[Semi-Vac] Now till later

Benjamin Seidenberg astronut at dlgeek.net
Mon Aug 14 23:05:47 UTC 2006

Gentlemen, it's official. I'm moving to college. My stuff is packed, and
I'm ready to go. However, my main machine is boxed up, and with it are my
svn checkout and pbuilder chroot. I'm making do with the laptop till then.
I will also have orientation the first week or so once I get there, so I
don't know how much free time I will have then. So, I'm going to have
limited availabilty for the next few days to next few weeks. But don't
worry, I still have email and will be able to share my highly-opinionated
ideas and half-baked suggestions with you, so do not fear the lack of my


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