[Pkg-Cyrus-imapd-Debian-devel] Upload to debian/experimental?

Sven Mueller pkg-cyrus-imapd-debian-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org
Fri, 29 Apr 2005 00:27:00 +0200

Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote on 28/04/2005 23:18:
> On Thu, 28 Apr 2005, Sven Mueller wrote:
>>Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote on 28/04/2005 22:26:
>>>On Thu, 28 Apr 2005, Sven Mueller wrote:
>>>>Since the package is now pretty well tested, at least as far as I'm
>>>>concerned, I would like to reach a wider audience and get the package(s)
>>>>into experimental.
>>>Go ahead!
>>Would love to do so, but I'm not yet accepted as a DD, so as far as I
>>can tell, I can't. Right?
> Ehh, right.  Tag the thing on svn, and drop me a quick note and I will see
> if I can figure out how to svn-buildpackage it :)

No need for svn-buildpackage (I didn't have the time yet to learn how to
use it either). Here's what's needed:

svn export https://mail.incase.de/svn/cyrus22/tags/2.2.12-x $MYTMPDIR
dpkg-source  -x cyrus22-imapd_2.2.12-0.4.dsc
cd cyrus22-imapd-2.2.12
dpkg-buildpackage -tc -sa -k<yourGPGkey> -rfakeroot

Should do the trick. At least it does for me.

I also updated the packages and source available at
http://mail.incase.de/cyrus22/i386/ (resp.
http://mail.incase.de/cyrus22/amd64 for x86_64 users). And I made a
release on alioth (without news this time, the changes vs 0.3 are just
too small to be worth a news entry).

Do you think an announcement would make sense somewhere once it is accepted?

>>What do you think: Should we provide an automatic update of all relevant
>>database files? It should be easy to do. So if anyone uninstalls cyrus21
> Yes.  In fact, the Cyrus 2.1 packages support this, one just needs to change
> the berkeley db version tag in the correct file and they will *refuse* to
> run and screw up all the data...  cyrus2.2 could use that information to
> detect wether it has to do an db upgrade, and do so.

Yes, it's /usr/lib/cyrus/cyrus-db-types.(active|txt) and it's checked in
/etc/init.d/cyrus21 (and I took that mechanism over to cyrus22). I will
probably do another upgrade test installation early next week. Will
create an appropriate upgrade script if I can figure out how to do it.
Only problem is: Do I want to run that script in /etc/init.d/cyrus22 or
in postinst?
