Bug#743013: Does not restart/stop due to PIDFILE problem

Francis Russell francis+dbts at unchartedbackwaters.co.uk
Thu Apr 10 14:42:42 UTC 2014

severity 743013 serious

This bug is a violation of a "must" in Debian policy and consequently 
severe. Quoting:

"The init.d scripts must ensure that they will behave sensibly (i.e., 
returning success and not starting multiple copies of a service) if 
invoked with start when the service is already running, or with stop 
when it isn't, and that they don't kill unfortunately-named user 
processes. The best way to achieve this is usually to use 
start-stop-daemon with the --oknodo option."

As a consequence of this bug, release 1.0.1.g-2 of Debian openssl which 
restarts services that are affected by the Heartbleed bug 
(http://heartbleed.com/) will not restart Cyrus. The old Cyrus process 
will be left running, potentially a source of a serious security 


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