[Pkg-db-devel] Re: (MIPS|amd64)/gcc-assembly mutexes [#11575]

Clint Adams schizo@debian.org
Wed, 8 Dec 2004 15:33:50 -0500

> Note that it says it's using x86 (and not x86_64).  It seems the
> original db4.3 sources already had:
> #if (defined(i386) || defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)) && defined(__GNUC__)
> For the i386 code, which also works on x86_64, it really does the
> same anyway.  You might want to remove the
> "|| defined(__x86_64__)" part.

What does using RAX instead of EAX gain us?  I'm just curious.

Should the x86 code get the "volatile"'s too?