[pkg-d-commits] [ldc] 77/149: Remove orphaned DDMD files

Matthias Klumpp mak at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Apr 23 22:37:00 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

mak pushed a commit to annotated tag v1.2.0
in repository ldc.

commit 87506602c443e515e209fcde4c0e434518d0afc0
Author: Martin <noone at nowhere.com>
Date:   Fri Feb 3 23:27:51 2017 +0100

    Remove orphaned DDMD files
 ddmd/backend.d | 159 ---------------------------------------------------------
 ddmd/macro.h   |  46 -----------------
 2 files changed, 205 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ddmd/backend.d b/ddmd/backend.d
deleted file mode 100644
index 1419c0a..0000000
--- a/ddmd/backend.d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-// Compiler implementation of the D programming language
-// Copyright (c) 1999-2015 by Digital Mars
-// All Rights Reserved
-// written by Walter Bright
-// http://www.digitalmars.com
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
-module ddmd.backend;
-struct Symbol;
-struct code;
-struct block;
-struct Blockx;
-struct elem;
-version(IN_LLVM) {}
-// type.h
-alias tym_t = uint;
-alias mangle_t = ubyte;
-alias targ_size_t = ulong;
-struct PARAM;
-struct Classsym;
-struct LIST;
-alias list_t = LIST*;
-alias type = TYPE;
-extern extern (C++) type* type_fake(tym_t);
-extern extern (C++) void type_incCount(type* t);
-extern extern (C++) void type_setIdent(type* t, char* ident);
-extern extern (C++) type* type_alloc(tym_t);
-extern extern (C++) type* type_allocn(tym_t, type* tn);
-extern extern (C++) type* type_pointer(type* tnext);
-extern extern (C++) type* type_dyn_array(type* tnext);
-extern extern (C) type* type_static_array(targ_size_t dim, type* tnext);
-extern extern (C++) type* type_assoc_array(type* tkey, type* tvalue);
-extern extern (C++) type* type_delegate(type* tnext);
-extern extern (C) type* type_function(tym_t tyf, type** ptypes, size_t nparams, bool variadic, type* tret);
-extern extern (C++) type* type_enum(const(char)* name, type* tbase);
-extern extern (C++) type* type_struct_class(const(char)* name, uint alignsize, uint structsize,
-    type* arg1type, type* arg2type, bool isUnion, bool isClass, bool isPOD);
-extern extern (C++) void symbol_struct_addField(Symbol* s, const(char)* name, type* t, uint offset);
-enum mTYbasic     = 0xFF; /* bit mask for basic types     */
-enum mTYconst     = 0x100;
-enum mTYimmutable = 0x00080000; // immutable data
-enum mTYshared    = 0x00100000; // shared data
-tym_t tybasic(tym_t ty) { return ty & mTYbasic; }
-// Return true if type is a struct, class or union
-bool type_struct(type* t) { return tybasic(t.Tty) == TYstruct; }
-struct TYPE
-    debug ushort id;
-    tym_t Tty;     /* mask (TYxxx)                         */
-    ushort Tflags; // TFxxxxx
-    mangle_t Tmangle; // name mangling
-    uint Tcount; // # pointing to this type
-    TYPE* Tnext; // next in list
-                                // TYenum: gives base type
-    union
-    {
-        targ_size_t Tdim;   // TYarray: # of elements in array
-        elem* Tel;          // TFvla: gives dimension (NULL if '*')
-        PARAM* Tparamtypes; // TYfunc, TYtemplate: types of function parameters
-        Classsym* Ttag;     // TYstruct,TYmemptr: tag symbol
-                            // TYenum,TYvtshape: tag symbol
-        char* Tident;       // TYident: identifier
-        TYPE* Tkey;         // typtr: key type for associative arrays
-    }
-    list_t Texcspec;        // tyfunc(): list of types of exception specification
-    TYbool              = 0,
-    TYchar              = 1,
-    TYschar             = 2,    // signed char
-    TYuchar             = 3,    // unsigned char
-    TYchar8             = 4,
-    TYchar16            = 5,
-    TYshort             = 6,
-    TYwchar_t           = 7,
-    TYushort            = 8,    // unsigned short
-    TYenum              = 9,    // enumeration value
-    TYint               = 0xA,
-    TYuint              = 0xB,  // unsigned
-    TYlong              = 0xC,
-    TYulong             = 0xD,  // unsigned long
-    TYdchar             = 0xE,  // 32 bit Unicode char
-    TYllong             = 0xF,  // 64 bit long
-    TYullong            = 0x10, // 64 bit unsigned long
-    TYfloat             = 0x11, // 32 bit real
-    TYdouble            = 0x12, // 64 bit real
-    // long double is mapped to either of the following at runtime:
-    TYdouble_alias      = 0x13, // 64 bit real (but distinct for overload purposes)
-    TYldouble           = 0x14, // 80 bit real
-    // Add imaginary and complex types for D and C99
-    TYifloat            = 0x15,
-    TYidouble           = 0x16,
-    TYildouble          = 0x17,
-    TYcfloat            = 0x18,
-    TYcdouble           = 0x19,
-    TYcldouble          = 0x1A,
-    TYnullptr           = 0x1C,
-    TYnptr              = 0x1D, // data segment relative pointer
-    TYref               = 0x24, // reference to another type
-    TYvoid              = 0x25,
-    TYstruct            = 0x26, // watch tyaggregate()
-    TYarray             = 0x27, // watch tyaggregate()
-    TYnfunc             = 0x28, // near C func
-    TYnpfunc            = 0x2A, // near Cpp func
-    TYnsfunc            = 0x2C, // near stdcall func
-    TYifunc             = 0x2E, // interrupt func
-    TYptr               = 0x33, // generic pointer type
-    TYmfunc             = 0x37, // NT C++ member func
-    TYjfunc             = 0x38, // LINKd D function
-    TYhfunc             = 0x39, // C function with hidden parameter
-    TYnref              = 0x3A, // near reference
-    TYcent              = 0x3C, // 128 bit signed integer
-    TYucent             = 0x3D, // 128 bit unsigned integer
-    // SIMD vector types        // D type
-    TYfloat4            = 0x3E, // float[4]
-    TYdouble2           = 0x3F, // double[2]
-    TYschar16           = 0x40, // byte[16]
-    TYuchar16           = 0x41, // ubyte[16]
-    TYshort8            = 0x42, // short[8]
-    TYushort8           = 0x43, // ushort[8]
-    TYlong4             = 0x44, // int[4]
-    TYulong4            = 0x45, // uint[4]
-    TYllong2            = 0x46, // long[2]
-    TYullong2           = 0x47, // ulong[2]
-// // MARS types
-// #define TYaarray        TYnptr
-// #define TYdelegate      (I64 ? TYcent : TYllong)
-// #define TYdarray        (I64 ? TYucent : TYullong)
-    TYMAX               = 0x48,
diff --git a/ddmd/macro.h b/ddmd/macro.h
deleted file mode 100644
index aee1ea2..0000000
--- a/ddmd/macro.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-/* Compiler implementation of the D programming language
- * Copyright (c) 1999-2014 by Digital Mars
- * All Rights Reserved
- * written by Walter Bright
- * http://www.digitalmars.com
- * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
- * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
- * https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/dmd/blob/master/src/macro.h
- */
-#ifndef DMD_MACRO_H
-#define DMD_MACRO_H 1
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include "root.h"
-struct Macro
-  private:
-    Macro *next;                // next in list
-    const utf8_t *name;        // macro name
-    size_t namelen;             // length of macro name
-    const utf8_t *text;        // macro replacement text
-    size_t textlen;             // length of replacement text
-    int inuse;                  // macro is in use (don't expand)
-    Macro(const utf8_t *name, size_t namelen, const utf8_t *text, size_t textlen);
-    Macro *search(const utf8_t *name, size_t namelen);
-  public:
-    static Macro *define(Macro **ptable, const utf8_t *name, size_t namelen, const utf8_t *text, size_t textlen);
-    void expand(OutBuffer *buf, size_t start, size_t *pend,
-        const utf8_t *arg, size_t arglen);

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-d/ldc.git

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