Bug#358742: cyrus21-imapd process hangs on sent mailbox

Matt Boes matt at scionics.de
Fri Mar 24 16:26:58 UTC 2006

Apologies if this is supposed to go somewhere else-Debian's bug tracking 
is not so clear on what to do from here.

Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:

>tag 358742 moreinfo
>On Fri, 24 Mar 2006, Matt Boes wrote:
>>Mar 23 21:29:30 localhost cyrus/imapd[32537]: IOERROR: locking header 
>>for user.jl-jennings.Sent: Interrupted system call
>Traced to mailbox_lock_header() in imap/mailbox.c.  That calls
>lock_reopen(), which is supposed to be lib/lock_fcntl.c lock_reopen().
>Looking at that function, you have 100 seconds for the locking to succeed,
>or it will bomb with the error you reported.  100s is a whole lot, do you
>see such a hang of 100s before the error message?
The user reports it to me-it happens so randomly it's impossible to 
predict.  There is no way to see a hang of 100 seconds, since I normally 
find out an hour or so after it happens.

>What is different for this user in your system? Is he the only one using
>that Thunderbird version?  Does he has weird stuff in sieve or a very
>different ammount of email in his spool when compared to your other users?

This user has the largest mailbox on the system, about 3.9GB.  It's not 
the largest by a lot though, there are a few others with over 3GB.  I 
and about five others in the company use the same Thunderbird version.
The user's sieve is completely empty.  It happened before when he used 
an earlier version, and now I had him upgrade to the newest and it 
happened again.  Another piece of interest-he said that every time it 
happened he was sending an attachment.

>The only thing I can think about right now that might fix the problem is
>this:  edit lib/lock_fcntl.c, function setsigalrm().  Add "alarm(0);" before
>"lock_gotsigalrm = 0;".  Rebuild cyrus.  Please report back if that fixes
>the issue.
Unfortunately, I am unable to put a rebuilt version on this server, as 
it is a production system and the company has rules about that.  Is 
there anything I could do that doesn't require a rebuild?  I will 
propose this, but I foresee a "no".

Thanks for your help!

Matt Boes
Systems Administrator
Scionics Computer Innovation GmbH

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