[Pkg-cups-devel] Bug#500732: cups ignores duplex setting in postscript files

Matti Laakso matti.laakso at tkk.fi
Tue Aug 3 10:34:07 UTC 2010


We're being bit by the same bug. Duplex setting is respected when
printing from Linux clients, but through samba it gets reset to default
somewhere along the way.

However, it seems that there may be two separate bugs: At least in our
case pstops is not the culprit, since bypassing it with

cups options = "document-format=application/vnd.cups-postscript"

does not help. Also, jobs from Linux clients go through pstops as well.
The problem is in foomatic-rip instead. Its log shows lines of the form

Option: Duplex=DuplexNoTumble --> Correcting numerical/string option to
Duplex=None (Command line argument)

when printing from Windows clients. Using PCL drivers on Windows works,
since then also foomatic is bypassed.

Matti Laakso

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