[Pkg-cups-devel] Bug#474241: Bug#474241: Bug#474241: cupsys: Patch for landscape printing from MacOS X clients

Martin Pitt mpitt at debian.org
Wed Apr 30 11:36:23 UTC 2008

Hi Axel,

Axel Beckert [2008-04-30 13:10 +0200]:
> So it may also be a MacOS X problem ("Apple broke its own CUPS, but
> not the Open Source one"), but somehow I really wonder why all
> machines work more or less fine with Debian's or FreeBSD's CUPS expect
> the machines manufactured by the owner of CUPS which seem to be
> equipped with a modified version behaving slightly but noticeably
> different.

Oh, you mean that the MacOS client have their own cups which
transforms the PDF into (broken) PostScript and sends this to the
Debian cups server? Indeed there's not a lot we could do about this
I'm afraid, since the pdftops filter isn't involved on the Debian

Or did I understand this wrongly?


Martin Pitt                        | http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer (www.ubuntu.com)  | Debian Developer  (www.debian.org)
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