Upgrade 2.2 -> 2.4

Ondřej Surý ondrej at sury.org
Wed Mar 30 14:50:34 UTC 2011

> Well, I wasn't speaking about the databases (yet), but about files
> which get removed by purging the 2.2 packages:
> At least /usr/lib/cyrus/cyrus-db-types.active gets removed by postrm
> script, also the statoverrides gets removed (which is bad)  - this is
> just for cyrus-common and cyrus-imapd packages...  Full diff between
> pbuilder states is attached. I'll try similar test for the rest of the
> packages now and report back.

Nothing more came up when doing the purge on all cyrus-imapd 2.2 packages.

Well, one more general thing, there's a typo in postrm script:

--- cyrus-common-2.2.postrm~	2010-01-23 22:52:47.000000000 +0000
+++ cyrus-common-2.2.postrm	2011-03-30 14:51:20.095779104 +0000
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ case "$1" in
 				dpkg-statoverride --remove $i || true
 			rm -rf /var/run/cyrus || true
-			rm  /usr/lib/cyrus/cyrus-db-types.active || true
-			rm usr/lib/cyrus/cyrus-hardwired-config.active || true
+			rm /usr/lib/cyrus/cyrus-db-types.active || true
+			rm /usr/lib/cyrus/cyrus-hardwired-config.active || true

 			# Should we remove our precious data?
 			if [ "$DEBCONFEXISTS" = "true" ]; then

Ondřej Surý <ondrej at sury.org>

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