Cyrus IMAPD 2.4

Jeroen van Meeuwen (Kolab Systems) vanmeeuwen at
Thu Nov 18 22:38:49 UTC 2010

On Thursday, November 18, 2010 06:42:27 pm Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
> I agree with that (although I have now 2.3 in production).  But we need
> to forward-port the patches (should be much easier now).
> In fact, for 2.4, we can even try the "upstream first" approach, since
> it sees a lot of code churn and timely new releases right now...
> BUT:
> upstream has not settled down on a workflow that allows for easy bug
> fixing patch flux that can be released with little notice when a very
> nasty bug gets fixed yet, so we might have to use a LOT of discretion
> before releasing a new upstream.
> But it looks like they have felt the need for that kind of workflow now,
> due to some nasty crap in 2.4.2/2.4.3 that wanted a quick fix+release,
> but there was unfinished work in the tree getting in the way.

Since I am the release engineer for upstream Cyrus now, I can make sure timely 
releases are being done (like, *actually done*), have patches be accepted 
(like, *actually committed* to at least master), be backported, and recommend 
releases be issued.

However, the former notwithstanding, I'm not the upstream release god; we 
issue releases based on the merits of the issues fixed pending release, 
usually through short meetings on IRC, looking at the "fixed issues" and 
"remaining blockers" lists for a certain version/milestone, and also attempt 
to assess whether there is any low-hanging fruit in Bugzilla we want to go in 
to this release. That said, I am strongly in favor of a weekly 2 bug-fix 
release over a month postponing 15 low hanging fruit bugs going in -I hope 
that makes sense ;-)

On an additional, more personal note, I have to admit I'm not all that great a 
coder; I'm more the kind of release engineer that trusts the people actually 
doing the coding and merely organizes the process around releasing / issue 
tracking / back-porting, etc.

Kind regards,

Jeroen van Meeuwen

Senior Engineer, Kolab Systems AG

e: vanmeeuwen at
t: +316 42 801 403

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