Bug#382376: cyrus-imapd-2.2: Create Debian packages for version 2.3 of Cyrus

Sven Mueller sven at incase.de
Thu Aug 10 19:31:43 UTC 2006

Jaume Sabater wrote:
> I would like to see version 2.3 of the Cyrus packages included in the
> Debian repository prior to the freeze for the release of Etch. I would
> be really nice to have all the new features it brings, including
> mailboxes replication.

While I understand your wish for a 2.3 package, most of us hardly have
the time to create and - which is more important - test and maintain
such a package. It is almost impossible to do all that in time for the
freeze (which actually already started a few days ago with the base
packages). When the 2.2 packages were initially created by me, I was in
the position to get part of the work on those packages paid, but
currently, this is completely impossible for me. But maybe someone else
is able to do the major work (which isn't too difficult to do, but quite
time consuming) this time. I'm certainly willing to help.
But even if someone does all that, I'm quite pessimistic about getting
the package in shape in time for etch. Sorry about that.

> I understand the complexity of packaging such a big and complex
> software, but that is why I am sending this bug under the wishlist
> category.

What would you have done if it was less complex? Sent it as a normal
bug? ;-)


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