[Cyrus 2.4] Package patch proposing

Anthony Prades toony.debian at chezouam.net
Thu Nov 25 00:41:14 UTC 2010


First, I want to thank you to include my previous patch. I'm continuing to test 
Cyrus 2.4 package, I hope to help on automatic update 2.2->2.4 (2.3 too) soon.

I found two minors bugs into current Cyrus 2.4 git head. I join 2 patchs :
  1. fixDEBVERSION.diff :
       - fix rules syntax mistake include by my previous patch 
       - fix daily cron. With it, cron run. I don't check if it do her job for 
now (It's in my checklist however)

  2. fixEXTRA_IDENT.diff : fix EXTRA_IDENT value into rules to have correct 
services banners.

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