[Pkg-cups-devel] Follow up with a more affordable opportunity

Nick nick at mypowergard.com
Thu Sep 22 23:03:52 UTC 2011

I would like to share this other oportunity with you, which only takes a
initial investment of $299. With a little work that will be your only out
of pocket costs EVER! If you work with me and work the leads I WILL
PROVIDE, you could have a $821 or more check by the 15th of next month.
How it works!

We get paid to drive traffic to some of the world's largest on-line stores.
We do this by adding Executive Members to our ever expanding network of
websites. Each new Executive Member pays a $299 monthly service fee. (When
you have 3 or more Executive Members on your team, your monthly service fee
is deducted from your commissions, which means no out of pocket costs)The
company DOES NOT keep credit card or banking info. on file. Consequently,
there is "no autoship.)


Every time a new Executive Member is added, this adds a new shopping portal
to virally expand throughout the Internet. Consequently, this drives more
and more traffic to our on-line stores, with you doing virtually nothing to
make this happen. This saves these top retailers millions yearly that they
would otherwise, pay for this traffic. This viral effect will result in an
increased percentage of sales for these retailers. Also, since we have been
in business for over 12 years, we know that a percentage of Executive
Members every month do shop from their own shopping portal and refers other
to do the same. 

There is absolutely NO REQUIREMENT to shop or buy anything. You can shop if
and whenever you want. 


The only thing you do is get people under you, no product to sell.  

Its $300 a monthly fee. This fee is used to pay 3 people above you each $80
- 100 a month. After you have 3 people in your team the fee is deducted
from your commissions so  as long as we get 3 people under you by month 2
you have no additional out of pocket costs.

 So if you look at the second line this shows you having 2 people.

You help your team of 2 build their teams so each of them have 2 people
each 3 levels deep, which is only 14 people in network giving you profit of
$821 monthly.

Your monthly fee is deducted out of your total income of $1,120.

 Then we can start working on 3rd  leg once we help our team build the
third leg well be at $2,821 profit a month

Actually makes a lot of since. Your leaders can help generate leads and
make calls to help you get to the 14 people.

Let me know on your thoughts, I can help provide you with quality leads as
soon as you get going.

Contact me to get started right away at:

Nick at mypowergard.com

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