Bug#369882: cyrus-doc-2.2 upgrade issues

Sven Mueller sven at incase.de
Tue Jun 13 10:32:29 UTC 2006

Ross Boylan wrote on 13/06/2006 06:29:
> On Mon, Jun 12, 2006 at 10:39:31PM -0400, Benjamin Seidenberg wrote:
> One possibility is that there's actually some upgrade code that needs
> to be written or changed to deal with this.  Given the current Debian
> notes about disliking automated scripts (or the people who use them
> :)) and the diversity of installations that may not be possible or
> desirable.  But enough info so we can do it on our own would be nice
> :) The minimal info would be a description of how the Debian setup
> differs (or doesn't) from upstream, so we can tell what fraction of
> the upstream advice to take.  That's a little challenging, since we
> need to know not only how 2.2 differs from upstream, but also how the
> version we are upgrading from differs from upstream.

Well, I can at least give a quick answer on this:
Neither 2.1 nor 2.2 differ that much from upstream that the upgrade path
is affected. Actually, IIRC, the upgrade from 2.1 to 2.2 is usually just
removing 2.1 and installing 2.2, since both use Berkeley DB 4.2 and the
same config files and config format. A backup before upgrading and some
tests after upgrading is still recommended though.
At least it worked that way for me when I upgraded my own mailserver.


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