[Pkg-Cyrus-imapd-Debian-devel] (fwd) Cyrus admin script

Sven Mueller debian at incase.de
Fri Nov 11 17:23:37 UTC 2005

Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote on 02/07/2005 07:50:
> I am finally getting my email in order, and found this one that might be
> interesting... so I am forwarding it.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Cyrus admin script
> From: Jesús Villaverde Castro <jv.castro at gadelek.com>
> Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2005 18:55:11 +0200
> To: hmh at debian.org
> Hello,
> 	I made the atached script a couple of months ago, because it was very
> tedious the way of creating mailboxes in cyrus, setting permissions,
> sasl accounts, and adding these cyrus users to postfix users file to
> check if the recipient exists when new mail arrives.
> I would like that you take a look at the script just in case you
> consider that it is useful for the package that you maintain.
> The script is useful to add and remove users, sasl accounts, change
> permissions, etc.
> Thanks in advance four your time.

Hi Jesús.

As you might have noticed if you follow cyrus22-imapd development, I
took over part of the maintenance of those packages (together with some
other people who sometimes help HMH and me). I worked on the package a
bit today and also took a look at you little script. I would really like
to include it in the package, but it doesn't have any license attached
to it. So either you resubmit your script to
pkg-cyrus-imapd-debian-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org with a suitable
(GPL?/BSD?) license attached, or you tell us we can attach a license of
our choice. If you choose to do neither of those, I fear I can't include
your script in the upcoming official cyrus22 packages. And I really
would like to include it.


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