
Patrick Goetz pgoetz at mail.utexas.edu
Wed Jun 23 15:18:21 UTC 2010

Hookay, I've mostly been able to confirm the validity of existing 
patches up to this point, but this one (19-fix_tls_ssl.dpatch) is taking 
up too much time so I'm looking for a little help in order to move on. 
Also, most of these patches will need some additional documentation anyway.

Can someone take a look and tell me what issue this patch is addressing? 
  Part of it is just fleshing out syslog error messaging, but this 
change is not clear to me:

-static void apps_ssl_info_callback(SSL * s, int where, int ret)
+static void apps_ssl_info_callback(const SSL * s, int where, int ret)


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