[Pkg-Cyrus-imapd-Debian-devel] Cyrus2.2.12 diff.gz now clean

Sven Mueller sm at ciphirelabs.com
Mon Nov 14 14:12:44 UTC 2005

Ondrej Sury wrote on 14/11/2005 12:08:
> On Sat, 2005-11-12 at 00:20 -0200, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
>>On Fri, 11 Nov 2005, Sven Mueller wrote:
>>>Henrique, Ondrej, could any of you two please adjust the Uploaders field
>>>in debian/control as needed and do the upload?
>>I am confortable in uploading it to experimental, even without going over it
>>trying to do some nitpicking cleanups.   What I am still a bit worried about
>>(maybe unecessarily) is the database stuff.
>>BTW: we really should apply some patches that are floating around in
>>bugzillah or cyrus-devel for proper DB 4.3 support.  I have time to pay only
>>cursory glance to the MLs right now, but I do recall seeing some important
>>ones going by.  Did you add those already?
>>Ondrej? What do you think?
> I am not sure what is the default BDB in etch.  If it's DB 4.3 then I
> agree that we should apply attached patch-lib__cyrusdb_berkeley.c.
> DB4.2 and DB4.3 are using same on disk format (AFAIK), so there
> shouldn't be any problem.
> Second attached patch should be applied anyway.

Applied both patches.

BTW: We have a new team member: Benjamin Seidenberg (astronut).
Though he says he's not good at coding, he seems enthusiastic to dive
into package maintenance. As a starter, he took over the task to get us
to build against pristine upstream source tarball again (instead of my
repacked version). Welcome Benjamin.


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