[Pkg-cups-devel] Problems with either samba and/or cups and printing from windows

Christian Andretzky Christian.Andretzky at MB.TU-Chemnitz.DE
Mon Feb 20 20:45:05 UTC 2012

Am 20.02.2012 19:37, schrieb Jonathan Nieder:
> reassign 660651 samba
> tags 660651 + moreinfo
> quit
> Hi Christian,
> What versions of samba and cups do you have installed?  Can you attach
> output from "reportbug --template samba"?  What does /etc/papersize
> say?
See attached file.

Cheers, Christian
Name:  Christian Andretzky | mail:  Christian.Andretzky at MB.TU-Chemnitz.DE   |
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