Bug#769553: libcyrus-imap-perl24: package fails to upgrade properly from wheezy

Ondřej Surý ondrej at sury.org
Tue Nov 18 07:25:09 UTC 2014

Control: block -1 by 770004

Hi Lucas,

On Fri, Nov 14, 2014, at 13:34, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> It is reproducible by installing your package in a clean chroot, using
> the debconf Noninteractive frontend, and priority: critical.

this issue is caused in bug in dpkg that triggers when using
dpkg-maintscript-helper while upgrading package that has gone from
arch:all to arch:any.

I have filled this as #770004 for future reference.

Ondřej Surý <ondrej at sury.org>
Knot DNS (https://www.knot-dns.cz/) – a high-performance DNS server

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