[Pkg-d-devel] Process for adding dinotify and unit-threaded

Russel Winder russel at winder.org.uk
Sat Nov 25 18:36:25 UTC 2017


> I can help with that :-) If you are using Meson, there isn't much you
> can do wrong. SCons is a bit trickier, but also not hard at all (I do
> hope that that D bug gets fixed to make unit-threaded also work with
> Meson).

Meson is a very interesting merge of ideas from SCons and CMake, but it
has some serious annoyances, e.g. no unity build for D. I still use
SCons a lot, but there is apparently a lot of negativity about it as a
build system within Debian packaging.

> Do you have any (Debian) packaging experience?

Creating packages, some, a long time ago. Being involved in the Debian
process, none – other than bug reporter.

> Looking at the packaging for gir-to-d might be a good starting point,
> because it's pretty simple:
> https://anonscm.debian.org/git/pkg-d/gir-to-d.git/tree/debian

I'll try building an equivalent for dinotify since it is a single
module system.

> That's not an issue. Becoming DM would obviously be the goal here,
> because that grants you the ability to upload a selected amount of
> packages. However meanwhile I can sponsor changes for you (which
> means
> you would check in changes in Git, ping me when you want an upload to
> happen and then I take a look at the changes and upload the package).

I doubt I will be able to be at a key signing session to collect enough
signatures. But I am happy to do stuff that then gets reviewed and
either passed on or passed back.

> Well, we will always have our own infrastructure, Gitlab means the
> software here, not the service provided by the Gitlab company. Using
> Gitlab was ultimately a decision made by our sysadmins.

OK, that makes a lot of sense. I should have twigged to the "not a
public instance". Hopefully the freedesktop people do something similar
so the GStreamer workflow can enter the modern era.

> Yes, having DMD would actually be possible now in Debian. I assume a
> DMD package will be more advanced though and not as straightforward
> as
> a packaging a library.
> Also, there is the question of which compiler we use by default for D
> packages in Debian. At the moment that is LDC, and at some point
> might
> be GDC even (depends on how it evolves). Reason for that is that we
> do
> want the optimizations LDC/GDC provide over DMD, and since we have
> plenty of build power, buildtimes don't matter at all.
> We still should have DMD in the archive though - we'd just need
> someone to maintain the package ;-)

The general "prejudice" seems to be: DMD is the reference
implementation is a fast compiler but generates not the best generated
code; LDC has a recent D front end, the LLVM backend produces good code
but is slow; GDC is part of the GCC suite so generates good code but
the front end is not as recent a D front end as LDC. I'd say LDC is the
right compiler for packaging, at least just now.

> It looks like the new infrastructure on salsa.debian.org isn't ready
> yet, so we can use the existing infrastructure for now. Just create
> an
> account at https://alioth.debian.org/ and request to be added to the
> D
> team: https://alioth.debian.org/projects/pkg-d/ (there should be a
> button for that somewhere).

Done and done.

> That is a prerequisite to give you access to the D-team Git
> repository
> at https://anonscm.debian.org/git/pkg-d/
> How to build packages with git-buildpackage might also be interesting
> to you (https://wiki.debian.org/PackagingWithGit has a bit of
> information, but there are a lot of different styles on how to layout
> the Git repository, so don't get confused by that).

I'll check these out.

Dr Russel Winder      t: +44 20 7585 2200
41 Buckmaster Road    m: +44 7770 465 077
London SW11 1EN, UK   w: www.russel.org.uk
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