[Pkg-Cyrus-imapd-Debian-devel] Upload to debian/experimental?
Sven Mueller
Thu, 28 Apr 2005 22:14:25 +0200
Since the package is now pretty well tested, at least as far as I'm
concerned, I would like to reach a wider audience and get the package(s)
into experimental.
Are there any reasons against this?
Should we provide a better upgrade path for those coming from cyrus21?
Except for the necessary database upgrade (from BDB3 to BDB4), cyrus22
is a drop-in replacement for cyrus21. If the websieve maintainer doesn't
want to touch his package, we can even work around his "Depends:
libcyrus-imap-perl21" by simply adding "Provides: libcyrus-imap-perl21"
to the libcyrus-imap-perl22 package. Actually, I've already done so and
websieve still works perfectly fine. I also checked the API of both perl
bindings, and the cyrus22 version seems 100% backward compatible.
We could also supply dummy packages for the cyrus21 series which pull a
cyrus21 installation up into a cyrus22 installation. I did so on my test
system (VMware) and it worked OK, except for the DB upgrade which had to
be done manually (but could be done automatically AFAICT).
PS: For my taste, the cyrus22 packages already seem stable enough to
even go into sarge, but since Henrique already expressed that he doesn't
want them to go into sarge, I guess I can't get my wish here ;-)
PPS: Regarding the nntp part of the cyrus-imapd-2.2, I'm not really
getting anywhere because I don't have any newsfeed I could use. I'm also
not deep enough into news/nntp anymore to really understand the
necessary setup without some major documentation reading for which I
simply don't have the time at the moment.