[Pkg-Cyrus-imapd-Debian-devel] Patch to perl/imap/IMAP/Admin.pm to support creation of Kolab groupware folders

Christopher Sacca pkg-cyrus-imapd-debian-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org
Thu, 30 Jun 2005 10:17:32 -0400

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Sven Mueller wrote:
> [...]
> I already commited the change you proposed, however: What is that
> h-share-uid metadata tag used for?

Sorry for not remembering to explain that.  Horde[1] has a Kolab driver (that
also happens to work with any IMAP server that supports ANNOTATEMORE) that does
a combination of using IMAP to read the mail box, and using a SQL backend to
store extra data on the folders.  The h-share-uid tag is there so that Horde can
tie a folder to a database uid, and thus map the information.  It's probably not
*very* likely that someone would need to edit the tag, but it might be useful to
be able to unset it if you were going to dump the database and start over.


Chris Sacca

[1] http://www.horde.org/

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