[Pkg-cups-devel] Bug#530027: cups: Request from --- using invalid Host: field ---

Ian Zimmerman itz at buug.org
Mon Oct 12 07:24:44 UTC 2009

A short follow-up:

I left a dangling reference [1] in my previous post.  Corrected below.

And, happily, I was able to work around this by re-numbering my
tunnel interfaces from 127.0.*.* to 10.*.*.* .  It speaks a little to
how sophisticated this "fix" is, IMHO ...

[1] the place in the code that does the 127.* check is httpAddrLocalhost
in file cups/http-addr.c

Ian Zimmerman <itz at buug.org>
gpg public key: 1024D/C6FF61AD 
fingerprint: 66DC D68F 5C1B 4D71 2EE5  BD03 8A00 786C C6FF 61AD
Ham is for reading, not for eating.

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