[pkg-d-commits] [vibe.d] branch master updated (5a0d1ca -> 1aab1a0)
Matthias Klumpp
mak at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Aug 30 16:55:03 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
mak pushed a change to branch master
in repository vibe.d.
from 5a0d1ca Finalize changelog for 0.7.30-1
new 5042c82 New upstream version 0.8.1
new 4f303b7 Updated version 0.8.1 from 'upstream/0.8.1'
new 1083d68 Drop all patches: Applied upstream
new 60f3a25 Prepare changelog
new 33e253e Use debhelper's built-in Meson support
new 2fa6fb0 Ignore test failures for now
new fc7ffad d/control: Update component list
new 19285fc Update .install files
new fa5695f meson-Fix-typo.patch: Fix typo in .pc install filename
new fdb4cd2 d/copyright: Update year
new 1aab1a0 Finalize changelog for 0.8.1-1
The 11 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
.codecov.yml | 14 +
.gitignore | 8 +
.travis.yml | 47 +-
CHANGELOG.md | 323 +++-
LICENSE.txt | 2 +-
LICENSE_DE.txt | 2 +-
README.md | 51 +-
appveyor.yml | 147 ++
core/dub.sdl | 59 +
core/meson.build | 86 ++
{source => core}/vibe/appmain.d | 0
{source => core}/vibe/core/args.d | 2 +-
{source => core}/vibe/core/concurrency.d | 22 +-
{source => core}/vibe/core/connectionpool.d | 24 +-
{source => core}/vibe/core/core.d | 231 +--
{source => core}/vibe/core/driver.d | 33 +-
{source => core}/vibe/core/drivers/libasync.d | 525 +++----
{source => core}/vibe/core/drivers/libevent2.d | 461 +++---
{source => core}/vibe/core/drivers/libevent2_tcp.d | 177 +--
{source => core}/vibe/core/drivers/native.d | 0
{source => core}/vibe/core/drivers/threadedfile.d | 72 +-
{source => core}/vibe/core/drivers/timerqueue.d | 8 +-
{source => core}/vibe/core/drivers/utils.d | 12 +-
{source => core}/vibe/core/drivers/win32.d | 267 ++--
{source => core}/vibe/core/drivers/winrt.d | 19 +-
{source => core}/vibe/core/file.d | 29 +-
{source => core}/vibe/core/log.d | 49 +-
{source => core}/vibe/core/net.d | 159 +-
{source/vibe/inet => core/vibe/core}/path.d | 39 +-
{source => core}/vibe/core/stream.d | 137 +-
{source => core}/vibe/core/sync.d | 245 +--
{source => core}/vibe/core/task.d | 8 +-
core/vibe/internal/allocator.d | 20 +
core/vibe/internal/freelistref.d | 236 +++
core/vibe/internal/interfaceproxy.d | 8 +
core/vibe/internal/memory.d | 3 +
crypto/dub.sdl | 7 +
crypto/meson.build | 56 +
{source => crypto}/vibe/crypto/cryptorand.d | 104 +-
{source => crypto}/vibe/crypto/passwordhash.d | 0
data/dub.sdl | 6 +
data/meson.build | 54 +
{source => data}/vibe/data/bson.d | 229 +--
{source => data}/vibe/data/json.d | 267 +++-
{source => data}/vibe/data/serialization.d | 475 +++++-
debian/changelog | 16 +
debian/compat | 2 +-
debian/control | 213 ++-
debian/copyright | 2 +-
debian/libvibe-core-dev.install | 10 +-
debian/libvibe-crypto-dev.install | 3 +
debian/libvibe-crypto0.install | 1 +
debian/libvibe-data-dev.install | 2 +-
debian/libvibe-diet-dev.install | 3 -
debian/libvibe-diet0.install | 1 -
debian/libvibe-http-dev.install | 2 +-
debian/libvibe-inet-dev.install | 3 +
debian/libvibe-inet0.install | 1 +
debian/libvibe-mail-dev.install | 2 +-
debian/libvibe-mongodb-dev.install | 2 +-
debian/libvibe-redis-dev.install | 2 +-
debian/libvibe-stream-dev.install | 11 +
debian/libvibe-stream0.install | 1 +
debian/libvibe-textfilter-dev.install | 3 +
debian/libvibe-textfilter0.install | 1 +
debian/libvibe-tls-dev.install | 5 +
debian/libvibe-tls0.install | 1 +
debian/libvibe-utils-dev.install | 4 +-
debian/libvibe-web-dev.install | 2 +-
debian/patches/01_include-batch-install.patch | 125 --
debian/patches/01_meson-Fix-typo.patch | 25 +
debian/patches/series | 2 +-
debian/rules | 31 +-
dub.sdl | 146 +-
examples/app_skeleton/source/index.d | 1 -
examples/auth_basic/dub.json | 2 +-
examples/auth_digest/dub.json | 2 +-
examples/bench-http-server/dub.json | 1 -
examples/bench-http-server/source/app.d | 57 +-
examples/daytime/dub.json | 4 +-
examples/diet/dub.json | 2 +-
examples/diet/source/app.d | 2 +-
examples/echoserver/source/app.d | 6 +-
examples/http_info/dub.json | 4 +-
examples/http_reverse_proxy/source/app.d | 2 +-
examples/json/dub.json | 3 +-
examples/mongodb/source/app.d | 2 +-
examples/read_write_mutex/source/app.d | 126 +-
examples/rest-collections/source/app.d | 2 +-
examples/rest/source/app.d | 27 +-
examples/task_control/dub.json | 4 +-
examples/tcp_separate/dub.json | 5 +-
examples/tcp_separate/source/app.d | 48 +-
examples/uploader/dub.json | 4 +-
examples/uploader/source/app.d | 1 +
examples/{web => web-auth}/dub.json | 6 +-
.../public/styles/common.css | 0
examples/web-auth/source/app.d | 170 +++
examples/web-auth/views/admin.dt | 9 +
examples/web-auth/views/home.dt | 19 +
examples/{web-i18n => web-auth}/views/layout.dt | 0
examples/{web => web-auth}/views/login.dt | 0
examples/web-auth/views/premium.dt | 9 +
examples/web-auth/views/settings.dt | 33 +
http/dub.sdl | 10 +
http/meson.build | 90 ++
http/vibe/http/auth/basic_auth.d | 119 ++
{source => http}/vibe/http/auth/digest_auth.d | 35 +-
{source => http}/vibe/http/client.d | 282 ++--
{source => http}/vibe/http/common.d | 167 ++-
{source => http}/vibe/http/dist.d | 6 +-
{source => http}/vibe/http/fileserver.d | 94 +-
{source => http}/vibe/http/form.d | 4 +-
{source => http}/vibe/http/log.d | 24 +-
{source => http}/vibe/http/proxy.d | 85 +-
{source => http}/vibe/http/router.d | 261 ++--
{source => http}/vibe/http/server.d | 1031 ++++++++-----
{source => http}/vibe/http/session.d | 72 +-
{source => http}/vibe/http/status.d | 8 +-
{source => http}/vibe/http/websockets.d | 617 +++++---
inet/dub.sdl | 8 +
inet/meson.build | 69 +
{source => inet}/vibe/inet/message.d | 45 +-
{source => inet}/vibe/inet/mimetypes.d | 4 +-
inet/vibe/inet/path.d | 10 +
{source => inet}/vibe/inet/url.d | 227 +--
{source => inet}/vibe/inet/urltransfer.d | 3 +-
{source => inet}/vibe/inet/webform.d | 125 +-
lib/subprojects/diet.wrap | 4 +
lib/win-amd64/libeay32.dll | Bin 1821184 -> 2089984 bytes
lib/win-amd64/libeay32.lib | Bin 780164 -> 802648 bytes
lib/win-amd64/ssleay32.dll | Bin 378368 -> 352768 bytes
lib/win-amd64/ssleay32.lib | Bin 66342 -> 75578 bytes
lib/win-i386-mscoff/libeay32.lib | Bin 0 -> 821042 bytes
lib/win-i386-mscoff/ssleay32.lib | Bin 0 -> 77144 bytes
lib/win-i386/eay.lib | Bin 538112 -> 553984 bytes
lib/win-i386/libeay32.dll | Bin 1281024 -> 1265664 bytes
lib/win-i386/ssl.lib | Bin 48640 -> 54784 bytes
lib/win-i386/ssleay32.dll | Bin 341504 -> 274944 bytes
mail/dub.sdl | 7 +
mail/meson.build | 65 +
{source => mail}/vibe/mail/smtp.d | 24 +-
meson.build | 442 ++----
mongodb/dub.sdl | 6 +
mongodb/meson.build | 79 +
{source => mongodb}/vibe/db/mongo/client.d | 4 +-
{source => mongodb}/vibe/db/mongo/collection.d | 38 +-
{source => mongodb}/vibe/db/mongo/connection.d | 149 +-
{source => mongodb}/vibe/db/mongo/cursor.d | 99 +-
{source => mongodb}/vibe/db/mongo/database.d | 2 +
{source => mongodb}/vibe/db/mongo/flags.d | 14 +-
{source => mongodb}/vibe/db/mongo/mongo.d | 10 +-
mongodb/vibe/db/mongo/sasl.d | 157 ++
{source => mongodb}/vibe/db/mongo/settings.d | 26 +-
redis/dub.sdl | 6 +
redis/meson.build | 79 +
{source => redis}/vibe/db/redis/idioms.d | 5 +
{source => redis}/vibe/db/redis/redis.d | 245 +--
{source => redis}/vibe/db/redis/sessionstore.d | 23 +-
{source => redis}/vibe/db/redis/types.d | 2 +-
scripts/tag_version.sh | 28 +
scripts/test_version.sh | 18 +
source/vibe/http/auth/basic_auth.d | 95 --
source/vibe/stream/counting.d | 242 ---
source/vibe/templ/diet.d | 1558 --------------------
source/vibe/templ/parsertools.d | 185 ---
source/vibe/templ/utils.d | 169 ---
source/vibe/vibe.d | 3 +-
stream/dub.sdl | 13 +
stream/meson.build | 64 +
{source => stream}/vibe/stream/base64.d | 71 +-
stream/vibe/stream/counting.d | 335 +++++
{source => stream}/vibe/stream/memory.d | 90 +-
{source => stream}/vibe/stream/multicast.d | 32 +-
{source => stream}/vibe/stream/operations.d | 191 ++-
{source => stream}/vibe/stream/stdio.d | 27 +-
{source => stream}/vibe/stream/taskpipe.d | 83 +-
{source => stream}/vibe/stream/wrapper.d | 162 +-
{source => stream}/vibe/stream/zlib.d | 166 ++-
tests/dirwatcher/source/app.d | 4 +-
.../.gitignore | 1 +
.../vibe.http.websocket-autobahn-client/dub.json | 9 +
.../source/app.d | 41 +
tests/redis/source/app.d | 44 +-
tests/rest/source/app.d | 69 +-
tests/restclient/source/app.d | 11 +-
tests/restcollections/source/app.d | 2 +-
tests/tcp/dub.sdl | 2 +-
tests/tcp/source/app.d | 114 +-
tests/tcpproxy/source/app.d | 6 +-
tests/vibe.core.concurrency.1408/source/app.d | 7 +-
.../dub.sdl | 0
tests/vibe.core.core.1742/source/app.d | 44 +
tests/vibe.core.net.1376/source/app.d | 19 +-
tests/vibe.core.net.1429/source/app.d | 8 +-
.../dub.sdl | 1 -
tests/vibe.core.net.1726/source/app.d | 63 +
tests/vibe.data.json.1504/dub.json | 3 +-
.../dub.sdl | 0
tests/vibe.http.server.1721/source/app.d | 44 +
tests/vibe.http.server.host-header/source/app.d | 66 +-
.../dub.sdl | 2 +-
tests/vibe.http.server.listenHTTP/source/app.d | 22 +
tests/vibe.http.websocket/source/app.d | 1 +
tests/vibe.web.web.auth/source/app.d | 18 +-
textfilter/dub.sdl | 6 +
textfilter/meson.build | 60 +
{source => textfilter}/vibe/textfilter/html.d | 10 +-
{source => textfilter}/vibe/textfilter/markdown.d | 38 +-
{source => textfilter}/vibe/textfilter/urlencode.d | 149 +-
tls/dub.sdl | 32 +
tls/meson.build | 66 +
{source => tls}/vibe/stream/botan.d | 268 ++--
{source => tls}/vibe/stream/openssl.d | 364 +++--
{source => tls}/vibe/stream/tls.d | 62 +-
todo.txt | 10 +-
travis-ci.sh | 69 +-
utils/dub.sdl | 5 +
utils/meson.build | 65 +
.../vibe/internal/memory_legacy.d | 77 +-
{source => utils}/vibe/internal/meta/all.d | 0
{source => utils}/vibe/internal/meta/codegen.d | 0
{source => utils}/vibe/internal/meta/funcattr.d | 9 +-
{source => utils}/vibe/internal/meta/traits.d | 72 +-
{source => utils}/vibe/internal/meta/typetuple.d | 0
{source => utils}/vibe/internal/meta/uda.d | 0
{source => utils}/vibe/internal/rangeutil.d | 6 +-
utils/vibe/internal/utilallocator.d | 182 +++
{source => utils}/vibe/internal/win32.d | 102 +-
{source => utils}/vibe/utils/array.d | 208 ++-
{source => utils}/vibe/utils/dictionarylist.d | 170 ++-
{source => utils}/vibe/utils/hashmap.d | 140 +-
utils/vibe/utils/memory.d | 14 +
{source => utils}/vibe/utils/string.d | 8 +-
{source => utils}/vibe/utils/validation.d | 0
web/dub.sdl | 6 +
web/meson.build | 88 ++
{source => web}/vibe/web/auth.d | 12 +-
{source => web}/vibe/web/common.d | 53 +-
{source => web}/vibe/web/i18n.d | 183 ++-
{source => web}/vibe/web/internal/rest/common.d | 65 +-
{source => web}/vibe/web/internal/rest/jsclient.d | 17 +-
{source => web}/vibe/web/rest.d | 424 +++++-
{source => web}/vibe/web/validation.d | 0
{source => web}/vibe/web/web.d | 199 ++-
245 files changed, 11264 insertions(+), 6886 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 .codecov.yml
create mode 100644 appveyor.yml
create mode 100644 core/dub.sdl
create mode 100644 core/meson.build
rename {source => core}/vibe/appmain.d (100%)
rename {source => core}/vibe/core/args.d (99%)
rename {source => core}/vibe/core/concurrency.d (98%)
rename {source => core}/vibe/core/connectionpool.d (83%)
rename {source => core}/vibe/core/core.d (91%)
rename {source => core}/vibe/core/driver.d (89%)
rename {source => core}/vibe/core/drivers/libasync.d (78%)
rename {source => core}/vibe/core/drivers/libevent2.d (70%)
rename {source => core}/vibe/core/drivers/libevent2_tcp.d (81%)
rename {source => core}/vibe/core/drivers/native.d (100%)
rename {source => core}/vibe/core/drivers/threadedfile.d (74%)
rename {source => core}/vibe/core/drivers/timerqueue.d (95%)
rename {source => core}/vibe/core/drivers/utils.d (89%)
rename {source => core}/vibe/core/drivers/win32.d (86%)
rename {source => core}/vibe/core/drivers/winrt.d (96%)
rename {source => core}/vibe/core/file.d (96%)
rename {source => core}/vibe/core/log.d (95%)
rename {source => core}/vibe/core/net.d (71%)
rename {source/vibe/inet => core/vibe/core}/path.d (95%)
rename {source => core}/vibe/core/stream.d (62%)
rename {source => core}/vibe/core/sync.d (95%)
rename {source => core}/vibe/core/task.d (96%)
create mode 100644 core/vibe/internal/allocator.d
create mode 100644 core/vibe/internal/freelistref.d
create mode 100644 core/vibe/internal/interfaceproxy.d
create mode 100644 core/vibe/internal/memory.d
create mode 100644 crypto/dub.sdl
create mode 100644 crypto/meson.build
rename {source => crypto}/vibe/crypto/cryptorand.d (85%)
rename {source => crypto}/vibe/crypto/passwordhash.d (100%)
create mode 100644 data/dub.sdl
create mode 100644 data/meson.build
rename {source => data}/vibe/data/bson.d (89%)
rename {source => data}/vibe/data/json.d (89%)
rename {source => data}/vibe/data/serialization.d (76%)
create mode 100644 debian/libvibe-crypto-dev.install
create mode 100644 debian/libvibe-crypto0.install
delete mode 100644 debian/libvibe-diet-dev.install
delete mode 100644 debian/libvibe-diet0.install
create mode 100644 debian/libvibe-inet-dev.install
create mode 100644 debian/libvibe-inet0.install
create mode 100644 debian/libvibe-stream-dev.install
create mode 100644 debian/libvibe-stream0.install
create mode 100644 debian/libvibe-textfilter-dev.install
create mode 100644 debian/libvibe-textfilter0.install
create mode 100644 debian/libvibe-tls-dev.install
create mode 100644 debian/libvibe-tls0.install
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/01_include-batch-install.patch
create mode 100644 debian/patches/01_meson-Fix-typo.patch
copy examples/{web => web-auth}/dub.json (78%)
copy examples/{web-i18n => web-auth}/public/styles/common.css (100%)
create mode 100644 examples/web-auth/source/app.d
create mode 100644 examples/web-auth/views/admin.dt
create mode 100644 examples/web-auth/views/home.dt
copy examples/{web-i18n => web-auth}/views/layout.dt (100%)
copy examples/{web => web-auth}/views/login.dt (100%)
create mode 100644 examples/web-auth/views/premium.dt
create mode 100644 examples/web-auth/views/settings.dt
create mode 100644 http/dub.sdl
create mode 100644 http/meson.build
create mode 100644 http/vibe/http/auth/basic_auth.d
rename {source => http}/vibe/http/auth/digest_auth.d (79%)
rename {source => http}/vibe/http/client.d (76%)
rename {source => http}/vibe/http/common.d (84%)
rename {source => http}/vibe/http/dist.d (91%)
rename {source => http}/vibe/http/fileserver.d (77%)
rename {source => http}/vibe/http/form.d (97%)
rename {source => http}/vibe/http/log.d (92%)
rename {source => http}/vibe/http/proxy.d (74%)
rename {source => http}/vibe/http/router.d (78%)
rename {source => http}/vibe/http/server.d (65%)
rename {source => http}/vibe/http/session.d (77%)
rename {source => http}/vibe/http/status.d (98%)
rename {source => http}/vibe/http/websockets.d (53%)
create mode 100644 inet/dub.sdl
create mode 100644 inet/meson.build
rename {source => inet}/vibe/inet/message.d (90%)
rename {source => inet}/vibe/inet/mimetypes.d (99%)
create mode 100644 inet/vibe/inet/path.d
rename {source => inet}/vibe/inet/url.d (69%)
rename {source => inet}/vibe/inet/urltransfer.d (96%)
rename {source => inet}/vibe/inet/webform.d (85%)
create mode 100644 lib/subprojects/diet.wrap
create mode 100644 lib/win-i386-mscoff/libeay32.lib
create mode 100644 lib/win-i386-mscoff/ssleay32.lib
create mode 100644 mail/dub.sdl
create mode 100644 mail/meson.build
rename {source => mail}/vibe/mail/smtp.d (91%)
create mode 100644 mongodb/dub.sdl
create mode 100644 mongodb/meson.build
rename {source => mongodb}/vibe/db/mongo/client.d (98%)
rename {source => mongodb}/vibe/db/mongo/collection.d (95%)
rename {source => mongodb}/vibe/db/mongo/connection.d (78%)
rename {source => mongodb}/vibe/db/mongo/cursor.d (83%)
rename {source => mongodb}/vibe/db/mongo/database.d (99%)
rename {source => mongodb}/vibe/db/mongo/flags.d (92%)
rename {source => mongodb}/vibe/db/mongo/mongo.d (89%)
create mode 100644 mongodb/vibe/db/mongo/sasl.d
rename {source => mongodb}/vibe/db/mongo/settings.d (94%)
create mode 100644 redis/dub.sdl
create mode 100644 redis/meson.build
rename {source => redis}/vibe/db/redis/idioms.d (99%)
rename {source => redis}/vibe/db/redis/redis.d (88%)
rename {source => redis}/vibe/db/redis/sessionstore.d (80%)
rename {source => redis}/vibe/db/redis/types.d (99%)
create mode 100755 scripts/tag_version.sh
create mode 100755 scripts/test_version.sh
delete mode 100644 source/vibe/http/auth/basic_auth.d
delete mode 100644 source/vibe/stream/counting.d
delete mode 100644 source/vibe/templ/diet.d
delete mode 100644 source/vibe/templ/parsertools.d
delete mode 100644 source/vibe/templ/utils.d
create mode 100644 stream/dub.sdl
create mode 100644 stream/meson.build
rename {source => stream}/vibe/stream/base64.d (65%)
create mode 100644 stream/vibe/stream/counting.d
rename {source => stream}/vibe/stream/memory.d (58%)
rename {source => stream}/vibe/stream/multicast.d (51%)
rename {source => stream}/vibe/stream/operations.d (70%)
rename {source => stream}/vibe/stream/stdio.d (86%)
rename {source => stream}/vibe/stream/taskpipe.d (66%)
rename {source => stream}/vibe/stream/wrapper.d (51%)
rename {source => stream}/vibe/stream/zlib.d (59%)
copy tests/{dirwatcher => not-runnable/vibe.http.websocket-autobahn-client}/.gitignore (58%)
create mode 100644 tests/not-runnable/vibe.http.websocket-autobahn-client/dub.json
create mode 100644 tests/not-runnable/vibe.http.websocket-autobahn-client/source/app.d
copy tests/{vibe.core.core.1590 => vibe.core.core.1742}/dub.sdl (100%)
create mode 100644 tests/vibe.core.core.1742/source/app.d
copy tests/{vibe.core.net.1376 => vibe.core.net.1726}/dub.sdl (77%)
create mode 100644 tests/vibe.core.net.1726/source/app.d
copy tests/{vibe.http.server.host-header => vibe.http.server.1721}/dub.sdl (100%)
create mode 100644 tests/vibe.http.server.1721/source/app.d
copy tests/{vibe.http.server.1388 => vibe.http.server.listenHTTP}/dub.sdl (71%)
create mode 100644 tests/vibe.http.server.listenHTTP/source/app.d
create mode 100644 textfilter/dub.sdl
create mode 100644 textfilter/meson.build
rename {source => textfilter}/vibe/textfilter/html.d (96%)
rename {source => textfilter}/vibe/textfilter/markdown.d (95%)
rename {source => textfilter}/vibe/textfilter/urlencode.d (61%)
create mode 100644 tls/dub.sdl
create mode 100644 tls/meson.build
rename {source => tls}/vibe/stream/botan.d (86%)
rename {source => tls}/vibe/stream/openssl.d (72%)
rename {source => tls}/vibe/stream/tls.d (87%)
create mode 100644 utils/dub.sdl
create mode 100644 utils/meson.build
rename source/vibe/utils/memory.d => utils/vibe/internal/memory_legacy.d (93%)
rename {source => utils}/vibe/internal/meta/all.d (100%)
rename {source => utils}/vibe/internal/meta/codegen.d (100%)
rename {source => utils}/vibe/internal/meta/funcattr.d (98%)
rename {source => utils}/vibe/internal/meta/traits.d (86%)
rename {source => utils}/vibe/internal/meta/typetuple.d (100%)
rename {source => utils}/vibe/internal/meta/uda.d (100%)
rename {source => utils}/vibe/internal/rangeutil.d (91%)
create mode 100644 utils/vibe/internal/utilallocator.d
rename {source => utils}/vibe/internal/win32.d (58%)
rename {source => utils}/vibe/utils/array.d (73%)
rename {source => utils}/vibe/utils/dictionarylist.d (66%)
rename {source => utils}/vibe/utils/hashmap.d (66%)
create mode 100644 utils/vibe/utils/memory.d
rename {source => utils}/vibe/utils/string.d (96%)
rename {source => utils}/vibe/utils/validation.d (100%)
create mode 100644 web/dub.sdl
create mode 100644 web/meson.build
rename {source => web}/vibe/web/auth.d (94%)
rename {source => web}/vibe/web/common.d (96%)
rename {source => web}/vibe/web/i18n.d (78%)
rename {source => web}/vibe/web/internal/rest/common.d (90%)
rename {source => web}/vibe/web/internal/rest/jsclient.d (91%)
rename {source => web}/vibe/web/rest.d (79%)
rename {source => web}/vibe/web/validation.d (100%)
rename {source => web}/vibe/web/web.d (88%)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-d/vibe.d.git
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