Cyrus IMAPD 2.4

Ondřej Surý ondrej at
Wed Nov 17 18:40:00 UTC 2010


thanks I have picked your normalize-id and no-check-headers patch.

Would you be willing to spend some of your work cycles to help
packaging cyrus-imapd for Debian. As you may have noticed we are in
desperate need of fresh blood.


On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 12:46, Jeroen van Meeuwen (Kolab Systems)
<vanmeeuwen at> wrote:
> On Wednesday, November 17, 2010 11:29:21 am Ondřej Surý wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am still busy as always, but I am very close for a need for newer
>> cyrus for our systems, so I might put some effort into it.
>> I propose we just skip 2.3 and go directly for 2.4 for squeeze+1.
> FWIW, I second the motion.
> Some work I've done on behalf of Kolab Systems can be found here:
> With the regrettable downside that it is *not* an inline replacement for
> what is Cyrus IMAP in Debian today; despite that, I hope you'll find the
> contents of said repo useful. Please let me know should you find any
> problems, or have any comments.
> Thank you!
> Kind regards,
> Jeroen van Meeuwen
> --
> Senior Engineer, Kolab Systems AG
> e: vanmeeuwen at
> t: +316 42 801 403
> w:
> pgp: 9342 BF08

Ondřej Surý <ondrej at>

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