[pkg-d-commits] [ldc] branch upstream updated (e5cfb7b -> faea770)

Konstantinos Margaritis markos at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Aug 31 23:00:08 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

markos pushed a change to branch upstream
in repository ldc.

      from  e5cfb7b   New upstream version 1.2.0
      adds  faea770   New upstream version 1.3.0

No new revisions were added by this update.

Summary of changes:
 .clang-format                                      |    1 +
 .travis.yml                                        |   71 +-
 CMakeLists.txt                                     |  133 +-
 LICENSE                                            |  513 ----
 README.md                                          |   20 +-
 appveyor.yml                                       |   38 +-
 .../dmd-testsuite/fail_compilation/testhtml2.html  |    2 +-
 circle.yml                                         |   19 +-
 cmake/Modules/ExtractDMDSystemLinker.cmake         |    4 +-
 cmake/Modules/FindLLVM.cmake                       |   33 +-
 cmake/Modules/FindLibConfig.cmake                  |   15 -
 cmake/Modules/HandleLTOPGOBuildOptions.cmake       |   15 +-
 ddmd/access.d                                      |   10 +-
 ddmd/aggregate.d                                   |    8 +-
 ddmd/aggregate.h                                   |   11 +-
 ddmd/argtypes.d                                    |    8 +-
 ddmd/arrayop.d                                     |    2 +-
 ddmd/attrib.d                                      |   14 +-
 ddmd/attrib.h                                      |    7 +-
 ddmd/blockexit.d                                   |  535 ++++
 ddmd/canthrow.d                                    |    4 +-
 ddmd/clone.d                                       |   15 +-
 ddmd/cond.d                                        |    4 +-
 ddmd/constfold.d                                   |   22 +-
 ddmd/cppmangle.d                                   |    7 +-
 ddmd/ctfeexpr.d                                    |   12 +-
 ddmd/dcast.d                                       |   80 +-
 ddmd/dclass.d                                      |   10 +-
 ddmd/declaration.d                                 |  134 +-
 ddmd/declaration.h                                 |    6 +-
 ddmd/delegatize.d                                  |    2 +-
 ddmd/denum.d                                       |   10 +-
 ddmd/dinterpret.d                                  |   55 +-
 ddmd/dmacro.d                                      |   12 +-
 ddmd/dmodule.d                                     |   52 +-
 ddmd/doc.d                                         |  260 +-
 ddmd/dscope.d                                      |   10 +-
 ddmd/dstruct.d                                     |    2 +-
 ddmd/dsymbol.d                                     |   26 +-
 ddmd/dsymbol.h                                     |    2 +-
 ddmd/dtemplate.d                                   |   44 +-
 ddmd/dversion.d                                    |    4 +-
 ddmd/escape.d                                      |  690 ++++-
 ddmd/expression.d                                  |  385 ++-
 ddmd/expression.h                                  |   12 +-
 ddmd/func.d                                        |  244 +-
 ddmd/globals.d                                     |   37 +-
 ddmd/globals.h                                     |   29 +-
 ddmd/gluelayer.d                                   |    3 +-
 ddmd/hdrgen.d                                      |   22 +-
 ddmd/identifier.h                                  |    6 +
 ddmd/idgen.d                                       |   20 +
 ddmd/init.d                                        |   41 +-
 ddmd/lexer.d                                       |   10 +-
 ddmd/mars.d                                        |  222 +-
 ddmd/mars.h                                        |    1 +
 ddmd/mtype.d                                       |  391 ++-
 ddmd/mtype.h                                       |    6 +-
 ddmd/nspace.d                                      |    8 +-
 ddmd/opover.d                                      |   47 +-
 ddmd/optimize.d                                    |   81 +-
 ddmd/parse.d                                       |   21 +-
 ddmd/root/array.d                                  |    4 +-
 ddmd/root/filename.d                               |    2 +-
 ddmd/scope.h                                       |    1 +
 ddmd/sideeffect.d                                  |   42 +-
 ddmd/statement.d                                   |  516 +---
 ddmd/statementsem.d                                |   68 +-
 ddmd/traits.d                                      |   79 +-
 ddmd/typinf.d                                      |  266 ++
 driver/archiver.cpp                                |  379 +++
 driver/archiver.h                                  |   19 +
 driver/cache.cpp                                   |   24 +-
 driver/cl_options.cpp                              |  238 +-
 driver/cl_options.h                                |   15 +-
 driver/codegenerator.cpp                           |   86 +-
 driver/config.d                                    |  600 ++++
 driver/configfile.cpp                              |   87 +-
 driver/configfile.d                                |  168 ++
 driver/configfile.h                                |   26 +-
 driver/dcomputecodegenerator.cpp                   |   74 +
 driver/dcomputecodegenerator.h                     |   31 +
 driver/ldmd.cpp                                    |   27 +-
 driver/linker-gcc.cpp                              |  445 +++
 driver/linker-msvc.cpp                             |  184 ++
 driver/linker.cpp                                  |  794 +-----
 driver/linker.h                                    |    6 -
 driver/main.cpp                                    |  197 +-
 driver/targetmachine.cpp                           |   11 +
 driver/targetmachine.h                             |    7 +
 driver/toobj.cpp                                   |   41 +-
 driver/tool.cpp                                    |  329 ++-
 driver/tool.h                                      |   29 +-
 gen/abi-nvptx.cpp                                  |   56 +
 gen/abi-nvptx.h                                    |   21 +
 gen/abi-spirv.cpp                                  |   56 +
 gen/abi-spirv.h                                    |   22 +
 gen/asmstmt.cpp                                    |    3 +-
 gen/attributes.cpp                                 |   21 +-
 gen/attributes.h                                   |   18 +-
 gen/cl_helpers.h                                   |    4 +-
 gen/coverage.cpp                                   |   17 +-
 gen/dcompute/abi-rewrites.h                        |   40 +
 gen/dcompute/druntime.cpp                          |   45 +
 gen/dcompute/druntime.h                            |   41 +
 gen/dcompute/target.cpp                            |   57 +
 gen/dcompute/target.h                              |   57 +
 gen/dcompute/targetCUDA.cpp                        |   82 +
 gen/dcompute/targetOCL.cpp                         |  208 ++
 gen/declarations.cpp                               |  113 +-
 gen/dibuilder.cpp                                  |   50 +-
 gen/dibuilder.h                                    |    2 +-
 gen/dvalue.cpp                                     |   26 +-
 gen/functions.cpp                                  |   91 +-
 gen/inlineir.cpp                                   |   11 +-
 gen/irstate.cpp                                    |    2 +-
 gen/irstate.h                                      |    8 +-
 gen/ldctraits.cpp                                  |   11 +-
 gen/ldctraits.d                                    |   17 +-
 gen/ldctraits.h                                    |   26 +
 gen/llvmhelpers.cpp                                |   55 +-
 gen/mangling.cpp                                   |   17 +-
 gen/modules.cpp                                    |   30 +-
 gen/naked.cpp                                      |    7 +-
 gen/optimizer.cpp                                  |  121 +-
 gen/passes/GarbageCollect2Stack.cpp                |   37 +-
 gen/pgo.cpp                                        |   15 +-
 gen/programs.cpp                                   |   72 -
 gen/programs.h                                     |   24 -
 gen/recursivevisitor.h                             |   12 +
 gen/runtime.cpp                                    |   48 +-
 gen/semantic-dcompute.cpp                          |  245 ++
 gen/semantic.d                                     |   27 +
 gen/statements.cpp                                 |   64 +-
 gen/target.cpp                                     |    4 +-
 gen/to_string.h                                    |   31 +
 gen/tocall.cpp                                     |   21 +-
 gen/toconstelem.cpp                                |   69 +-
 gen/toir.cpp                                       |   69 +-
 gen/tollvm.cpp                                     |   49 +-
 gen/tollvm.h                                       |    5 +
 gen/trycatchfinally.cpp                            |   13 +-
 gen/typinf.cpp                                     |  119 +-
 gen/typinf.h                                       |    3 +
 gen/uda.cpp                                        |  140 +-
 gen/uda.h                                          |   10 +-
 ir/irfuncty.cpp                                    |   10 +-
 ir/irfuncty.h                                      |    3 -
 ir/irtypestruct.cpp                                |   31 +-
 ldc2.conf.in                                       |    7 +-
 ldc2_install.conf.in                               |    7 +-
 ldc2_phobos.conf.in                                |    7 +-
 res/default_ddoc_theme.ddoc                        |  735 +++++
 runtime/CMakeLists.txt                             |  428 +--
 runtime/druntime/changelog.dd                      |   64 -
 runtime/druntime/changelog/README.md               |   34 +
 runtime/druntime/circle.yml                        |    1 +
 runtime/druntime/circleci.sh                       |   17 +-
 runtime/druntime/mak/COPY                          |    7 +
 runtime/druntime/osmodel.mak                       |    3 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/bitop.d                  |   92 +-
 runtime/druntime/src/core/math.d                   |   27 +-
 runtime/druntime/src/core/runtime.d                |   68 +-
 runtime/druntime/src/core/simd.d                   |   91 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/stdc/config.d            |    6 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/stdc/errno.d             |  336 +++
 runtime/druntime/src/core/stdc/fenv.d              |   46 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/stdc/locale.d            |   17 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/stdc/math.d              |  551 +++-
 runtime/druntime/src/core/stdc/stdio.d             |  123 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/stdc/stdlib.d            |    5 +-
 runtime/druntime/src/core/stdc/string.d            |    4 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/stdc/tgmath.d            |  548 ++++
 runtime/druntime/src/core/stdc/time.d              |   11 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/linux/ifaddrs.d      |   54 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/linux/sched.d        |   80 +
 .../druntime/src/core/sys/linux/sys/netinet/tcp.d  |   79 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/linux/sys/prctl.d    |  162 ++
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/linux/sys/time.d     |   68 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/netbsd/dlfcn.d       |  115 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/netbsd/execinfo.d    |  133 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/netbsd/sys/elf.d     |   10 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/netbsd/sys/elf32.d   |  187 ++
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/netbsd/sys/elf64.d   |  193 ++
 .../druntime/src/core/sys/netbsd/sys/elf_common.d  |  858 ++++++
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/netbsd/sys/event.d   |  110 +
 .../druntime/src/core/sys/netbsd/sys/link_elf.d    |   71 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/netbsd/sys/mman.d    |  125 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/netbsd/time.d        |   21 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/arpa/inet.d    |   29 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/dirent.d       |   46 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/dlfcn.d        |   23 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/fcntl.d        |   55 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/grp.d          |   21 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/iconv.d        |   44 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/libgen.d       |   22 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/net/if_.d      |   15 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/netdb.d        |  107 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/netinet/in_.d  |  178 ++
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/netinet/tcp.d  |    4 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/poll.d         |   34 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/pthread.d      |  146 +-
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/pwd.d          |   29 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/sched.d        |   21 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/semaphore.d    |   10 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/setjmp.d       |   43 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/signal.d       |  304 +-
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/stdio.d        |    4 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/stdlib.d       |   65 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/sys/ioctl.d    |   12 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/sys/ipc.d      |   25 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/sys/mman.d     |   59 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/sys/resource.d |   64 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/sys/select.d   |  109 +-
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/sys/shm.d      |   26 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/sys/socket.d   |  211 ++
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/sys/stat.d     |   88 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/sys/statvfs.d  |   47 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/sys/time.d     |   21 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/sys/types.d    |  127 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/sys/uio.d      |   11 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/sys/un.d       |    9 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/sys/utsname.d  |   16 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/sys/wait.d     |   28 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/syslog.d       |   65 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/termios.d      |  142 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/time.d         |   45 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/ucontext.d     |   56 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/unistd.d       |  171 ++
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/posix/utime.d        |   10 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/sys/windows/uuid.d       |   10 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/thread.d                 |   36 +
 runtime/druntime/src/core/threadasm.S              |    5 +-
 runtime/druntime/src/core/time.d                   |   34 +-
 runtime/druntime/src/gc/os.d                       |    1 +
 runtime/druntime/src/ldc/dcompute.d                |  111 +
 runtime/druntime/src/ldc/eh/libunwind.d            |    2 +-
 runtime/druntime/src/ldc/eh/msvc.d                 |   11 +-
 runtime/druntime/src/object.d                      |   63 +-
 runtime/druntime/src/rt/bss_section.c              |    2 +-
 runtime/druntime/src/rt/dmain2.d                   |   89 +-
 runtime/druntime/src/rt/dwarfeh.d                  |   35 +-
 runtime/druntime/src/rt/lifetime.d                 |   33 +-
 runtime/druntime/src/rt/minfo.d                    |    4 +-
 runtime/druntime/src/rt/monitor_.d                 |    5 -
 runtime/druntime/src/rt/msvc.c                     |   16 +-
 runtime/druntime/src/rt/sections.d                 |    2 +
 runtime/druntime/src/rt/sections_android.d         |   37 +-
 runtime/druntime/src/rt/sections_elf_shared.d      |   33 +
 runtime/druntime/src/rt/sections_ldc.d             |    2 +-
 runtime/druntime/src/rt/util/typeinfo.d            |    2 +-
 runtime/druntime/test/exceptions/Makefile          |    8 +-
 runtime/druntime/test/exceptions/chain.exp         |    7 +
 runtime/druntime/test/exceptions/line_trace.exp    |   10 +-
 runtime/druntime/test/exceptions/src/chain.d       |   79 +
 runtime/druntime/test/shared/src/load.d            |    1 +
 runtime/druntime/win32.mak                         |   21 +
 runtime/druntime/win64.mak                         |   24 +
 runtime/phobos/.dscanner.ini                       |   10 +-
 runtime/phobos/README.md                           |    2 +-
 runtime/phobos/changelog.dd                        |   98 +
 runtime/phobos/changelog/README.md                 |   42 +
 runtime/phobos/circle.yml                          |    2 +
 runtime/phobos/circleci.sh                         |   41 +-
 runtime/phobos/etc/c/zlib/win64.mak                |    3 +
 runtime/phobos/posix.mak                           |   30 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/algorithm/comparison.d          |   95 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/algorithm/iteration.d           |  149 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/algorithm/mutation.d            |  257 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/algorithm/package.d             |    2 +
 runtime/phobos/std/algorithm/searching.d           |  353 ++-
 runtime/phobos/std/algorithm/setops.d              |   11 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/algorithm/sorting.d             |  955 +++++--
 runtime/phobos/std/array.d                         |   10 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/bitmanip.d                      |   57 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/concurrency.d                   |    2 +
 runtime/phobos/std/container/binaryheap.d          |  126 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/container/rbtree.d              |   52 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/container/util.d                |   15 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/conv.d                          |  123 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/csv.d                           |    6 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/datetime.d                      |  106 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/digest/murmurhash.d             |   96 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/digest/sha.d                    |    2 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/exception.d                     |    6 +-
 .../allocator/building_blocks/allocator_list.d     |    7 +-
 .../allocator/building_blocks/free_list.d          |   99 +-
 .../allocator/building_blocks/free_tree.d          |    4 +-
 .../allocator/building_blocks/quantizer.d          |    2 +
 .../phobos/std/experimental/allocator/mallocator.d |    5 +-
 .../phobos/std/experimental/allocator/package.d    |    4 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/experimental/logger/core.d      |    1 +
 .../phobos/std/experimental/logger/nulllogger.d    |    2 +
 runtime/phobos/std/experimental/ndslice/internal.d |    2 +
 .../phobos/std/experimental/ndslice/iteration.d    |    7 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/experimental/ndslice/package.d  |    2 +
 .../phobos/std/experimental/ndslice/selection.d    |  294 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/experimental/ndslice/slice.d    |  110 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/experimental/typecons.d         |    1 +
 runtime/phobos/std/file.d                          |   19 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/format.d                        | 1278 +--------
 runtime/phobos/std/getopt.d                        |   39 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/internal/math/biguintcore.d     |   18 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/internal/math/gammafunction.d   |   13 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/internal/test/dummyrange.d      |    5 +
 runtime/phobos/std/json.d                          |   12 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/math.d                          |   67 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/meta.d                          |  159 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/mmfile.d                        |    6 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/net/isemail.d                   |   46 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/numeric.d                       |   44 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/parallelism.d                   |    4 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/path.d                          |   24 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/process.d                       |  131 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/random.d                        |  147 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/range/package.d                 |  658 ++++-
 runtime/phobos/std/range/primitives.d              |   34 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/regex/internal/parser.d         |    2 +
 runtime/phobos/std/regex/internal/shiftor.d        |  581 ++++
 runtime/phobos/std/regex/internal/tests.d          |    7 +
 runtime/phobos/std/signals.d                       |  124 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/socket.d                        |  154 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/stdio.d                         |   15 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/string.d                        |   34 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/traits.d                        |  318 ++-
 runtime/phobos/std/typecons.d                      |   81 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/uni.d                           |   50 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/utf.d                           |    7 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/variant.d                       |  167 +-
 runtime/phobos/std/zlib.d                          |   24 +-
 runtime/phobos/unittest.d                          |    3 +-
 runtime/profile-rt/DefineBuildProfileRT.cmake      |   16 +-
 runtime/profile-rt/profile-rt-50/InstrProfData.inc |   67 +-
 runtime/profile-rt/profile-rt-50/InstrProfiling.c  |    2 -
 .../profile-rt-50/InstrProfilingBuffer.c           |   17 +-
 .../profile-rt/profile-rt-50/InstrProfilingFile.c  |   50 +-
 .../profile-rt-50/InstrProfilingInternal.h         |   33 +-
 .../profile-rt-50/InstrProfilingNameVar.c          |   18 +
 .../profile-rt-50/InstrProfilingWriter.c           |   71 +-
 tests/codegen/attr_llvmFMF_contract.d              |   20 +
 tests/codegen/dcompute_cl_addrspaces.d             |   57 +
 tests/codegen/dcompute_cu_addrspaces.d             |   37 +
 tests/codegen/gh2131.d                             |   15 +
 tests/codegen/gh2161.d                             |  102 +
 tests/codegen/gh2163.d                             |    1 +
 tests/codegen/inlineIR_math.d                      |   10 +-
 tests/codegen/varargs.d                            |    7 +
 tests/codegen/vector_init.d                        |   20 +
 tests/d2/CMakeLists.txt                            |    4 +-
 tests/d2/dmd-testsuite/Makefile                    |    7 +-
 tests/d2/dmd-testsuite/compilable/b11118.d         |   12 +
 tests/d2/dmd-testsuite/compilable/b16598.d         |   15 +
 tests/d2/dmd-testsuite/compilable/b16967.d         |   33 +
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc1.html              | 1196 +++++++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc10.html             | 1522 ++++++++--
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc10325.html          |  545 +++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc10334.html          | 1002 ++++++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc10366.html          |  613 +++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc10367.html          |  822 +++++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc10869.html          |  638 ++++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc10870.html          |  551 +++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc11.html             | 1100 +++++++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc11479.html          |  936 ++++++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc11511.html          |  667 ++++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc11823.html          |  526 +++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc12.html             |  660 ++++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc12706.html          |  518 +++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc12745.html          |  533 +++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc13.html             |  768 ++++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc13270.html          |  589 +++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc13645.html          |  485 +++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc14.html             | 1570 +++++++++--
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc14383.html          |  511 +++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc14778.html          |  935 ++++++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc15475.html          |  506 +++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc17169.html          |  521 ++++
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc198.html            |  692 ++++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc2.html              |  669 ++++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc2273.html           |  690 ++++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc3.html              |  680 ++++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc4.html              |  481 +++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc4162.html           |  580 +++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc5.html              |  605 +++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc5446.html           | 1019 ++++++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc6.html              |  518 +++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc648.html            | 1315 ++++++++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc6491.html           |  526 +++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc7.html              | 1196 +++++++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc7555.html           |  533 +++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc7656.html           |  601 +++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc7715.html           |  570 +++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc7795.html           |  551 +++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc8.html              |  526 +++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc8271.html           |  528 +++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc8739.html           |  605 +++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc9.html              |  707 ++++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc9037.html           |  554 +++-
 .../compilable/extra-files/ddoc9155.html           |  655 ++++-
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 ...link_bitcode_libs.d => link_bitcode_libs_500.d} |    5 +-
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 create mode 100644 runtime/druntime/test/exceptions/src/chain.d
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 create mode 100644 runtime/profile-rt/profile-rt-50/InstrProfilingNameVar.c
 create mode 100644 tests/codegen/attr_llvmFMF_contract.d
 create mode 100644 tests/codegen/dcompute_cl_addrspaces.d
 create mode 100644 tests/codegen/dcompute_cu_addrspaces.d
 create mode 100644 tests/codegen/gh2131.d
 create mode 100644 tests/codegen/gh2161.d
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 create mode 100644 tests/codegen/varargs.d
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Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-d/ldc.git

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