[Pkg-cups-devel] Please test privilege dropping patches before upload

Martin Pitt mpitt at debian.org
Mon May 14 07:25:21 UTC 2007

Hi Kenshi,

Kenshi Muto [2007-05-06 20:38 +0900]:
> Upgrading from 1.2.7-4 was smooth and there wasn't any errors.
> Printing a sample page to my USB printer Canon MP730 was succeeded via
> Web UI, cupsys-client command line, and Firefox (it called lp command).
> Using Web interface seemed work mostly.
> I could adding/removing a printer, printing a test page,
> managing cupsd.conf and viewing logs.

Great, thank you for the feedback!

> I found a few problems:
> - - Files in /etc/cups/ppd/ should be chown cupsys:lp to allow to modify.
>   This will be cared by postinst.

Thanks for spotting this.

> - - cups-pdf won't work anymore as q-func had descirbed.

Right, Martin-Eric will upload a new version of cups-pdf which will
fix this.

>   I think it's better to describe at NEWS file about that CUPS now run
>   with normal user mode.

I fleshed it out with my recent commit.

So I'll upload this beast to Debian now. Let the bashing begin :)



Martin Pitt        http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer   http://www.ubuntu.com
Debian Developer   http://www.debian.org
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