Bug#622092: cyrus-imapd-2.2: fix for build with multiarch
Ondřej Surý
ondrej at sury.org
Sun Apr 10 19:42:25 UTC 2011
Or to put it in another way. I am convinced that >= 2.2.13p1-1 package
has already the needed fix, since this snippet:
AC_CHECK_LIB(com_err, com_err, [
# com_err is already in library path
# guess we're okay
# can use system com_err
[AC_DEFINE(HAVE_ET_COM_ERR_H,[],[We need et/com_err.h])],
locate com_err.h])])])
AC_PATH_PROG(COMPILE_ET, compile_et, [no compile et])
], [
should work if the configure script can find libcom_err.so,
et/com_err.h and compile_et binary.
On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 21:30, Ondřej Surý <ondrej at sury.org> wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> you didn't check enough :). The triple check was needed. The current
> cyrus-imapd debian package (>= 2.2.13p1-1 and >= 2.4.6-3) runs
> configure with --with-com_err="" which is different from just using
> --with-com_err.
> Using --with-com_err sets the value to 'yes' which makes cyrus-imapd
> configure script to do special handling and using local com_err
> library, which is hardly what you really want.
> This configure.in snippet is responsible:
> case "$with_com_err" in
> # built-in et
> yes) # use the com_err we're gonna build
> COM_ERR_LIBS="../com_err/et/libcom_err.a"
> COMPILE_ET="../com_err/et/compile_et"
> COM_ERR_CPPFLAGS="-I\${top_srcdir}/com_err/et"
> PRE_SUBDIRS="com_err/et ${PRE_SUBDIRS}"
> EXTRA_OUTPUT="${EXTRA_OUTPUT} com_err/et/Makefile"
> ;;
> "") # no problem, we already have it in the paths
> # we do nothing to pick it up
> COM_ERR_LIBS="-lcom_err" # hope it's not shared
> # we already set COMPILE_ET, or we didn't get here
> ;;
> *) # use whatever they told us, or whatever we found
> COMPILE_ET="${with_com_err}/bin/compile_et"
> COM_ERR_LIBS="${with_com_err}/lib/libcom_err.a"
> COM_ERR_CPPFLAGS="-I${with_com_err}/include"
> # Ever get the feeling people hide this stuff on purpose?
> if test -d "${with_com_err}/include/et" ; then
> COM_ERR_CPPFLAGS="-I${with_com_err}/include/et"
> fi
> dnl CMU_ADD_LIBPATH_TO(${with_com_err}/lib, COM_ERR_LDFLAGS)
> COMPILE_ET="${with_com_err}/bin/compile_et"
> esac
> Ondrej
> On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 21:11, Steve Langasek
> <steve.langasek at canonical.com> wrote:
>> On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 09:49:05AM -0300, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
>>> On Sun, 10 Apr 2011, Steve Langasek wrote:
>>> > multiarch. The attached patch has been applied in Ubuntu for this issue,
>>> > correcting this call to use --with-com_err with no argument to get the
>>> > default search path.
>>> Has this been triple-checked to do the right thing?
>> No, only double-checked. I had reviewed the source of configure.in which
>> was how I spotted the difference between --with-com_err and
>> --with-com_err=/usr; but it turns out that what's actually needed is
>> --with-com_err= rather than --with-com_err since --with-com_err is
>> --equivalent to --with-com_err=yes. Thanks for making me take a
>> third look at this.
>>> I used to have to employ extremely hard measures (aka rm -fr et/ in
>>> debian/rules clean) to convince the Cyrus build to not do anything
>>> extremely hazardous, such as using pieces of system com-err and pieces of
>>> cyrus com-err. I *really* would not trust configure to not do something
>>> idiotic without directly checking the object files and poisoning the local
>>> copies of com-err to fail any build that touches them, so as to make sure
>>> everything is doing what it is supposed to...
>> After switching to --with-com_err=, I've confirmed that there are no longer
>> any mentions of libcom_err.a in the build log. So I'm personally convinced
>> that this is sufficient, but of course if you would prefer a
>> fix-upstream-harder solution you are welcome to it.
>> Cheers,
>> --
>> Steve Langasek Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
>> Debian Developer to set it on, and I can move the world.
>> Ubuntu Developer http://www.debian.org/
>> slangasek at ubuntu.com vorlon at debian.org
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> --
> Ondřej Surý <ondrej at sury.org>
Ondřej Surý <ondrej at sury.org>
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