[Pkg-Cyrus-imapd-Debian-devel] Upload to debian/experimental?

Sven Mueller pkg-cyrus-imapd-debian-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org
Tue, 03 May 2005 15:31:55 +0200

Michael Liebl wrote on 03/05/2005 08:00:
> Hello Sven Mueller,
> on 02.05.2005 21:33 you wrote:
>>>>But, should cyrmaster listen on ports for pop/nntp even if those
>>>>packages are not installed? (According to the default cyrus.conf)
>>>>I think this could confuse users.
>>>I had 2.1 fixed to detect missing service executables and not do
>>>stupid things like this.  Sven, was the patch lost for 2.2?
>>I think Michael was talking about the cyrus.conf file, not cyrmaster
>>actually listening on some ports. At least on my servers (-0.4 revision,
>>not HEAD), cyrmaster doesn't listen for nntp connections even though
>>they are set up in cyrus.conf.
> Sure it does, not only in the config.
>># dpkg -l | grep cyrus
>>ii  cyrus22-admin  2.2.12-0.5-mic Cyrus mail system (administration tool)
>>ii  cyrus22-client 2.2.12-0.5-mic Cyrus mail system (test clients)
>>ii  cyrus22-common 2.2.12-0.5-mic Cyrus mail system (common files)
>>ii  cyrus22-doc    2.2.12-0.5-mic Cyrus mail system (documentation files)
>>ii  cyrus22-imapd  2.2.12-0.5-mic Cyrus mail system (IMAP support)
>>ii  libcyrus-imap- 2.2.12-0.5-mic Interface to Cyrus imap client imclient libr
>># netstat -tulpen | grep cyr
>>tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN     1571/cyrmaster
>>tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN     1571/cyrmaster
>>tcp        0      0*               LISTEN     1571/cyrmaster
>>tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN     1571/cyrmaster
> Cyrus was build from Trunk revision 125.

Weird, I was unable to reproduce that on my machine, but now I can.
Log says:

May  3 15:23:44 mail1 cyrus/master[13361]: WARNING: cannot find
executable for service 'nntp' -- ignored
May  3 15:23:44 mail1 cyrus/master[13361]: ready for work

Problem is that though (if I understand the source correctly), that log
message should only be issued if the service is indeed ignored (and no
listener started for it), cyrmaster actually _does_ listen on the nntp port.

Any idea why this might be, Henrique? I certainly can't tell.
