[Pkg-cups-devel] SAVE AN ORPHAN

Rev. Isaiah Mayaki shepherdcareint at axomail.eu
Tue Jan 6 20:58:27 UTC 2009

Dear beloved in Christ,

	Greetings to  you  in the most highly exalted name of our Lord and Savior

Christ.  His richest blessings shall be upon you forever.

	Beloved as part of our commitment and dedication to serving humanity and

mandate concerning the widows, orphans and less privileged. Our team
(Shepherd Care

International Ministries Incorporated) has initiated a reach out campaign
"save the needy"

this campaign is aim at reaching out to the widows,orphans and less
privileged ones who are

in dire need of help. By special grace of God this campaign has reach out
to hundred of

souls, however, there are still thousand of souls needed to reach out to.
This ongoing

initiative has been surviving through the help of churches and well
meaning citizens across

the nations, but the aim and target of this organisation`s initiative is
still not achieved

 due to some materials and financial setback that is why we are pleading
with you to please

assist this organisation in actualizing their goal as well as fulfilling
the scripturer

verses which requires us to the bear the burden of the needy (Isaiah 1:17)
most especially

James 1:27, "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is
this, To visit the

fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted
from the world"

that is what James describe as pure and undefiled religion.

Little about Us:
Shepherd Care International Ministries Incorporated, is  a ministry
committed and dedicated

to rendering humanitarian service and gospel outreach, this ministry
permanent site is

under  construction, and is located at No. 107b old Abraka Road Eku in
Delta State Nigeria.

By special grace of God this site is specially design to accommodate 100
persons which are

basically orphans, we are believing God for expansion to accommodate old
people, widows and

the physically challenged.

For partnership and contributions:
E-mail: shepherd_careint at yahoo.com,  shepherdcareint at aol.com  
sheperdcareint at hotmail.com
Pone: +2348038960189 ,+2348070861728, +447035958072
Fax: 086 568 4550

God bless you for responding quickly,

Rev. Isaiah Mayaki
Minister in Charge and Founder
Shepherd Care International Ministries Incorporated.


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