[pkg-d-commits] [ldc] 14/149: Sync command-line options and descriptions with DMD

Matthias Klumpp mak at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Apr 23 22:36:53 UTC 2017

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mak pushed a commit to annotated tag v1.2.0
in repository ldc.

commit 29d52f0362b251e293abd9c8df5e0a67b3393654
Author: Martin <noone at nowhere.com>
Date:   Tue Dec 20 20:56:32 2016 +0100

    Sync command-line options and descriptions with DMD
 driver/cl_options.cpp | 31 +++++++++++++++++--------------
 driver/ldmd.cpp       | 50 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 gen/modules.cpp       |  2 +-
 3 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

diff --git a/driver/cl_options.cpp b/driver/cl_options.cpp
index 9df4beb..c4b93d0 100644
--- a/driver/cl_options.cpp
+++ b/driver/cl_options.cpp
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ static cl::opt<ubyte, true> useDeprecated(
 cl::opt<bool, true>
     enforcePropertySyntax("property", cl::desc("Enforce property syntax"),
-                          cl::ZeroOrMore,
+                          cl::ZeroOrMore, cl::ReallyHidden,
 cl::opt<bool> compileOnly("c", cl::desc("Do not link"), cl::ZeroOrMore);
@@ -79,10 +79,9 @@ static cl::opt<bool, true> createStaticLib("lib",
-static cl::opt<bool, true> createSharedLib("shared",
-                                           cl::desc("Create shared library"),
-                                           cl::ZeroOrMore,
-                                           cl::location(global.params.dll));
+static cl::opt<bool, true>
+    createSharedLib("shared", cl::desc("Create shared library (DLL)"),
+                    cl::ZeroOrMore, cl::location(global.params.dll));
 static cl::opt<bool, true> verbose("v", cl::desc("Verbose"), cl::ZeroOrMore,
@@ -105,11 +104,13 @@ static cl::opt<unsigned, true> errorLimit(
     cl::desc("limit the number of error messages (0 means unlimited)"),
-static cl::opt<ubyte, true>
-    warnings(cl::desc("Warnings:"), cl::ZeroOrMore,
-             clEnumValues(clEnumValN(1, "w", "Enable warnings"),
-                          clEnumValN(2, "wi", "Enable informational warnings")),
-             cl::location(global.params.warnings), cl::init(0));
+static cl::opt<ubyte, true> warnings(
+    cl::desc("Warnings:"), cl::ZeroOrMore,
+    clEnumValues(
+        clEnumValN(1, "w", "Enable warnings as errors (compilation will halt)"),
+        clEnumValN(2, "wi",
+                   "Enable warnings as messages (compilation will continue)")),
+    cl::location(global.params.warnings), cl::init(0));
 static cl::opt<bool, true> ignoreUnsupportedPragmas(
     "ignore", cl::desc("Ignore unsupported pragmas"), cl::ZeroOrMore,
@@ -117,9 +118,11 @@ static cl::opt<bool, true> ignoreUnsupportedPragmas(
 static cl::opt<ubyte, true> debugInfo(
     cl::desc("Generating debug information:"), cl::ZeroOrMore,
-    clEnumValues(clEnumValN(1, "g", "Generate debug information"),
-                 clEnumValN(2, "gc", "Same as -g, but pretend to be C"),
-                 clEnumValN(3, "gline-tables-only", "Generate line-tables-only")),
+    clEnumValues(
+        clEnumValN(1, "g", "Add symbolic debug info"),
+        clEnumValN(2, "gc",
+                   "Add symbolic debug info, optimize for non D debuggers"),
+        clEnumValN(3, "gline-tables-only", "Add line tables only")),
     cl::location(global.params.symdebug), cl::init(0));
 static cl::opt<unsigned, true>
@@ -217,7 +220,7 @@ static cl::list<std::string, StringsAdapter>
 static cl::opt<bool, true>
-    addMain("main", cl::desc("Add empty main() (e.g. for unittesting)"),
+    addMain("main", cl::desc("Add default main() (e.g. for unittesting)"),
             cl::ZeroOrMore, cl::location(global.params.addMain));
 // -d-debug is a bit messy, it has 3 modes:
diff --git a/driver/ldmd.cpp b/driver/ldmd.cpp
index 6e99c63..4c6c727 100644
--- a/driver/ldmd.cpp
+++ b/driver/ldmd.cpp
@@ -154,6 +154,7 @@ Usage:\n\
   @cmdfile       read arguments from cmdfile\n\
   -allinst       generate code for all template instantiations\n\
   -betterC       omit generating some runtime information and helper functions\n\
+  -boundscheck=[on|safeonly|off]   bounds checks on, in @safe only, or off\n\
   -c             do not link\n\
   -color[=on|off]   force colored console output on or off\n\
   -conf=path     use config file at path\n\
@@ -175,53 +176,58 @@ Usage:\n\
   -dip25         implement http://wiki.dlang.org/DIP25 (experimental)\n\
   -fPIC          generate position independent code\n\
   -g             add symbolic debug info\n\
-  -gc            add symbolic debug info, pretend to be C\n\
-  -gs            always emit stack frame\n\
-  -H             generate 'header' file\n\
+  -gc            add symbolic debug info, optimize for non D debuggers\n\
+  -gs            always emit stack frame\n"
+#if 0
+"  -gx            add stack stomp code\n"
+"  -H             generate 'header' file\n\
   -Hddirectory   write 'header' file to directory\n\
   -Hffilename    write 'header' file to filename\n\
-  --help         print help\n\
+  --help         print help and exit\n\
   -Ipath         where to look for imports\n\
   -ignore        ignore unsupported pragmas\n\
   -inline        do function inlining\n\
   -Jpath         where to look for string imports\n\
   -Llinkerflag   pass linkerflag to link\n\
   -lib           generate library rather than object files\n\
-  -m32           generate 32 bit code\n\
-  -m64           generate 64 bit code\n\
+  -m32           generate 32 bit code\n"
+#if 0
+"  -m32mscoff     generate 32 bit code and write MS-COFF object files\n"
+"  -m64           generate 64 bit code\n\
+  -main          add default main() (e.g. for unittesting)\n\
   -man           open web browser on manual page\n"
 #if 0
 "  -map           generate linker .map file\n"
-"  -boundscheck=[on|safeonly|off]   bounds checks on, in @safe only, or off\n\
-  -noboundscheck no array bounds checking (deprecated, use -boundscheck=off)\n\
+"  -noboundscheck no array bounds checking (deprecated, use -boundscheck=off)\n\
   -O             optimize\n\
   -o-            do not write object file\n\
   -odobjdir      write object & library files to directory objdir\n\
   -offilename    name output file to filename\n\
-  -op            do not strip paths from source file\n"
+  -op            preserve source path for output files\n"
 #if 0
-"  -profile       profile runtime performance of generated code\n"
+"  -profile       profile runtime performance of generated code\n\
+  -profile=gc    profile runtime allocations\n"
-"  -property      enforce property syntax (deprecated, no effect)\n\
-  -quiet         suppress unnecessary messages\n\
-  -release       compile release version\n\
+"  -release       compile release version\n\
   -run srcfile args...   run resulting program, passing args\n\
-  -shared        generate shared library\n\
-  -transition=id show additional info about language change identified by 'id'\n\
+  -shared        generate shared library (DLL)\n\
+  -transition=id help with language change identified by 'id'\n\
   -transition=?  list all language changes\n\
   -unittest      compile in unit tests\n\
   -v             verbose\n\
   -vcolumns      print character (column) numbers in diagnostics\n\
   -vdmd          print the command used to invoke the underlying compiler\n\
+  -verrors=num   limit the number of error messages (0 means unlimited)\n\
+  -vgc           list all gc allocations including hidden ones\n\
+  -vtls          list all variables going into thread local storage\n\
   --version      print compiler version and exit\n\
   -version=level compile in version code >= level\n\
   -version=ident compile in version code identified by ident\n\
-  -vtls          list all variables going into thread local storage\n\
-  -vgc           list all gc allocations including hidden ones\n\
-  -verrors=num   limit the number of error messages (0 means unlimited)\n\
-  -w             enable warnings\n\
-  -wi            enable informational warnings\n\
+  -w             warnings as errors (compilation will halt)\n\
+  -wi            warnings as messages (compilation will continue)\n\
   -X             generate JSON file\n\
   -Xffilename    write JSON file to filename\n\n",
@@ -365,7 +371,6 @@ struct Params {
   bool enforcePropertySyntax = false;
   bool enableInline = false;
   bool emitStaticLib = false;
-  bool quiet = false;
   bool release = false;
   BoundsCheck::Type boundsChecks = BoundsCheck::defaultVal;
   bool emitUnitTests = false;
@@ -617,7 +622,7 @@ Params parseArgs(size_t originalArgc, char **originalArgv,
       } else if (strcmp(p + 1, "lib") == 0) {
         result.emitStaticLib = true;
       } else if (strcmp(p + 1, "quiet") == 0) {
-        result.quiet = 1;
+        // ignore
       } else if (strcmp(p + 1, "release") == 0) {
         result.release = 1;
       } else if (strcmp(p + 1, "noboundscheck") == 0) {
@@ -898,7 +903,6 @@ void buildCommandLine(std::vector<const char *> &r, const Params &p) {
-  // -quiet is the default in (newer?) frontend versions, just ignore it.
   if (p.release) {
     r.push_back("-release"); // Also disables boundscheck.
diff --git a/gen/modules.cpp b/gen/modules.cpp
index c38482e..3738ee4 100644
--- a/gen/modules.cpp
+++ b/gen/modules.cpp
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
 static llvm::cl::opt<bool, true>
-    preservePaths("op", llvm::cl::desc("Do not strip paths from source file"),
+    preservePaths("op", llvm::cl::desc("Preserve source path for output files"),

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-d/ldc.git

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