Purging cyrus-common after upgrading to cyrus-common-2.2 wipes "/var/spool/cyrus" and "/var/lib/cyrus"

Jan Wagner waja at cyconet.org
Sat Mar 17 14:26:56 CET 2007

Package: cyrus-common-2.2
Package: cyrus-common
Severity: grave

Hi folks,

sorry for duplicate mails, but I'm unshure where is the best place to come up 
with this. Since etch seems not far away, I don't wont loose time.

After upgrading to etch and my cyrus installation to cyrus-*-2.2, I did have a 
removed but not purged "cyrus-common" in my installation.
Maybe it was a silly idea anyways, but I did purge "cyrus-common" via dpkg, 
since it was removed anyways, I thought, purging can't be wrong.
This leads into a unuseable cyrus-*-2.2, since it 
wiped "/var/spool/cyrus", "/var/lib/cyrus" and maybe some other stuff.

My actual problem is solved, since I reinstalled cyrus-*-2.2 and rerolled 
backups. But if there are no backups in place, all Mails and databases will 
be lost. Maybe there is a way to prevent users to get into such trouble. 
Maybe the same takes place for cyrus-*-2.1.

Thanks for your help, Jan.
P.S. Please CC me, I'm not on the list.
Never write mail to <waja at spamfalle.info>, you have been warned!
Version: 3.1
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