cupsd runs as root.

The way you introduced these changes in effect completely takes away
users' freedom to run cupsd unchanged in its behavior from upstream's
version; and I'm very doubtful if you even added any substantial gain in
security with these modifications.

If you think you need to protect users from security breeches your way
(by adding a non-standard, now old feature back to your current CUPS (a
feature that was dropped by the CUPS developers themselves), then please
at least do it in a way that still allows to configure away your default
(by also re-enabling the "RunAsUser No" directive in cupsd.conf).

Hence, my feature requests:

  -- either return to the same setup as upstream CUPS sources,
  -- or do re-enable the "RunAsUser No" option in cupsd.conf
  -- and please do at least make it un-mistakenly clear in the CUPS
     docu at localhost:631/help what you changed and how the user can
     return to upstream's CUPS behavior for its scheduler and backends.

Kurt Pfeifle
System & Network Printing Consultant ---- Linux/Unix/Windows/Samba/CUPS
Infotec Deutschland GmbH  .....................  Hedelfinger Strasse 58
A RICOH Company  ...........................  D-70327 Stuttgart/Germany 
Infotec Deutschland GmbH
Hedelfingerstrasse 58
D-70327 Stuttgart
Telefon +49 711 4017-0, Fax +49 711 4017-5752
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Elmar Karl Josef Wanderer, Frank Grosch, Heinz-Josef Jansen
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Stuttgart, Handelsregister HRB Stuttgart 20398

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