[UPDATE] Re: Status and plans for Cyrus 2.3 and 2 unrelated notes
Benjamin Seidenberg
astronut at dlgeek.net
Tue Sep 19 01:07:51 UTC 2006
Benjamin Seidenberg wrote:
> Now for something completely different.
This should have been "And now...". Guess I need to watch my flying
circus DVDs.
> I've been working on the Cyrus 2.3 packages that Farzad provided. They
> are currently in build able shape, but need some more work still. Here
> is my thoughts on the steps to 2.3 release.
> 1.) Finish packaging work - Several items
> 1a) Review the diff of debian/ between 2.2 and 2.3. I merged in
> Farzad's packages without reviewing the complete diff and this needs to
> be done prior to release.
In progress. Just doing a diff -ruN over the two debian/ directories is
~177,000 lines. I did a diff -q and am doing each file individually. I
may need someone to help on certain files (most likely patches/*), I'll
make a list.
> 1b) *NOT ME* Someone who knows it (*Cough* Sven *Cough*) has to fix
> the idle method selection patch to work with 2.3. It'd be nice to submit
> it upstream this time. Also, the kolab patch needs to be reviewed, I
> think we applied it (41- I believe)
Ondrej actually. He said he'd work on it when he has time.
> 1c) *ALSO NOT ME* - Review all the stuff I did in the past few
> commits to make sure I didn't fuck up. Pay special attention to the POT
> handling.
This was done.
> 1d) I know I'm forgetting something, so I'll leave space for it here.
upgrade.Debian needs to be rewritten. You can't just do an s/2.2/2.3/
over an upgrade document.
> 1e) Actually, I'm sure there is more than one thing I'm forgetting.
There's still time.
Everything else (quoted below) is still the same.
> 2.) Upload to new queue for experimental. At this time mark the bug as
> pending. I'll consider this one a race between our team and elmo. We'll
> see whether my account gets created before or after the first package
> ready for experimental. My money is on the team.
> 2.5) Make sure fixed-in-experimental tag gets applied to that bug once
> it gets in.
> 3.) Maintain 2.3 package in experimental until upstream considers it stable.
> 4.) Once it's stable, release to unstable. This is the 2nd race. This
> time, I'm actually betting on elmo, though it's a tough decision.
> 5.) ???
> 6.) PROFIT!!!!!
> Benjamin
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