[Pkg-Cyrus-imapd-Debian-devel] cyrus22-nntpd
Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
Mon, 2 May 2005 10:45:38 -0300
On Mon, 02 May 2005, Sven Mueller wrote:
> Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote on 01/05/2005 14:55:
> > On Sun, 01 May 2005, Sven Mueller wrote:
> >=20
> >>I just added the patch to the SVN trunk. I moved the nntpd package fr=
> >>Recommends to Suggests though. Recommends is too strong for the nntp
> >=20
> > Not really, as long as it is kept in a OR clause with the other servi=
> > (pop3, imap, murder proxies). One *can* use cyrus as a purely nntp s=
> > that happens to allow for lmtp deliveries.
> Yes, but that is some pretty unusual setup for cyrus-imapd. Also, the
> "recommends" section of cyrus22-common currently doesn't have an OR
> clause and I also don't think it would make much sense.
I usually go with the technical approach for recommends and suggests. In
this case, that would mean:
(on cyrus22-common)
Recommends: cyrus22-imapd | cyrus22-pop3d | cyrus22=ADmurder | cyrus22-nn=
tpd | cyrus22-admin
With maybe a:
Suggests: cyrus22-imapd, cyrus22-pop3d, cyrus22=ADmurder, cyrus22-nntpd
Those two make any sane frontends group the packages very nicely indeed, =
suggest the whole suite at first install...
I don't care much for the social approach for recommends (i.e. "this is m=
likely to be what the user wants to do")...
"One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
where the shadows lie." -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
Henrique Holschuh